The Scrumptious Woman
Welcome to The Scrumptious Woman with Juliette Karaman—a sanctuary dedicated to exploring and nurturing the most vital relationship in life: the relationship with yourself. Here, we prioritise creating a safe and supportive space where you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.
Juliette is your compassionate guide, leading conversations that gently yet powerfully delve into relationships, intimacy, body confidence, and emotional well-being. With a focus on safety and trust, each episode addresses deeply ingrained beliefs and unspoken fears, offering tools to foster self-love, awareness, and profound transformation.
Drawing from over five decades of lived experience and expertise, Juliette shares her treasured "Juliette Jewels"—a collection of practices rooted in somatic healing, safety, and authenticity. Together, we navigate the intricacies of human connection, helping you feel seen, accepted, and valued.
This podcast is an invitation to rediscover your inner safety and joy as we explore topics like body shame, the balance of feminine and masculine energies, and the path to authentic, thriving relationships. Let’s embark on this nurturing journey together, one step closer to a more secure and scrumptious life.
The Scrumptious Woman
S2 03 Honouring Soul Callings: Redefining Identity and Purpose in Midlife with Katie Phillips
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Join Juliette and Katie as they dive into an honest, heartfelt conversation about navigating life transitions, honouring soul callings, and redefining identity in midlife. From the challenges of letting go to the joy of rediscovering purpose, this episode is filled with wisdom, vulnerability, and a touch of humor.
Episode Summary
Juliette welcomes Katie Phillips, a relationship coach turned soulful explorer, for a powerful dialogue on slowing down, listening to whispers of the soul, and embracing the unknown. Katie shares her journey of stepping back from a thriving business to honor her inner calling, navigating perimenopause, and finding fulfillment in creating space for what’s next.
Together, they reflect on the universal struggle of identity shifts, particularly for women in midlife, and the importance of tuning into what truly lights you up. From closing beloved programs to envisioning new retreats, Katie offers inspiration for embracing transformation with courage and grace.
What You’ll Learn:
- How to recognise and honour soul callings (even when they’re scary).
- The liberating power of decluttering your life, both physically and energetically.
- Katie’s journey of closing her membership program and creating space for new opportunities.
- The magic of liminal spaces and trusting the divine timing of what’s next.
- How midlife offers a chance to redefine yourself with self-love and authenticity.
Connect with Katie Phillips:
- Website: Daring and Mighty
- Instagram: @katiephillipswithlove
- Book: The Self-Love Affair: A Woman’s Guide to a Daring and Mighty Life AMAZON USA > https://a.co/d/9llNZhn
AMAZON UK > https://amzn.eu/d/hQCqCh0
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- Find out more about Juliette Karaman here: https://feelfullyyou.com
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[00:00:00] Juliette Karaman: Welcome, everyone, to another episode of the Scrumptious Woman podcast. And with me, I have the beautiful Katie Phyllis. We met about four years ago. We were both very much into relationship coaching and intimacy coaching, and it kind of feels like we've gone on a bit of a meander.
[00:00:22] Katie Phillips: Yes, I would agree with that.
[00:00:23] Katie Phillips: I would agree with that. Thank you for having me. Love a meander.
[00:00:28] Juliette Karaman: Yeah. Right, and that's just what it feels like. I was going to say, okay, you're a relationship coach, you're a mentor, and it kind of feels like that has changed. You've had some massive changes in the last four years as well. Why don't you just take us through it?
[00:00:44] Juliette Karaman: And what do you call yourself these days? Does it even matter?
[00:00:48] Katie Phillips: Do you know, I am astounded at how relaxed I feel right now to be able to say to you, I don't really have the answer and is a reflection of the journey that I've been on. Yes, when we met, I was actually predominantly coaching midlife single women and That has been a beautiful journey with some beautiful results and what a pleasure to work with those women and have them call in what at the time was their deepest desire which was to be in a healthy intimate relationship and heal their patterning so that they could be the vibrational match of that sort of next level relationship.
[00:01:30] Katie Phillips: That's been beautiful and I was doing that work because That was my journey. I was 42 or 43 when I met James and we went on to be married. And it was when, I mean, I've been coaching for over 10 years at that point. And it was when I met James and was in that relationship that I realized that I now could really help women who had been me.
[00:01:56] Katie Phillips: And that's my career all the way through as a coach. You know, when I first started coaching, my personal journey was having to know and love myself. I got into coaching because of my own need to know and love myself and to go on that path. And when I realized the power of knowing yourself and the power of self love and how transformational that was, and I witnessed how my life evolved just I mean, it's hard to put into words how it changed.
[00:02:25] Katie Phillips: That's when I became a coach, and I was kind of helping all people. And then it was women with self love, and then I met James, and it moved into single women specifically. And then my life has taken another change, and James's work brought us to America, so I'm actually Australian. I was in the UK for 25 years and his work, there was an invitation for us to move to the States and we grabbed it with both hands because we were so ready for an adventure.
[00:02:55] Katie Phillips: And as timing would have it, and I don't believe there's any coincidences, everything is, we're on this magical mystery tour, right? And I feel like the divine knows, and our job is to listen to the whispers of the design, the whispers of our soul. And. When we received this opportunity to move to the States, something in me at exactly the same time said, it's time to stop with what I was doing.
[00:03:25] Katie Phillips: And I was at the peak at that point. Right. I was at the peak, but also, you know, I was several years into my perimenopause journey and my body was actually saying, Enough is enough. And I think we have to listen to our bodies. And there was just something in me. I just didn't have it in me to launch another program.
[00:03:47] Katie Phillips: So I, you know, I was launching like five times a year. So it was like launch, deliver, launch, deliver back to back for several years. And yes, it was very successful. And I got to work with a lot of incredible women and lives were changed. And. My soul just went, stop. And it was terrifying. Yes. And then I could have it make sense because we were moving country and I had to then go into, I mean, moving country became my full time job.
[00:04:18] Katie Phillips: I was still running my business behind the scenes. And I was, you know, sorting out our dog and our cat and my son and schooling and finding a house and, and all the things. And then I got here, and everything kind of eased off, and we're living in America now, and we've been here for over a year now, and things are, like, easy.
[00:04:46] Katie Phillips: And my soul just went, stop even more with the business. Oh, isn't that excruciating? Stop even more. And so, so the journey of that is You know, I realized how my identity was totally tied up in being a therapeutic coach. My online presence was, you know, like somehow there was a part of me that felt like she was disappearing if I wasn't showing up in the identity that I'd known for all of these years.
[00:05:16] Katie Phillips: And it was excruciating, to use your words, terrifying, and liberating, and so self honoring. And now I find myself in a space of, I don't know, I don't know exactly, I mean, I've got inklings and there's some really beautiful vision coming in for my husband and I and what's next. But being in that liminal space, or the void as I like to call it, for many months has been , like next level knowing myself and redefining myself and not having to come to a definition.
[00:06:01] Juliette Karaman: I love that you were speaking to this because so many of us. that do have an online presence. Yeah. Let's be honest. We do get some approval. We do get a little, you know, a little hit, a little endorphin hit.
[00:06:15] Juliette Karaman: It's like, Oh, someone's liked my post or someone's they're enjoying this. Oh, should I do more of it? And it's like, how much is actually what's coming through me and actually how much is, we're on the treadmill. Right? And it doesn't matter if you're a coach, if you're a service provider, if you're a mom at home, we all have this.
[00:06:36] Juliette Karaman: And then what you talked about is slowing down enough to hear them. Because if you don't hear them, then They'll come back and bite you in the ass and they'll start screaming really loudly. Right? And I had this one. I didn't listen. I spent nine months in and out of hospital because I fainted. Right? So that was, for me, it was a few years back, but it was also, you know, 40s leading up to 50.
[00:07:05] Juliette Karaman: So I so get it that and just your whole journey here and how you describe it to take. To not be afraid to take that step back, but to really give yourself that space, because we all think, oh, you know, time, we can take a month off, two months, three months, six months, we'll be fine again. But then time is just that whole construct of the mind, and that's the only thing that we do have, and yet never have enough of.
[00:07:34] Katie Phillips: Yeah, totally. And for me, it's been a slow stripping back. It's, I didn't, Get the calling to stop. When I had the calling to stop, that was January. 2023. And I'll never forget it actually because I was, I think it was New Year's Day and I was in the car driving with James and I was actually scared to say the words out loud to him because he has that very big masculine energy and he's very driven, he's very project focused, he's always on to the next thing.
[00:08:08] Katie Phillips: And I was sat in the car and I said darling, I I don't know what to do next. I know we're moving to America. I know that's a focus, but with the business, I have this deep calling to stop. And he just looked at me. And he said, so stop. And I burst into tears because it was a, it was permission. You know, it was like, so you can like, the world's not going to end.
[00:08:32] Katie Phillips: He's like, you know what to do. You'll manage it. You've got savings. You've got, you know, yada, yada. But then the permission piece allowed me to slowly strip back. And so we're, you know, we're nearly two years on from that moment. And only last week did it occur to me that it was time to close down my membership.
[00:08:51] Katie Phillips: I've had the Love Lounge for five years and the Love Lounge was, that was a calling. And I love speaking to this and listening to the callings and the whispers because in December 2019, I had this calling to create a membership. And you could argue, oh, well, that's when everyone was creating memberships.
[00:09:14] Katie Phillips: Like, of course you jump on the bandwagon. That's not how I've ever, yeah, I've never done business like that. Like it just felt for me, I have to create this container. And little did we know it started in January, 2020, then COVID hit. And it became this beautiful space to move. I mean, 150 women went through that membership and.
[00:09:39] Katie Phillips: We moved through COVID and when then we were post pandemic and, you know, it was a little love bubble. And just last week I had the deep calling, it's time to close it down. And so the email went out on the weekend and it's now, we've got a month left and we're going to close it down and I don't know what's next, you know, I don't, I mean, business coaches I've had in the past would say, you need to know what you're offering next.
[00:10:10] Katie Phillips: You don't end something without knowing what's next, but no. Intention,
[00:10:16] Juliette Karaman: and set your intention for this. Yeah. What are you going to achieve? And I'm like, come on. Yeah. My feminine part at the moment. And I'm also really, so I'm hearing you. Beautifully. I had a call about probably three months ago to close all my Facebook groups.
[00:10:36] Juliette Karaman: I did. And I was like, ruthless about it. There weren't a lot of membership. There were free, a lot of free groups. And I just closed them down. I gave them one week. So that's it. Download everything you want. You've got a week and that's it. How
[00:10:50] Katie Phillips: did you
[00:10:50] Juliette Karaman: feel making the decision? And how did you feel afterwards?
[00:10:54] Juliette Karaman: I felt so liberated. I hadn't quite realized. It's a little it's a massive energy beat, right? So we all know this, but it's a little bit for listeners that might not know this. It's a bit like if you have a walk in closet or wardrobe. Depending on which side of the world you live because you have walk closets.
[00:11:13] Juliette Karaman: In America, we have walking closet. I have a room that I converted into a walk-in closet, but most people just have whatever little cover. But if there's stuff all over the place, you can't quite find things because you have clothes in there that don't fit you, that aren't due anymore and anywhere in the house, right.
[00:11:33] Juliette Karaman: If that clutter is actually cluttering up your energy, it's siphoning off energy. So, I just thought of friends on Facebook, people on my email list, and all my Facebook groups. I closed them all. And afterwards it was like I was ten kilos lighter. I'm like, oh my god, this is great. And all the new ideas started popping in.
[00:11:58] Juliette Karaman: And that's the point where I started being really curious. I'm like, oh, is this really a whisper? Or is this still me wanting to step back into that identity of doing, and of performing, and of, you know, Being in service.
[00:12:13] Katie Phillips: Yeah, totally. And I'm still, so I only made the decision to close the membership on Friday.
[00:12:20] Katie Phillips: The email went out Sunday. It's now Tuesday. So, I mean, it's been very fast. It's funny how I just, I feel like energy is moving really fast at the moment. It wasn't. Like it was a very considered decision and I've been through the duality of all the emotion around it, you know, fear and courage and, you know, all the things, grief, excitement.
[00:12:42] Katie Phillips: And it has been a grieving process because I've, you know, I've been with these women for a number of years and we've gone through a lot of life together. And now I'm in the sometimes anxious of, Oh my goodness, that was literally the last structure of my business. I mean, if I go onto my website now there's not a lot there.
[00:13:03] Katie Phillips: And that's, you know, after 15 years of building it, to slowly, systematically shut it down piece by piece, and the last remaining pieces, I know it's not going to be long before they go too. And then what's left, then who is Katie Phillips? It's a weird space to be in. And yet in my gut and my human design as a generator, and I'm a sacral, I get the sacral knowing that's how I make my decisions.
[00:13:32] Katie Phillips: And I've come to know that over the years and I can feel it in my sacral chakra. I know that this is the right thing to do. I know it's right for all of my clients. I know it's right for me. And then there's this kind of. tug, this push pull between, I guess, soul and ego or soul and human self of my soul saying, trust me, we got this.
[00:13:56] Katie Phillips: Because remember all the other times we had the calling, because I've got lots of examples, and then, and we leapt, and we, our brain, our human self. was slightly terrified and didn't know why the hell you were doing that. And then we landed somewhere, not necessarily better, but it was, my soul wants to evolve.
[00:14:15] Katie Phillips: So it was, it's the next, it's the next thing and that's okay. But yeah, my human self is slightly freaking out.
[00:14:24] Juliette Karaman: And I love that you're speaking about this because our soul does come into this body, into this lifetime, with wanting an experience, right? So today I heard some really devastating news that one of the Palestinian ladies that we've sponsored, my ex husband and I sponsored, but a few students in Lebanon Palestinian students in Lebanon to go through university, go through high school and university, and one of them died in a bomb attack yesterday.
[00:15:00] Juliette Karaman: And, you know, of course I could get really angry at Israel for dropping bombs on them, Hezbollah for this, for that, and it has no use, right? I was meant to be speaking on the summit today and it was promptiousness and bringing in centrality in your business and in your life. And I was like,
[00:15:21] Juliette Karaman: that's really not what I want to be talking about. So instead of because first reaction was like, yeah, I'm out of here. I'm not doing anything. I'm taking care of myself. And I was like, no, you know what, this is actually where I can take all these life lessons, you know, my soul obviously wanted to experience this.
[00:15:40] Juliette Karaman: Her soul somehow came to this world, wanting to bring, you know, something to this world that people can come back to a place of love again, perhaps, you know. So for me it was like, okay, I'm actually going to speak on this summit. I'm going to take people through a grief duality process that I've been I've had a lot of grief in my life, so I've taken lots of people through.
[00:16:03] Juliette Karaman: I've, this weekend, I helped someone pass over again. So it's been one of the more beautiful things in my life, being a death doula. And it was a 30 minute segment, and I took them through. an experience and also today is election, you know, when the whole election in the states, so there are lots of people with grief and with fear and everything coming up and it's just like, okay, this is what my soul is.
[00:16:29] Juliette Karaman: Wanted to come in here to actually surpass all the stuff that's going on, all the hatred, all the fear, anything, and just recognizing where can we get to that emotion, where can we get back into a place of love, so that we realize that, you know, none of us are different, and we can, we all experience the same emotions, we all have reddish brown blood, that we all have tears that we shed, and once we can come back to that common humanity.
[00:17:01] Juliette Karaman: I think that's what we're seeing in the world, that changes the whole world.
[00:17:08] Katie Phillips: Universe. Yeah. And I love that you spoke to that because that is your gift and for you, sharing your gifts is a scrumptious life. Like for me, taking leaps of faith and listening to your soul and you know, all that we've been speaking about, listening to those whispers, for me, that's a daring and mighty life.
[00:17:30] Katie Phillips: That's my language. That's the byline of my book, you know, it's, For you, it's a scrumptious life. For me, it's daring and mighty, and you're living the truth of that, and yeah, your message shifted to what you were gonna share, but I love that you were honest in the moment with what was really alive for you, because that energy gets
[00:17:52] Juliette Karaman: felt, right?
[00:17:53] Juliette Karaman: Completely. And it also just, yeah, we lead ourselves so that others have that example, and they're like, oh! We can actually all show up, even with snot flying out of our nose and crying and tears and laughter and everything. But it's like, we show up authentically as ours. And people, it gives people permission to also show up like that.
[00:18:19] Juliette Karaman: Not to have to like, Tucked down behind a wall. Totally. Yeah, totally. I love that.
[00:18:28] Katie Phillips: I love that. Yeah. You know, when I sent out the email to my members and I've had these, I've had just the most beautiful outpouring of love. Yes. And a common theme is, I had a feeling I had a feeling. And it's interesting to me because I, that is just proof that even though I hadn't consciously made the decision to close it down and there was no difference in my delivery and what they were receiving.
[00:18:59] Katie Phillips: And I know hands on heart, and I'm very proud of this. I had never shown up to. A coaching call or a workshop or a Q and A session or whatever it a breathwork healing, whatever it is that I was delivering without 100 percent being like I'm present. You're getting all of me. I'm here. Like, and I, if I couldn't, I wouldn't, I'd have canceled a call.
[00:19:21] Katie Phillips: So, so for them to say, I had an inkling. I thought, gosh, that's so interesting, isn't it? That they felt the energy of it. Before I even said anything, maybe even, well, absolutely, before I even knew it was coming, that's the power of Energy. So always being in alignment with that, because if I'd ignored it and being, again, being a generator, I'd go, let's just plan 2025.
[00:19:48] Katie Phillips: Let's get on this. Let's keep doing what we've been doing. Rocking and rolling. Like I'm good like that. I make things happen. Goodness. Wouldn't I have felt it and they'd have felt it even more. And then it wouldn't have ended up in a good place. Good energy turns to bad energy and misalignment is felt.
[00:20:06] Katie Phillips: So yeah, it's
[00:20:07] Juliette Karaman: a thing. And it's really beautiful being able to pivot like that, having your members, yeah, like, like also leaving at the peak, right? It's like, okay, this has now run its course, it's beautiful, let's close it up with love, and off we go, and a free fall, not quite sure where we're falling, what's going to catch us, but trusting that the next idea or the next thing is going to come through and you're actually going to be able Put it out of the energy, out of the quantum.
[00:20:40] Juliette Karaman: It's like, okay, that one's for me. Yeah,
[00:20:43] Katie Phillips: but I actually, I love what you're saying and I would even add, but we don't even have to pull it out. Like, I really believe it's given to us, right? We just have to receive it. It's like, and I think you mentioned it earlier, unless we create the space. What's meant to come in next can't come in next,
[00:21:05] Juliette Karaman: you know?
[00:21:06] Juliette Karaman: And I love this because this is what I talk about a lot as well, it's like, actually having those receiving codes, right? We all have codes that we can all receive. This is why I started this podcast, because I know I have certain voice codes that I can People like to soak up and they're getting something out of it.
[00:21:25] Juliette Karaman: You of your Kapo of KT had the same thing where people were just like receiving your transmission and learning something about it and actually embodying those codes in them. But I also believe it's like things are given to you and if you're not, if you're so busy keeping busy and doing other things, you can't receive it.
[00:21:48] Juliette Karaman: So, It's it's like water that gets poured into a full glass, it just keeps overflowing. So it goes to the next person, whoever might be available for that. It's like, oh, I mean, how often have you come up with an idea and then a few months later you either see it online or you drive past a shop and you're like, but that's what I was going to do.
[00:22:13] Katie Phillips: Yeah. Oh yeah. It's a thing. It's a thing. May I share one of my most favorite examples of when Absolutely. Because this one still blows me away. This piece of like listening to the soul's calling. So, and I want to show this example because you are a death dueler and you've done, you've just done so much in that space and you have a deep understanding of it.
[00:22:36] Katie Phillips: So I think you'll understand what I'm going to share. For many years, I had this calling to be a funeral celebrant. And I was like, no, thanks. And year by year went on and suddenly it was, I don't know when this year, when it was 2019, maybe 20, a few years back. And the calling was so strong.
[00:23:04] Katie Phillips: I mean, it was literally like someone was knocking on my head constantly with this idea. You should go train to be a funeral celebrant. Oh my goodness. So then I thought, okay, well. There's something in this. I'll do a little research. The piece is I was researching where to get the training and who, and I had to feel into what felt deeply authentic and really yummy and scrumptious and Anyway, very quickly this woman came into my world who had Years of experience training people to be funeral celebrants and wedding celebrants.
[00:23:40] Katie Phillips: And so I signed up to her accreditation and I had a three hour drive for a three day in person training and I was on this three hour drive the entire way. I was thinking, what the hell am I doing? What am I doing? I don't want to be a funeral celebrant, but I followed the calling and day one on the training.
[00:24:03] Katie Phillips: She asked everybody, why are you here? And everybody had these beautiful, inspirational stories. And I got up and said, I don't really want to be here. I feel like I'm meant to do this, but I don't know why. Then on day two, the training was. to familiarize you with all the different types of funerals that you could be facilitating.
[00:24:25] Katie Phillips: From newborn babies, to suicide, to natural old age death, to like all the different things and how to hold space for all of those different scenarios. And I found myself reflecting back on my mom's funeral. She took her own life when I was 22 and I had, I was the eldest daughter and as the only one that seemed to be capable at the time, I just seemed to step into the role of, I organized everything.
[00:24:57] Katie Phillips: And I was like, smiley hostess with the mostess at my mum's funeral. And I was actually behind the scenes, quietly, deeply traumatized by her sudden suicide. And I was reflecting on how nobody was holding me through the finding out that she died, through the entire process. No one held me through it, and there's no blame on that, it's just the way that it was.
[00:25:25] Katie Phillips: And I was Holding a lot of grief that I never got to express of not having had a funeral celebrant, which I was training to be, I didn't have someone holding me through that and making decisions and guiding me. I was figuring it all out on my own and holding family and friends through it at the same time.
[00:25:44] Katie Phillips: And I was 22, you know, I like I hadn't lived yet. And so I received a deep healing. Of course, a healing I didn't know I needed, but when I had it voided, I realized I needed it. And I went on very quickly to facilitate my first funeral just three weeks later. And it happened to be a young brother and sister in their early 20s who'd lost their mum very suddenly, it was an aneurysm, so they were having the, it was the shock of sudden death.
[00:26:18] Katie Phillips: And what I was able to hold them through provided me with another level of healing. And I had people reach out. I still get people reach out asking me to facilitate funerals and I have never done one since. And I don't think I'll ever do another one because I feel in my soul I'm complete and did what I needed to do for me, for that family.
[00:26:44] Katie Phillips: And the contract is done. Do you know what I mean? It's okay. And I know that in my you know deep in my being. And I just think that's a phenomenally beautiful experience to have had, to trust the soul calling.
[00:27:01] Juliette Karaman: Yeah, the, yeah. What a beautiful cycle, right? The cycle. The closing of a circle. Yeah.
[00:27:07] Juliette Karaman: Yeah. And also to know that's done now. It's done. At one point, I got the hit to leave, you know, all these coaches and therapists I was training to help with trauma and it was like, no, get out now. I was like, why? This is great. I'm really enjoying this. I love up leveling others. I had the same hit with Not wanting to have a really deeply sexually traumatized woman anymore because, you know, that's the depth of level that I hold people.
[00:27:42] Juliette Karaman: And then someone came in and they were like, oh, tried to commit suicide twice, really deep very early sexual trauma. It's like, you know, my whole body is like, and my ego is just like, yeah, but I can help her. Yeah, and the ego's amazing,
[00:28:02] Katie Phillips: isn't it? Oh, okay. Yeah, no, the ego, because I know my ego went, oh, okay, well, if I'm meant to do this, then I'm meant to create a business out of this, so I go and do all the business cards and the flyers and I add it to my website and I, you know, do.
[00:28:17] Katie Phillips: And then I realized, oh my gosh. Not every thing we're called to do has to be, it doesn't have to be like an outcome or you don't have to create a business offering out of it, or you don't have to make money from it, or the very masculine approach. It was just, it was actually a feminine calling to heal, to facilitate somebody else's healing, and then we were complete.
[00:28:42] Katie Phillips: It was, you know, it's not always, the next thing isn't always. our purpose. It
[00:28:50] Juliette Karaman: could just be part of our own evolution. I love this. And all of it is our soul's evolution, right? And then we just see that the ego wants to hang on to like how much money, you know, I'm only successful if I've helped 5, 000 people or whatever it is, right?
[00:29:09] Juliette Karaman: Wow, I mean, I've had enough near death experiences to know, like, oh, at that point, you know, have I lived a good life, and have I given my children enough love, have I told people enough that I love them, like, I'm pretty complete, I can probably go now. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Identity work, isn't it incredible?
[00:29:33] Juliette Karaman: And of course, yeah, since we're both in our mid lives and I'm a little bit older than you so I'm going to put a pause now. It's a phase that women struggle with, because we lose that identity. We're a little bit older, we might not be looked at as much as when we were younger. Especially if you're good looking and, you know, your use of that attention all of a sudden is like, Oh, crowned up.
[00:29:54] Juliette Karaman: Not sure if I like that, but I can get used to it.
[00:29:58] Katie Phillips: Oh my gosh, it's a whole other level of self acceptance, isn't it? Yeah, that's something I've been moving through very powerfully. It's since I was, I mean, my perimenopause began when I was 42, 43. So, and I'm still in it. Yeah,
[00:30:15] Juliette Karaman: still in it. Oh, that's it, right?
[00:30:18] Juliette Karaman: And we also then, we because we call it menopause and perimenopause, and that is also, We think about all of that is like interference and keeping it stuck like that. Well, yeah, it's because of menopause that you're tired or because you have creaky own bones because of that. It's like little boxes that we can put ourselves in.
[00:30:35] Juliette Karaman: Instead of just like, does aging have to mean that we're getting old and we're not working as well? Yes.
[00:30:43] Katie Phillips: Yeah, I, almost I heard the other day, instead of calling it aging, yeah, it was called living. I'm just living. I'm not aging. I'm living more. I'm living longer. I'm still living.
[00:30:57] Juliette Karaman: Completely.
[00:30:58] Juliette Karaman: Yeah. I have loved this and I love the little meander where we're going. So you're in a place of liminal space, not, things are coming in and you're not quite sure. Now I know that you've written a book and you've re, you've republished that? It's, well, it'll
[00:31:17] Katie Phillips: be republished in, at the beginning of next year, 2025.
[00:31:21] Katie Phillips: So hopefully January. So that will be the 10 year anniversary edition of The Self Love Affair, A Woman's Guide to a Daring and Mighty Life. And actually, so the liminal space, so this space that I have created, has actually allowed, pulling back from launching and delivering group programs and all the things I was doing, has allowed me to finally update my book.
[00:31:47] Katie Phillips: And it's interesting, again, to notice, when I first felt to update the book, my humanness. Was, oh, you must launch it in America. It's a new audience. And as I've allowed the liminal space more and more, I've realized actually I'm updating the book. I dunno that there'll be a big launch. I'm ac I'm doing it for me.
[00:32:11] Katie Phillips: It feels like a completion for me to bring that up to date, particularly the inner child work in there. That's just been such a huge body of work the last decade that it had to be updated in the book. And there's various pieces in there that just felt a little juvenile and I've matured a lot. So I, for me to feel proud of it, I wanted to Yeah, to bring it to, to grow it up a little there's another book brewing, pretty sure that will happen, but again, it will be, it's, you know, there'll be a gestation to that.
[00:32:46] Katie Phillips: I'm not going to push it. And what's been really interesting with this, like really allowing myself to sit in this liminal space and not push any agenda at all. What's been coming to me. So I was very lucky to run two weeks ago, actually, I ran a beautiful retreat for a group of women aged from 43 to 75.
[00:33:10] Katie Phillips: Oh, my goodness. They came to me, they asked me to host a very particular retreat that was very focused on the deep inner work and very much honoring all of the women that they had been throughout various phases of their lives. And then the women that they. Want to step into going forward. And particularly for the women who are in their seventies, you know, they're very aware that this is the time.
[00:33:35] Katie Phillips: Like if they're ever going to do it, now's the time they want to complete their lives, knowing they've healed wounds. They've had those clearing conversations. They aren't being led by fear and this really powerfully stepping into what they really want to do next and accepting. All that comes with living longer, the aches and the pains and the loss of husbands and all the things that they're all grappling with.
[00:34:01] Katie Phillips: And it was so beautiful and I love running retreats so much that I have a feeling that will be a big part of my offering going forward. So we'll see. And my husband and I have a dream and we are addicted to watching any show about anybody that's moved from the city to the country and are growing their own.
[00:34:18] Katie Phillips: Ooh. So yeah we'll we're gonna set up a retreat space in Australia. That's a definite, we dunno exactly when, but in the next five years, that will be up and running for sure. So,
[00:34:28] Juliette Karaman: super cool. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it sounds like there are quite a few things coming through. They really are coming through,
[00:34:37] Katie Phillips: but it just feels, it feels easy.
[00:34:41] Katie Phillips: It feels slow, which is a, for me, that is a real pleasure to embrace just allowing it to come in slowly, allowing it to evolve slowly, not pushing any agenda and just being, allowing the divine to show me. What's next? In fact, a local retreat space has asked me to collaborate with them on running some retreats.
[00:35:04] Katie Phillips: Again, that's just come in. So it's, there's like little whispers from the divine saying, maybe retreats, maybe the in person work is a little more aligned with you now than being on screens. Cause to speak to where I'm at with my age, now that I'm 50 I, like, I can't look at the screen in the same, I just can't.
[00:35:25] Katie Phillips: I can't look at it constantly and be online constantly like I was in my 40s.
[00:35:30] Juliette Karaman: Yeah, I've come away from doing Zoom course as well and just I do VIP days, that's one of the things I love. Yeah. And to come over to someone, very compact, but get massive results in one day. But they get to feel
[00:35:48] Katie Phillips: you in a whole different way and that's where I feel like I'm heading too.
[00:35:53] Katie Phillips: I feel like my body, I mean, even now being here with you. on the screen. Apart from you, not in the same room as you, I can actually feel in my body that it's not juicy like it, like I want to be with people now. It's just, this is great because we, you know, but I can't do this all day every day.
[00:36:11] Katie Phillips: It's that does not fill me up. It makes me feel tired. It makes me feel a bit sick.
[00:36:16] Juliette Karaman: Beautiful. So if people want to get in touch with you, everything will be in the show notes is what's the website, where can they find you? Are you on Instagram and Facebook much, or where do you hang out? Well, at
[00:36:29] Katie Phillips: the moment my Instagram is Katie Phillips with love. Daring and mighty.com is a, is my site.
[00:36:40] Katie Phillips: I've also got the school of self love although there's not much on there at the moment. So, Perfect. Who knows what's happening there, but yeah, can. The book is called A Woman's Guide too, so it's the Self-love affair, A Woman's Guide to a Daring and Mighty Life. There you go. So, I'm excited.
[00:36:59] Katie Phillips: Coming soon.
[00:37:01] Juliette Karaman: Coming soon in January. This will air in January because I'm having a little break as well, so it will be perfect. Perfect. Alright, hello. This was wonderful having you. I am excited for your next chapter. Thank you, Sam, and I'm
[00:37:17] Katie Phillips: excited for you too.
[00:37:20] Juliette Karaman: Thank you. And as always, Please share this with your friends or family, whoever needs to have that little code that Katie or I transmit to you.