The Scrumptious Woman
Welcome to The Scrumptious Woman with Juliette Karaman—a sanctuary dedicated to exploring and nurturing the most vital relationship in life: the relationship with yourself. Here, we prioritise creating a safe and supportive space where you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.
Juliette is your compassionate guide, leading conversations that gently yet powerfully delve into relationships, intimacy, body confidence, and emotional well-being. With a focus on safety and trust, each episode addresses deeply ingrained beliefs and unspoken fears, offering tools to foster self-love, awareness, and profound transformation.
Drawing from over five decades of lived experience and expertise, Juliette shares her treasured "Juliette Jewels"—a collection of practices rooted in somatic healing, safety, and authenticity. Together, we navigate the intricacies of human connection, helping you feel seen, accepted, and valued.
This podcast is an invitation to rediscover your inner safety and joy as we explore topics like body shame, the balance of feminine and masculine energies, and the path to authentic, thriving relationships. Let’s embark on this nurturing journey together, one step closer to a more secure and scrumptious life.
The Scrumptious Woman
S2 01 Unlocking Your Sacred Wealth Code: Aligning Purpose with Prosperity Through Vedic Astrology
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Hi, I’m Juliette Karaman, and welcome to The Scrumptious Woman! Today, I’m thrilled to have Prema Gurreri, a Vedic astrology expert and creator of the "Sacred Wealth Code." She’s here to share how understanding your unique “wealth code” can unlock your highest gifts and align you with prosperity and purpose. Let’s dive into this enlightening conversation on aligning with our essence and taking steps toward a purpose-filled life.
Episode Summary
In this insightful episode, Juliette sits down with Vedic astrologer Prema Gurreri to explore the Sacred Wealth Code, a unique blueprint each person holds that connects purpose and prosperity. Prema explains how understanding these "wealth codes" helps us unlock our unique gifts and create lives aligned with personal purpose and fulfilment. She also touches on the deeper layers of self-trust and explains how taking “inspired actions” can open pathways to success beyond external expectations. Through stories and practical exercises, listeners are guided in grounding themselves, trusting their inner wisdom, and tuning into their personal values to live authentically.
Prema leads a heart-centred process that helps listeners quiet their minds, connect with their intuition, and discover small, inspired actions to support them in moving forward. The episode closes with tips on using Prema’s book and resources for further guidance in understanding and applying the Sacred Wealth Code to life’s daily challenges.
Key Takeaways
- Discovering Your Wealth Code: Identifying your unique “wealth code” helps align your actions with your soul’s purpose, allowing for fulfilment and abundance.
- Heart-Centred Wisdom: Prema shares how to quiet the mind and connect with the heart, making decisions that align with your deeper self.
- Developing Self-Trust: Building self-trust is essential to unlocking your unique gifts and creating a personal path to success.
- Daily Actions for Balance: Small practices like grounding, breathing, and connecting with nature support alignment and personal balance.
- Embracing Individual Paths: Success is unique to each of us; honouring that individuality leads to more authentic and fulfilling choices.
Closing Message and Call to Action (CTA)
Thank you for joining us! If you enjoyed Prema’s insights, please leave a review and share this episode with someone who might benefit. To dive deeper, check out her Sacred Wealth Code book, Oracle cards, and take the free wealth archetype quiz on her website Soulutionary. You can also follow her on YouTube for more teachings or connect with her directly at prema@sacredwealthcode.com for personal guidance on discovering your wealth blueprint. Much love, and keep unlocking your unique gifts!
- Find out more about Juliette Karaman here: https://feelfullyyou.com
- Follow Juliette on instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/juliettekaraman/
- Follow Juliette on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/juliette.karamanvanschaardenburg
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The Scrumptious Woman S2 001
[00:00:00] Juliette Karaman: Welcome to another episode of The Scrumptious Woman. And with me, I have the beautiful, scrumptious, delicious, incredible woman, Prema Gurreri. Welcome to The Scrumptious Woman. I'm so pleased to have you.
[00:00:16] Prema Gurreri: I'm thrilled to be here with you. So thank you so much for having me.
[00:00:19] Juliette Karaman: Oh, I met you on another mastermind and your energy, your frequency was like, Yes, I've got to have this woman on and let her talk about her, your area of expertise, astrology, and all the other beautiful ways that you bring it into creation, into this realm for your clients and for yourself.
[00:00:44] Prema Gurreri: Thank you. And I have to say, in, in joining that mastermind, there's always, everyone's beautiful and wonderful, but, immediately I resonated with your energy as well. So this is, it's been super awesome to get to know you. And this is a deeper dive into that, which I'm thrilled about.
[00:00:59] Juliette Karaman: I love it. And that's it, right? That's how this whole podcast just started. It's we all have these beautiful codes. We have, ah these knowings these transmissions that we can bring to the world. And I know that you are on a big quest and you have some beautiful information. So I'm going to let you just take it away.
[00:01:22] Prema Gurreri: I just feel like it'd be good for us just to dive into the deep end of the pool. And when you say codes and, part of the body of work that I have, one of the bodies of work I had is called your sacred wealth code. Something that's been brought up to me and I think might be useful because I'm just hearing that in the field right now is not everyone, Understands when we say code.
[00:01:42] Prema Gurreri: And so it's
[00:01:44] Juliette Karaman: a secret code. Is it like, you do some kind of like secret code to each other that, each other and that, you have the key for something.
[00:01:52] Prema Gurreri: Absolutely. And what I love about the word code is that it's. It's like a it's like a key actually, and I, or a symbology that has a whole lot behind it.
[00:02:04] Prema Gurreri: And when we know our own code, whether it's our sexuality, whether it's our purpose, whether it's our wealth, whether it's our relationship, when we know, and that's, to me, that's really all about. Knowing ourselves, and I have to say with the work, any of the work that I do, it's really all about you understanding this amazing vehicle of you, this divine spiritual being in this humanity, in this human experience, like, how well can we know ourselves if we understand our own codes, then we can walk less in the programming that's coming at us and more true to our own essence.
[00:02:42] Prema Gurreri: Our own essence, but that word code, I sometimes throws people a little bit, so just, I like to think of it as it's. in you that is like your wiring, your own wiring. That would be another way that I would say, I
[00:02:56] Juliette Karaman: love this because oftentimes we're crosswired, right? We'll have a thought and we'll have something and it's it doesn't quite wire up.
[00:03:03] Juliette Karaman: So this is our wire, our blueprint, our, code, the key to our instruction manual that's only this big, right? But once things come together, you're like, oh, that kind of clicks. And I know you do astrology and there's, of course, there's human design and all these other numerology and all these other different ways and different archetypes that we can, lenses that we can look at our lives and how we
[00:03:33] Prema Gurreri: are made up.
[00:03:35] Prema Gurreri: Yeah, absolutely. 'cause with the more we understand, so like with my Body of work, the Sacred Wealth Code, which I am a Vedic astrologer. Vedic astrology comes from the astrology of in of India. It is from the Vedas, some of the oldest spiritual texts. And the Vedas Vedic astrology is a very alive form of astrology.
[00:03:54] Prema Gurreri: It's this just. The short version yeah, we're talking about all this, Aries and Pisces and Virgo, all the same constellations, but we keep time a little bit differently in, and I think all systems have their value. So I will say that Vedic astrology to me is much more precise because it is.
[00:04:15] Prema Gurreri: Keeping time in a way with actually what's on an astronomy level, the evolution of our planet and where it is in the other planets. It also, we have another deeper aspect to it, which is if we were to lay what you would draw the houses up on the sky because they're not drawn up there. Okay.
[00:04:32] Prema Gurreri: On an astronomy level, but it's sections of the sky and Vedic astrology looks at a little different of where the beginning of the Zodiac is, Aries. And it's based on the fixed stars. So if we take that away, behind that is fixed stars that are not going anywhere. So they're not hurling through space. We're all hurling through space, but they're there.
[00:04:55] Prema Gurreri: And so the signs themselves are pinned to Those stars behind it. And so there's three different what we call nakshatras within a sign or bridging another sign. So there's a it brings a level of precision and uniqueness. Like for instance, you and I both have a moon that is in Aquarius, which makes us this great nurturer that's very humanitarian in a lot of ways.
[00:05:20] Prema Gurreri: This wasn't exactly in your sacred wealth code because it represents actually partner for you and we could go on to that, but there's another level of it that it is you and you are this humanitarian great nurturer. And you and I have it in a different nakshatra, even though it's in the same part of the sky.
[00:05:36] Prema Gurreri: There's another layer to it where there's this overall commonality. Like you say, everybody's a Virgo. Whatever. Yeah. All these people are Leo. The sun only moves every 30 days. So what really differentiates the rising side, the planet that rules the rising side, where that's placed in the heavens, what other planets that it's with, then it's the moon, which is your consciousness.
[00:05:55] Prema Gurreri: And where is that placed? And that starts a soul cycle, a planetary cycle that you run through, so there's a lot of different nuances to it. And I love that about Vedic astrology. So I'm going to pause for a minute cause I'm going to just want to be in a dissertation here. Yeah.
[00:06:12] Juliette Karaman: I just find it super interesting.
[00:06:14] Juliette Karaman: For me, astrology never landed. I've had my charts done, I've had things, and it's just it just goes through me. People are like, oh, one, what are you? I'm like Taurus, Gemini, I'm on the border, and I just never really paid that much attention. I'm like maybe it's just, It's, I'm not meant to retain it, so I just live my life,
[00:06:36] Prema Gurreri: but
[00:06:36] Juliette Karaman: I love it.
[00:06:38] Prema Gurreri: And what resonates, and I think that if you don't mind talking just a little bit about your chart is useful, just gives people a little bit of a glimpse in. I look at the chart as the soul blueprint, and this is just one piece of work that I do because it's, this is up in the upper chakras, this is the intuitive level, but then I'm taking a Spiritual science and using my intuition to, to read that spiritual science.
[00:07:02] Prema Gurreri: If you're on the video here who reads this? It's a whole language, in itself. And then and then it's coming down to the heart. And a lot of work that I do is about coming down and really helping people to tune in so they can get their own soul wisdom so they can follow their own inspired actions.
[00:07:18] Prema Gurreri: And so that they can really tune into their own truth. And essentially this is all about trusting yourself. That's essentially underneath everything else. And then when we get those soul directives, can we follow them? We come down to the third chakra and the third chakra is our ability to use our will and to make rightful choices for ourselves.
[00:07:35] Prema Gurreri: And this is where we're going to encounter in the lower chakra. And so then this is where I bring in the healing work and we do a lot of healing work. And I know you do a lot of healing work with your clients. And one of the beautiful things that you say that I just love is sometimes it's just holding that presence, so someone can move through something because we do know how to heal.
[00:07:54] Prema Gurreri: And sometimes we need to drop in the prompts to help them, maybe escort them through that doorway or that gateway as well. And then finally we're coming down. into this lower level of, humanity and groundedness and what's the inspired action. The soul told me to do this thing. And okay now I'm clear.
[00:08:10] Prema Gurreri: Now I can actually take those steps instead of bumbling around and just working with 3d strategy all the time and, or trying to take an intuitive hit and then move in strategy. But we've haven't trusted ourselves and we haven't gotten the deeper guidance on it and we haven't moved through the shit that's in our way in order to take those steps.
[00:08:28] Prema Gurreri: So to me I do read charts and I do readings and such. It's really about how do we actually work with the energy? How do we get out of our own way? And then how do we take that practical Action that's ours and ours uniquely to move our purpose out into the world. And the Sacred Wealth Code is all about the intersection of purpose and prosperity within someone's soul blueprint.
[00:08:52] Prema Gurreri: I love it. So it's all about
[00:08:55] Juliette Karaman: purpose and prosperity there, that cross section. And I loved what you said. It's aligned action for you. Which might be very different for me. It might be very different for my daughter and her twin sister. And this is the thing, right? We see we're both in this coaching and mentoring world.
[00:09:14] Juliette Karaman: And I see people saying, do my method. Yeah. Make your five calls a day and you will have your whatever. Yeah. amount of months that you want to have, about money that you want to have. And I just see where we get so, we get given this advice and we get given this advice and our bodies just respond in, in a freeze pattern because we're like, it's like the deer in the headlight.
[00:09:39] Juliette Karaman: It's I don't know what to do anymore. I'm not trusting my own intuition. So how did you come?
[00:09:47] Prema Gurreri: Yeah probably much like yourself, I was a super intuitive kid and, I wasn't walking around telling everybody their future, but I was very tapped in and plugged in enough to freak my mom out a lot of the time.
[00:09:59] Prema Gurreri: I also have a wiring that puts me pretty grounded here in the physical world. In fact, if I didn't have a strong Saturn I have, I probably wouldn't be here. But anyway, I'm here. So I was put early in life. In many situations that I had no business in, there really should have been adults around and I lived on my own very young.
[00:10:20] Prema Gurreri: And so I learned. To just trust, like there was nowhere outside to look, so the answer or the way to go or whatever would arise, but it came from the divine, it came through me, and that was terrifying. Until like it would land and then I would just, it's a door would open. Oh, you go over here now or whatever, say this to someone or whatever it might be.
[00:10:45] Prema Gurreri: And I've been in pretty scary situations, I've been held up at gunpoint. I've been, I've had my own sexual trauma. I've had the things and that, Inner voice kept leading the way which led me to really studying spirituality and trying, being a seeker and turning into a yogi. I used to have a yoga and healing arts center and very, very early in life and that path, I just learned early that, it was an inside out job, and does that make sense?
[00:11:16] Juliette Karaman: Completely. I love the inside out. Connectation, how to explain that, right? Because we look outside ourselves, but it's like, when we can start looking inside, that's where the answers are. And I know it sounds really banal and everyone's yeah, but everyone says that. But when you actually get that, when you, When that download drops, it's like, Oh,
[00:11:38] Prema Gurreri: yeah.
[00:11:39] Prema Gurreri: It's huge. So I eventually was a yoga teacher, I have four kids. I have two step kids and I have two biologicals all stacked up one year apart. And and I also have a, I had a yoga and healing arts center that I had, and it was a thriving center. And, I tell that story in my book, your sacred wealth code, but, after about five years in and divorce and yeah.
[00:11:58] Prema Gurreri: I realized I was, even though it was a six figure business, I was not taking a lot home myself. And it wasn't working. I wasn't thriving at the level I needed to be, the prosperity piece. And I couldn't quite figure it out because I was on purpose as far as I was concerned. But to come to find out what I.
[00:12:19] Prema Gurreri: Through the dissolution of that, I tried to save it in many ways, a partnership, all kinds of things, but eventually I kept hearing, let it go. And I thought that was like, I'm going to do more inner work. But no, I'm like six o'clock in the morning, unlocking the door to go teach a class. And I heard it and I got it took me to my knees.
[00:12:37] Prema Gurreri: No, you have to let this go. I had a beautiful building. I was training teachers. I had a whole system. I had a whole thing. And it was like, no, you need to let all of this go. And in that, there was a lot that happened. Huge surrender. And I really vowed to figure this out. Like I'm on my knees. So let me stay here until I figure this out.
[00:12:57] Prema Gurreri: Like, why, what did I miss here? And as I really dug into my chart and my astrology, and I really realized that I was working from what I now call some of the shadow side of my sacred wealth code. So your sacred wealth code in your soul blueprint, in your chart, like if I look at your chart, it's where your purpose and prosperity planets, they are.
[00:13:19] Prema Gurreri: They either intersect or together. And that's called Adana yoga. It's a scientific principle. There's Raja yoga mixed in here. I won't geek out on y'all too much, but what I did see was this is the inner or where they're placed. This is where we find our highest value gifts, not the gifts. Like you have a lot of divine gifts, but what are the ones that unlock something in the world that only you can unlock?
[00:13:41] Prema Gurreri: Those are your highest value gifts.
[00:13:43] Juliette Karaman: And that one I'm not going to
[00:13:45] Juliette Karaman: What do only you have? What are those gifts that will unlock something in the world, not just for yourself, but for all of humanity?
[00:13:55] Prema Gurreri: For all of humanity, and in turn with that, is where you will see prosperity. My definition and I stand for wealth because my definition of wealth is everything you need to fulfill your purpose.
[00:14:07] Prema Gurreri: I really extracted that and understood that through The Vedas through Vedic astrology because we have three purpose houses and they're all followed by three wealth houses. Wealth is acquisition and there's different levels of that. But what do I need to acquire to be who I've come here to be and do what I've come here to do?
[00:14:26] Prema Gurreri: And in that everyone is wired up differently. Again, your code is different. So I, my chart is actually wired up more around spiritual wealth and material wealth, although I've created a lot of material wealth. Because if I follow the path of spiritual wealth and let that lead me, and that's what I teach and give, that's just the way my chart is wired up, the material wealth will come.
[00:14:49] Prema Gurreri: I was in the shadow side, back to just backtrack for a moment, where the sacred wealth, where I really, this really landed for me, was Like, I have strong gifts in other areas. I'm a great administrator. I have a really strong Saturn. You all are really good at some things, like really good at some things, but do they light you up?
[00:15:08] Prema Gurreri: Do they cost you? Do they exhaust you? Are these things that like you were born with a PhD in, or are they're just good at and you were told you were good at that? And in that, being told that you're good at that that is Sometimes leads us off the path. In fact, like when kids, they're good at something and then either the parents may try to steer them narrowly only in that direction and not let them shift or change.
[00:15:35] Prema Gurreri: Or, tell them what they're good at because they want meaningful, meaningfully, they want them to succeed in the world. But we all have our innate gifts. We all have a PhD in things that we were born with. And when we use those highest value gifts, then we will find not only a great deal of, Fulfillment and satisfaction, but we will find wealth come to us and prosperity come to us in a way that's meaningful for us because it's not the same.
[00:15:59] Prema Gurreri: It's not a dollar amount. It's not the same for some people. It is having a large dollar amount. Their chart is very much around archa, around acquisition. For some people, it's maybe having a certain level of savings that gives them security, but they have the freedom. To be wherever they want to be.
[00:16:16] Prema Gurreri: Freedom is a huge code for me. I, and I, as a kid, that's travel, it's a huge one of my codes. So when you know what your wealth code is and what your gifts are, you can lean into those and you can actually start to enjoy life more because you're not trying to live. it by somebody else's prescription.
[00:16:37] Juliette Karaman: Yes, we don't have to live our lives by other people's prescriptions, standards. This is when I talk about sexuality and sensuality, I think you're way into pleasure. And after overcoming trauma, it's what were you taught about it? What did your parents say? What did the community? All of this.
[00:16:59] Juliette Karaman: And I love that you are really saying we all have our own gifts. And a lot of us, I've gone a bit fuzzy a lot of us can't actually see our own gifts. So that is why we look outside ourselves for approval, for recognition that we, what we are doing is right.
[00:17:20] Prema Gurreri: Yes, we can feel very empty. Absolutely.
[00:17:24] Prema Gurreri: And there's nothing wrong with having reflection of that. I enjoy that like in our mastermind, for instance, and in, in the end, you have to trust yourself. Even for me, when I'm working with someone, and I really have the sense, this is true for me. And even though we haven't done your work together, I do have the sense totally that this is true for you.
[00:17:44] Prema Gurreri: It's more important for me to help pull something through someone than absolutely give it to them. When we come down to that practical action, yeah I'm going to strategize with you and everything else, but I first want to know What is your soul calling you to? I'm more interested in being really good at being tuned in and giving you the right prompts and asking the right questions to open the right doors to have it come through or to help move energy so that it can.
[00:18:09] Prema Gurreri: Once we maybe have, talked about, what I see in your chart and, but ultimately, if we don't come to this place of really being able to bounce things off ourself. And again, it's not trusted people or mentor or whatever. That's great. But in the end if we don't, we're always going to, it's just dicey, we're looking outside of ourselves constantly and in the times we're living in there is so much coming at us that it's, I don't care how conscious you are, it can be really challenging.
[00:18:41] Prema Gurreri: So then there's the shadow side of your We're wealth code. And I'll also bring in the archetypes because there are these for all the, your sacred wealth code, the planetary combinations, there are archetypes that dropped in. And I was grateful when these archetypes dropped in, like this is the queen.
[00:18:55] Prema Gurreri: If you're on the video, if you're listening in, the queen is the empowered feminine leader. It depends on where your moon is in your chart. You've got a great sage, which is Jupiter and where Jupiter happens to be in the heavens. Each planet has three archetypes. When the archetypes dropped in, I could say The Queen and the Sage and everyone listening in had a story that opened up for them that was in their own soul language that they can understand and will shift and morph over time with your own conscious development, but there's also a shadow side and that shadow side with all of these different aspects in your wealth code in your, Archetypes that shadow side is where a lot of your gifts tend to be locked up.
[00:19:35] Prema Gurreri: So for instance, with the the moon, the great nurture, like we talked about with where our moons are, which the queen is also a moon's archetype. The over giver is on the other is on the shadow side. And this is a very feminine shadow anyway, because the nurturing aspect has not been yet.
[00:19:55] Prema Gurreri: Valued at the level that it is valuable. So we're still shifting that as a client. So that's
[00:20:05] Juliette Karaman: interesting. Okay.
[00:20:06] Prema Gurreri: Does that make sense?
[00:20:07] Juliette Karaman: Hey , I overgive so much that my body broke down for nine months, I fainted for nine months in hospital, in and out.
[00:20:13] Prema Gurreri: And we overgive from a, when people please from a place of looking for love in all the wrong places, actually wasn't very kind to anyone.
[00:20:20] Prema Gurreri: No. Because I know
[00:20:21] Juliette Karaman: what you
[00:20:23] Prema Gurreri: don't. People that were over giving to, they're just then conditioned to expect that as what's normal and to have it be normal to not reciprocate, there needs to be some kind of energetic, equal energy exchange, whatever that may be. The shadow side when we can see where we are in the shadow.
[00:20:43] Prema Gurreri: And actually start to get excited about that and lean into that and realize, Oh, there's so much energetic currency locked up here. That's why I'm not in touch with that gift. If there's a part of me that knows I have that, but I'm not really into, Oh, because there's so much locked up over here. And if we can put our armor on that part of ourself, just like it's that young three year old or five year old and find out what's really going on and what the ego pattern was that it really is.
[00:21:05] Prema Gurreri: Believed and reintegrate that release and reintegrate, we can grow those parts of ourselves back up and start to reclaim and step into some of these gifts that are either dormant or we've, we kind of tiptoe and we use, and then we see, oh, the world doesn't love me for that. Okay I'm gonna go back over here now.
[00:21:22] Prema Gurreri: And it becomes very freeing.
[00:21:24] Juliette Karaman: Yeah. And I love that. And that's where. Also loads of different ways that you can actually reclaim those parts of yourselves, right? And it's the beauty of our subconscious mind where it keeps things hidden from us so that we can't quite see it. But how can we integrate all those parts of ourselves, right?
[00:21:43] Prema Gurreri: I, there's a, It's like wherever we're frustrated with ourselves or feel like we're being held back or, Oh, I'm not making the money that I want to make. Or, Oh, I'm frustrated. I'm making so much money here, but I really don't love doing that. And I, I want to over here, Oh, I'm not getting the love I'm pouring into this and it's not coming, I'm not enjoying.
[00:22:03] Prema Gurreri: I'm not having pleasure. Okay. There's. There's some part of you that believes something different and we need to start to investigate and find out what that is. I give us some prescriptions around that in my book and for my clients I create a lot of processes that they can also walk themselves through because I think that we all need just, we need a tool bag because this is, it's like that sport curling where the ball goes.
[00:22:30] Prema Gurreri: And you sweep in front of it. If we just keep sweeping in front of it, then we can, we keep moving forward. And the more conscious you become, the more you wake up, it doesn't mean there's less to move out of the way. And it seems like it's never ending. Be more, it's like you become more sense, like it's the pee under the mattress kind of syndrome, but we realize that this is just part of I'm going to take a shower every day, or I'm going to take a bath every day.
[00:22:57] Prema Gurreri: Oh I'm just going to, I'm something's coming up. Okay. I'm not going to let this stop me forever. I realized, Oh, I'm waking up to a part of myself or a part of myself actually wants to wake up and come back home again. Let me see how I can embrace that and bring that home. And one of the simplest things you can do is put your hand on your heart, take some deep breaths, drop down into the heart, just let that mind just float all the way down to your heart and just ask , if I really tell myself the truth, that's the backdoor question to the soul in my world, , what is it that's holding me back?
[00:23:30] Prema Gurreri: What is it that wants to be released and then just what's one inspired action I could take today to let this go.
[00:23:38] Juliette Karaman: And that's it. It's one action. It's one action. It doesn't need to be ten. It can just be one and it doesn't need to be like, You need to go and out and call the people and five people and such.
[00:23:50] Juliette Karaman: It's maybe it's going outside and actually breathing and sticking your feet in the grass. And most people don't realize that, like our mentor says, the next business decision is a personal one. It's actually taking care of yourself so that you can be all of that. You can put all that energy into your business and then attract.
[00:24:12] Juliette Karaman: People,
[00:24:14] Prema Gurreri: the inspired action is I'm just, it takes such a strong stand for this and I work it into everything that I create from, I agree for my clients because we just need to take the next step. So if we will go out and put our feet in the grass, if that's what came through, or take the nap or something that just seems insignificant, it's like how is that gonna help me Exactly.
[00:24:36] Prema Gurreri: That's, and the how is that gonna help me? That's again, the mind and the ego coming in. So we have to. Realize that and just quiet that down. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, but we're just going to do this now, but then a whole other set of choices. will open up for us. And then what's the next inspired action?
[00:24:54] Prema Gurreri: Our culture really reinforces needing to know everything that's going to play out. But that's in conscious creation, that's taking a template of the past and laying it on the future so that we feel safe. same, but the problem is you don't want to create what you created. So this is not going to work very well.
[00:25:13] Prema Gurreri: So we have to do it differently. And that's the inside out way, whether we're creating a business. And I do that with my clients and our mastermind and it's the same thing. It's what is your wiring? And what is your next step? And it is a personal strategy, but Then every step we take opens up a new set of choices.
[00:25:31] Prema Gurreri: Like you're driving down the road. You could take a lot of different turns, but if you don't get in the car and get it rolling, there's no choices, right? If you need to know exactly and be at an exact destination, it's great to have MapQuest, right? But at the same time, you could drive 500 miles from one city to another with the headlight, one headlight, with, in the fog, at night.
[00:25:53] Prema Gurreri: If you went slow enough and you were present enough, You would be aware of what you need to do and where, but you'd have to be that present to do it. And if you take a so called wrong turn, that's usually leading you down somewhere that you might need to pick up a part of yourself, even though it's not a straight line to where you're going.
[00:26:11] Prema Gurreri: And it's life is a journey here, and if we stay present with that, sometimes. Some other choices are going to arise for us. So when you start to embrace taking one inspired action at a time, it actually becomes much more interesting and much more fun and juicier, but it takes back to that level of self trust.
[00:26:29] Prema Gurreri: We have to know ourselves enough. To trust ourselves to do that.
[00:26:33] Juliette Karaman: Completely. And I love this because I use the analogy like, Hansel and Gretel it's a little breadcrumb, right? You just keep, all you can see is the next breadcrumb. It's okay, I'm just going for that one. And that's what it feels like for me.
[00:26:47] Juliette Karaman: My journey has been like the last 20 years or so. I'm like, okay, I see the next breadcrumb. No freaking idea where I'm going, but this is apparently where I'm going. What would you say to our listeners? that trust, building of self trust, right? Quieting the mind, the questions, the, yeah the mistrust the intuition, the just, quieting that monkey mind where it just wants to know how what, and where it's no, how can you actually step into that intuition, into that deep self knowing?
[00:27:24] Prema Gurreri: Yeah, absolutely. Is it okay if I just do a little process? It'll take two minutes. Go for it. It'll be great. So if you're not driving, close your eyes. If you are driving, keep your hands on the wheel and keep your eyes open, but you can follow along. And then you can also listen later without when you can actually close your eyes.
[00:27:40] Prema Gurreri: So place a hand on your heart, close your eyes, and we're just going to do this in a very laser way. I'll energetic walk, energetically walk us down. So it's very quick, but let your breath drop into your belly. And we'll just take a couple of deep full breaths. Like, when's the last time you took a really deep full breath?
[00:27:59] Prema Gurreri: And just really let that all go on the exhalations. You're going to rest into your support. If you're sitting or standing, you didn't think like, oh, is this chair or the ground going to hold me? No, you're supported right now. You're always supported. And then breathe as if you're breathing in and out through your heart.
[00:28:15] Prema Gurreri: You're still breathing into your belly, but breathe as if you're breathing in and out through your heart. Your heart is your connection to the quantum. Your heart is the connection to your soul. It's a connecting connection to all possibilities. It's the connection to your truth as well. And you have a very brilliant mind.
[00:28:35] Prema Gurreri: But like most minds, it's very busy and it's not 100 percent trustable. That mind can tell you to do one thing and then slap you around for doing it in the next moment. So I'm going to take that mind, the tool that it is, it needs to follow the wisdom of your heart to be really effective. So on the next exhale, we're going to just let that mind slide all the way down.
[00:28:56] Prema Gurreri: It's just like a sliding down. It's just a beautiful golden slide from the head all the way down through the nasal cavity, the top of the throat, the base of the throat. And on your next exhalation at your own pace, it's going to slide down from the base of the throat, the top of the chest, right down into the very center of your chest, right down into your, the very center of your heart.
[00:29:20] Prema Gurreri: When we marry the mind and the heart. Now we have the wisdom, the intuition coming through, and then the mind can help us to do something with that. It's a good follower, not the leader. So I'm going to just have a couple of soul prompts drop in. You're going to stay tuned in. And just dropping into the heart here and let's let this question drop into your heart like I'm throwing a pebble into the pond of your heart.
[00:29:51] Prema Gurreri: And so what's coming up for me right now? What is it that my heart just so wants for me? What does my heart want me to open up to, or live more fully, or release and let go, or focus on even? What does my heart want for me? So whatever comes up for you, just make note of that. It'll float up. If you're trying to pull it down from the mind, you're in the mind, it'll float up.
[00:30:18] Prema Gurreri: And it's the first thing. But you may be visual, you may be auditory and hear it, you may sense and feel it. So just trust whatever comes up for you. And then next question, What's that going to make possible for me? So for whatever it is that my heart wants for me right now, what can that make possible?
[00:30:37] Prema Gurreri: How's that going to change my life? What's that going to open up for me? How, what's it going to make possible? And just let that open up for you. Is that a deeper sense of peace or freedom or it gives you ability to do something you've always wanted to do? What does it open up for you? What does it make possible?
[00:30:55] Prema Gurreri: And then the third is what's one inspired action I could take today or in the next 24 hours. That will support me in whatever it is that's come up, what my heart wants from me. And support is the key word here. So what's one inspired action I can take that'll support me in having that or being that or doing that.
[00:31:17] Prema Gurreri: And just that one thing that comes up and don't question it. It's perfect.
[00:31:22] Prema Gurreri: And you can feel free to open your eyes and you want to write that thing down and you want to. Put it on your calendar and you want to actually take that inspired action. And Juliet's going to tell us what came up for her, just to give you a little example here. But if something, I just want to say that if something, I explained this whole process in my book, and I do this with all my processes and everything.
[00:31:44] Prema Gurreri: But if, Something came up let's say, okay, I'm going to be present today. I'm going to remember to do this. Then you need to ask one more time. What's an inspired action I can do to do that until you could actually tangibly write something down that you're going to do like at a specific time. We haven't brought it all the way from our soul down to the soles of our feet.
[00:32:03] Prema Gurreri: We need to come into embodiment. I work with a lot of conscious beings, and let me tell you, the hugest gap is what you think you know, and what you're actually living through your flesh. And we've. Gotta move all the way down through, and the flesh is the final frontier. It is not the easiest place to move.
[00:32:19] Prema Gurreri: Our thoughts are malleable, our emotions are less, but they are malleable. But this is the final frontier, our bodies, and we need to move it through our bodies, and that's when you start to see things reflected back for you.
[00:32:30] Juliette Karaman: I love that. You have a beautiful voice. It's very soothing. Actually, last night I went to sleep with one of your meditations.
[00:32:39] Juliette Karaman: Oh, awesome. Because you'd send me the book and I was like, oh, okay. It was like 12. 30, I couldn't sleep and I'm like, I'm just going to put one of her meditations on and of course, I woke up with my glasses and my earbuds and I'm like, meditation's great for that. I'm sure I picked it up, but that's also one of the
[00:33:00] Juliette Karaman: beauties, right?
[00:33:02] Juliette Karaman: We don't have to stay awake. We will still pick up
[00:33:04] Prema Gurreri: what's happening. Trust whatever. That's what I tell. Even in my healing circles, I'm like, which I do on the full moon, it's trust whatever the process is, but just, would you be willing to share what, I will,
[00:33:15] Juliette Karaman: absolutely. And I love the golden slide for me.
[00:33:19] Juliette Karaman: That was like, yes, I can go down that slide. It feels safe to go down that slide. So what came up for me is peace. I want peace. And it doesn't mean world peace, but peace within myself. And of course, for me, yes, at the moment, I do want peace in the Middle East. I'm very deeply connected to that.
[00:33:41] Juliette Karaman: And then it was, what will that Yeah, what does it make possible? What does it make possible, right? It's I'll decontract, I'll relax, and I'll be able to love more. And I was like, Oh, and I've just posted something today. It was 30 years ago that I got married to my ex husband. We're still great friends.
[00:34:04] Juliette Karaman: So we had a beautiful text exchange today. And then it was like, Oh, so what's the one action step? I was like, take a bath. And I'm like, Oh my God, I take, I've already taken a bath this morning. So the mind, the media is that doesn't sound very conductive. I'm like, Nope, after this, I'm definitely going to take a bath.
[00:34:23] Juliette Karaman: Another bath
[00:34:25] Prema Gurreri: And in that, so beautiful and beautiful following that. And obviously taking a bath is one of the places where you open up to more and what's, and really open up and most of us do and we get put in a body of water 'cause unless you're terrified. But showers and baths and warm bodies of water accepts us no matter what.
[00:34:42] Prema Gurreri: It doesn't matter what we weigh, how we're feeling, water always accommodates us. And so there's a beautiful opening and safety and it's grounding as well. And then and. You can also in the next level, when you're taking the next inspired action, you can just tune into the process again. Okay. So now, or what's another inspired, what's the next inspired action, that's related to that piece and what that makes possible being more open and, and more love.
[00:35:09] Prema Gurreri: And you might, Someone might be thinking yeah, but I want more money in business. And I'm, in peace and love came up for me. Trust me, if you are more peaceful and you are more loving, you are, you're aligned, you're more open to all the fulfillment and all the prosperity. And I know that you have a huge mission with the Middle East and it's beautiful.
[00:35:28] Prema Gurreri: Like the more, just what's coming through for you, like the more you embody, and you are a very peaceful person. But the more you embody that, The more love that can be spread and what if you are a beacon for that in just in that process and then more comes about from, you know, you'll be guided the more you're in holding that energy that you want to have spread through so many people and so far and so wide.
[00:35:57] Prema Gurreri: Sometimes we get into that place of there has to be a particular prescription. But it'd be interesting to see what continues to arise for you in this big mission that you have.
[00:36:09] Juliette Karaman: Yeah, it's a little bit scary because I'm like, oh, really? I talk about intimacy, pleasures, scrumptiousness, how to get back to the body, how to move, sexual trauma.
[00:36:20] Juliette Karaman: I'm like, this is what's going to create change. I'm like, okay, whatever. But what
[00:36:27] Prema Gurreri: if, Juliet, what if the more people who are being that, which you are helping others be, that frequency just gets stronger and reverberates more and helps to calibrate? Peace.
[00:36:44] Prema Gurreri: Beautiful.
[00:36:44] Prema Gurreri: That frequency that you're holding and you're helping other people to hold just gets spreads far and wide and helps to calibrate that far and wide. Sometimes we're going to the actual, like, how do I go solve that?
[00:36:59] Prema Gurreri: How do I go and tie that knot over there? But what if we loosen everything up so that it just unties?
[00:37:06] Juliette Karaman: Beautiful. What a beautiful full circle of the Vesica Pisces, the eight on its side, right? I've loved our meander, our scrumptious collywobbling through, through this episode. Tell us, how do people get in touch with you?
[00:37:26] Juliette Karaman: You have your book, the Sacred Wealth Code but Yeah. How they're like, okay, I want to understand my wealth code. How do they go?
[00:37:35] Prema Gurreri: Yes. Your my book is your sacred wealth code and I've Oracle cards in a journal and they're all available on my site, but they're available on Amazon. If you just, sacred wealth code, my stuff will come up primarily query, but my website, and that's where everything is available is solutionary, but it's spelled S O U L.
[00:37:51] Prema Gurreri: U-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y. So like solutionary, but SOUL, like and I believe that even if you do sacred wealth code.com, I think that flips you into my site. Yes, that's easy. Sacred wealth, make sure
[00:38:03] Juliette Karaman: that all the links are linked below in the I,
[00:38:06] Prema Gurreri: I have an active YouTube channel and I do astrology updates and other teachings and lots of things.
[00:38:11] Prema Gurreri: So anyway, if you go to my website, you can get. free one of your Sacred Wealth Code archetypes by taking the actual quiz there. And so I have lots of free resources and stuff,
[00:38:23] Juliette Karaman: super fun. So no reason to not figure out what actually your Wealth Code is and how you can bring that to humanity, to yourself and like better the world, right?
[00:38:35] Juliette Karaman: Because isn't that what we all want at this point in life? Yes. It has been an absolute pleasure. Thank
[00:38:43] Prema Gurreri: you so much for coming on. It has been an absolute pleasure. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much. And thank you for the work that you're doing through this podcast and the work that you're doing, the greater work that you're doing for the world.
[00:38:56] Prema Gurreri: Thank you, my love.
[00:38:58] Juliette Karaman: And as always, please share this with your friends, your family, whoever needs to hear this code and unlock the code, the key, and maybe Prema has given you a key to yourself. Much love.