The Scrumptious Woman
Welcome to The Scrumptious Woman with Juliette Karaman—a sanctuary dedicated to exploring and nurturing the most vital relationship in life: the relationship with yourself. Here, we prioritise creating a safe and supportive space where you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.
Juliette is your compassionate guide, leading conversations that gently yet powerfully delve into relationships, intimacy, body confidence, and emotional well-being. With a focus on safety and trust, each episode addresses deeply ingrained beliefs and unspoken fears, offering tools to foster self-love, awareness, and profound transformation.
Drawing from over five decades of lived experience and expertise, Juliette shares her treasured "Juliette Jewels"—a collection of practices rooted in somatic healing, safety, and authenticity. Together, we navigate the intricacies of human connection, helping you feel seen, accepted, and valued.
This podcast is an invitation to rediscover your inner safety and joy as we explore topics like body shame, the balance of feminine and masculine energies, and the path to authentic, thriving relationships. Let’s embark on this nurturing journey together, one step closer to a more secure and scrumptious life.
The Scrumptious Woman
100 Scrumptious Moments: Celebrating the Best of The Scrumptious Woman Podcast
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Hey Scrumptious Souls, welcome to a very special episode of The Scrumptious Woman Podcast—our 100th episode! 🎉
Episode Summary:
In this special 100th episode, we reflect on some of the most insightful and thought-provoking discussions we've had over the course of the show. You’ll hear about the journey of love and relationships from Episode 17 with Anne More, where we explored how playfulness can transform intimate connections. In Episode 23, we delved into personal and spiritual growth with Jaiya, highlighting the importance of compassion, self-realization, and creating a shame-free narrative around sexuality.
Further highlights include our conversations from Episodes 43 and 44, where we explored the deeper emotional impacts of eroticism and sexuality. We discussed breaking down limiting beliefs, building sexual intelligence, and creating space for healing through self-discovery.
In Episode 64, we focused on how personal trauma can be stored in the body, leading to physical and emotional release during moments of vulnerability. Finally, in Episode 73, Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton shared her expertise on the transformative power of pleasure and how reclaiming this power can fuel personal and professional growth.
Whether you’re a long-time listener or new to the podcast, this episode is packed with insights, wisdom, and joyful moments. It’s a reminder of the transformative conversations we've had and the journey we've been on together.
Key Takeaways:
- Episode 4: The importance of self-love and tuning into your inner self. Cultivating self-compassion and self-awareness positively impacts all areas of life, fostering authenticity and personal growth.
- Episode 9: Reclaiming your voice and self-expression is essential for personal freedom and emotional healing. The episode explores the impact of speaking your truth.
- Episode 17 (Anne More): Playfulness and flirtation are essential tools to maintain intimacy and connection in relationships.
- Episode 23 (Jaiya): Sexuality is a journey of self-discovery, one that transcends the physical and leads to deeper emotional and spiritual fulfillment.
- Episode 43/44: Breaking down sexual shame and exploring new narratives can empower individuals to experience deeper connections and enhance sexual intelligence.
- Episode 64: Our bodies hold onto trauma, and releasing that energy can be both physically and emotionally healing, unlocking new levels of personal freedom.
- Episode 73 (Dr. Kimberly Pendleton): Reclaiming the power of pleasure, especially for women, can be a transformative force for both personal and professional growth.
Thank you so much for being part of this scrumptious journey with us! If you’ve loved revisiting these moments, don’t forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share this special episode with someone who needs to hear it.
- Find out more about Juliette Karaman here: https://feelfullyyou.com
- Follow Juliette on instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/juliettekaraman/
- Follow Juliette on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/juliette.karamanvanschaardenburg
Don't forget to Rate and leave a review so more people can tune in and the ripple effect spreads further.
The Scrumptious Woman EP4 Hightlights
[00:00:00] juliette Karaman: I asked my husband's cousin, and I said, what do you call vagina?
[00:00:05] juliette Karaman: And that her answer was front bottom, and that I was like, I'm Dutch, so I'm like. Front bottom? What do you call, what do you call your butt?
[00:00:15] juliette Karaman: no one ever talks about sexuality. And it's such an interesting topic. We all came, we all are born. Because our parents had sex and we were created, right? So let's just take a breath. Whoever's getting triggered, whoever's getting activated here, let's just take a breath and actually just Can we see the humor of it?
[00:00:44] juliette Karaman: we are like computers in a way. That just came to me now. But we have been programmed by our society. We've been programmed by our parents, by our siblings, by the schools, the universities, all of that.
[00:01:00] juliette Karaman: All those have left an imprint.
[00:01:02] juliette Karaman: as soon as you can actually normalize that, yes, boys have a willy or a penis, whatever, whatever you want to call it.
[00:01:12] juliette Karaman: And girls have a vulva and a vagina, right? And we have different body parts.
[00:01:18] juliette Karaman: Why do we have to go with what sex they were assigned at birth and now what they identify with?
[00:01:24] juliette Karaman: Where can you stay curious about what are your beliefs about this? What does it trigger inside of you?
[00:01:31] juliette Karaman: the most important is for you to feel safe in your body and you to feel safe that whoever is around you will respect that.
[00:01:41] juliette Karaman: the more that we normalize that you, you are on your moon, you're on your period, they will then know what to do with when it comes to that time that they have partners in that stage as well.
[00:01:56] juliette Karaman: Pleasure is anything that brings me joy. Pleasure, that scrumptiousness, that joy, that it almost feels like an effervescence running through your body. And once you have access to that is where everything stems from. That's where new ideas come from.
[00:02:18] juliette Karaman: Pleasure for me is going outside for a walk and feeling the sun and the breeze. Playing around with my hair, feeling my feet in the wet grass, feeling super alive. That is pleasure.
[00:02:40] juliette Karaman: how can you bring more of this joy, pleasure, scrumptiousness, whatever your word is for it, how can you bring more of that into your Everyday life, right now.
[00:02:54] juliette Karaman: How can you even start tapping into what gives you pleasure?
[00:03:02] juliette Karaman: This brings up a whole new kind of world, it opens up one of the beautiful ways to find your way into pleasure.
[00:03:12] juliette Karaman: Now I want you to recognize that this is completely normal. But that there is a way out of this. That there is a way to actually learn each other's blueprint, to learn that archetype, to learn what your way into pleasure is, what your way in, out of it is, what's blocking you.
Highlight Reel of The Scrumptious Woman EP09
[00:00:00] Juliette Karaman: it brought home to me How beautiful it is that we can normalize this, that we can normalize speaking about mental health, that we can normalize speaking about anxiety, about feelings, about emotions that have been holding us back,
[00:00:14] Juliette Karaman: So what happened, is that the whole crowd, was singing his song. And you see him in this YouTube video, emotional, he's walking the stage, he's listening to these thousands of fans singing his song, at the top of their voices, the emotions coming through, supporting him, uplifting him, telling him by singing his song hey, we've got you.
[00:00:49] Juliette Karaman: awareness is the first step towards self love.
[00:00:54] Juliette Karaman: Once you can start becoming aware of how you may have Something that is holding you back from performing your life in the best way, from living your life in the most scrumptious way, in the most divine way, in the most pleasure, and the most fun, and the most abundance that you can have.
[00:01:16] Juliette Karaman: He is authentically himself. And that, although it attracts a lot of criticism from people, because there are a lot of trolls on the internet, it also attracts people's heart. It shows. His humanness, his approachability.
[00:01:40] Juliette Karaman: So the stigma of being different, of acting different, of looking different, of being yourself, is then completely removed.
[00:01:55] Juliette Karaman: if you can really tap into the sovereignty, that authenticity, that essence of who is you, can be whatever you want, and you can have people accept you.
[00:02:10] Juliette Karaman: When you do that, most people around you will say, Oh my god, me too. I see you. I see your brilliance. I see what an incredible artist you are, what an incredible mother, what an incredible wife, what an incredible entrepreneur, what an incredible athlete, whatever it is that you are, because they see it in you.
[00:02:35] Juliette Karaman: More than 80 percent of our everyday actions are governed by our subconscious mind. They're unconscious. We don't know how, we breathe and exactly what we need to do.
[00:02:49] Juliette Karaman: And this is how we can move through anxiety. Because anxiety are those thoughts, and those thoughts are what governs the actions. And the actions are what governs our life, right? So by moving those self patterns, by moving those images, those body sensations, by moving through them, that is how we completely re pattern, re code, rewire, and restore the belief that we are safe.
[00:03:23] Juliette Karaman: We feel the tightness in our chest and we're like, oh my god, I'm anxious.
[00:03:27] Juliette Karaman: What am I anxious of? Let me think. Like it's oh, it's the way that this man looked at me and it could be but sometimes it's just hey Chill the fuck out. Take a chill pill.
[00:03:40] Juliette Karaman: How can we move from survival instinct to a life that's thriving, that's scrumptious, that's energy moving through, that feels delicious and pleasurable.
Highlight Reel of 017-flirting-and-embracing-playfulness-in-relationships-with-anne-more
[00:00:00] Anne Moore: flirting with strangers. But also flirting with your longtime lover can be such a, such a way to flip the switch from boredom into playfulness from, um, Um, kind of the routine into the unexpected.
[00:00:25] Anne Moore: What if we enter each other's world in any way we want to? Isn't that kind of boss, right?
[00:00:39] Anne Moore: And I, it just blew open the doors of possibility and was an instant turn on.
[00:00:46] Anne Moore: Peekaboo is flirting,
[00:00:47] Juliette Karaman: right? Isn't
[00:00:47] Anne Moore: it fun?
[00:00:49] Anne Moore: how can I approach you in a way that surprises? That surprises me and surprises you. There's a, there's a sense of delight, there's a sense of freshness. But it's also, let me show you a little of who I am and see if you meet me there, see if you respond. And so it's a bid for connection.
[00:01:14] Anne Moore: A great guide for when to flirt is when I'm bored. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
[00:01:19] Anne Moore: flirting is a way of saying Nuh uh, let's play with this.
[00:01:24] Anne Moore: Let's, let's break the rules a bit. Um, let's be a little outrageous. Together. How cool. And see what happens.
[00:01:33] Anne Moore: energetic is very breathy and slow and full of presence.
[00:01:40] Anne Moore: And sensual is. Absolutely dripping with honey and it's a little deeper and it's slow and it's just and I move my body. I'm heating up here, oh la la.
[00:01:58] Anne Moore: sexual, sometimes sexual is hard for uh, those of us who've been raised as women or in the feminine to access because it's very direct. It's like I want you. Let's fuck. Let's get naked. I just want you. I want it now. Um, and just direct, clear, commanding, but also owning desire.
[00:02:24] Anne Moore: I'm, I think I might just wander upstairs and take all my clothes off and just lie on the bed.
[00:02:33] Juliette Karaman: What's more inviting? Do you think you
[00:02:34] Anne Moore: might want to find me there?
[00:02:36] Anne Moore: one of the great things about this is when you start to discover words or phrases or energies that you know make this shift for you, that shift you into sexiness, you can actually give those phrases word for word to your lover to say, and it works.
[00:02:56] Anne Moore: It's like handing someone the keys to the Ferrari.
[00:02:59] Anne Moore: Yeah, absolutely. Like, I want to make sure that they're going to take care of the Ferrari. And approach me with, um, Reverence and, and admiration and consent.
[00:03:10] Juliette Karaman: slow down half what you think you should be and then half again.
[00:03:15] Juliette Karaman: we've been together for 23 years and we haven't had sex in 10. How do I even start tapping into what I want?
[00:03:24] Anne Moore: The idea of flirtation is playing with that tension and it doesn't have to go anywhere.
[00:03:32] Anne Moore: You don't have to do anything with the turn on that you create with a stranger at a party.
[00:03:38] Anne Moore: I love you, I'm connected to you, I'm committed to you, and I'm always my own person in the world.
[00:03:46] Anne Moore: there's a mantra of, I own my time.
[00:03:49] Anne Moore: I own my body. I own my heart. I own my resources. And that isn't saying I'm taking it away from you and I'm shutting down the connection between us. It's saying when I'm with you, I'm choosing you.
[00:04:06] Juliette Karaman: you are 100 percent responsible for your relationship.
[00:04:12] Juliette Karaman: It's not 50 50, you each are 100 percent responsible for yourself, for how you show up, for how you are in this relationship.
[00:04:20] Anne Moore: my desire for sexiness in the world, is about being alive in the world, all the time. And, it's not dependent on, you know, My partner or even being in a relationship.
[00:04:33] Anne Moore: Eye contact already is especially out in the world with strangers.
[00:04:41] Anne Moore: To make contact and stay in contact, just eye contact. Um, can be incredibly powerful. It's, it's a way of showing yourself and meeting them. It's a penetration. It's an interpenetration between you.
[00:04:57] Anne Moore: Look away just for a moment, and then look back. Because if they look back too, you've already had a conversation.
[00:05:06] Anne Moore: You're in line to this some long line and it's boring and it's going to take forever.
[00:05:11] Anne Moore: And to just turn to the person next to you and say Oh! I wonder what would happen if I just, like, walked to the front of the line. What do you think?
[00:05:22] Anne Moore: it's about Stepping into the imaginative together.
[00:05:25] Anne Moore: I haven't done the thing, but I've made open the possibility that it might happen, and it's this outrageous thing, and to invite, just like, what would that be like?
[00:05:35] Anne Moore: if, You email me at the email of anne, A N N E, at yesannemoore. com. I will send you my guide to flirtation and we'll be connected and there'll be the beginning of a relationship.
[00:05:59] Juliette Karaman: Isn't that fun?
[00:06:01] Juliette Karaman: We have a mission here on Earth. They are here to bring something. This is what we do in 12 months. We massage. We make sure that you feel the most aligned so that your voice, your presence, you can be visible in all the ways possible to you.
[00:06:27] Anne Moore: flirting just, um, changes the tone of the whole day.
[00:06:32] Juliette Karaman: Isn't it beautiful? And it doesn't need to go any further than just that initial fun playing, changing the energy around you, your body, between people. And that's it.
[00:06:46] Juliette Karaman: Inject a little bit of play and then you can go on
[00:06:49] Anne Moore: and be on your way. Exactly. Everything becomes magic and it only takes a second.
[00:06:55] Anne Moore: You can flirt with pictures, of course. You can send a picture of, uh, just a tiny body part that's not the usual body part you might send and say, guess what this is?
[00:07:09] Anne Moore: And maybe it's your elbow.
[00:07:10] Anne Moore: It's a judgment free zone. You can't get it wrong. It's all about delight and excitement, and it can be done at any age.
[00:07:21] Anne Moore: We get to step outside expectations and just be in the possibility and the infinite and the what, what will happen next?
[00:07:30] Juliette Karaman: it's the one thing that gets us out of our heads, out of future projecting, out of doomsday scenario of what happened in the past, and just really in the here and now and finding light in that.
[00:07:43] Juliette Karaman: Go and play and flirt with your life.
[00:07:48] Juliette Karaman: Spread the wisdom, ignite their inner fire, and empower them to embrace their true selves.
[00:07:54] Juliette Karaman: Together, let's create this ripple effect of transformation
Highlight Reel of The Scumptious Woman EP27 Highlights
[00:00:00] Juliette Karaman: You're in this podcast. You're going to be hearing all the kinds of things that are taboo, that are slightly outside the box.
[00:00:07] Juliette Karaman: this is like a can of worms and this, is such a big topic, right? And there's so much that you can teach people and there's so much, there's so many little nuances.
[00:00:20] Elizabeth: I think that getting people's why and having people be connected to why they want to do something is really important because otherwise, especially since it is so taboo that like what people are dealing with is this okay?
[00:00:40] Elizabeth: I just love so abundantly. I just don't want to be. held back from how much I can love anyone
[00:00:46] Elizabeth: everyone has their own why they're doing it or being or feeling. And yeah it's really beautiful. And then when people are able to connect to that, to themselves, it's like they have their own grounding point in themselves.
[00:01:07] Elizabeth: I say queer because it's the easier term, but I think the most, identifiable term for me would be pansexual, which means that I'm attracted to people, not because of their gender necessarily, but because of their personality or a character, like their character.
[00:01:28] Elizabeth: And if you don't, if you don't know how to keep a marriage together with one other person, then you suck at relationships.
[00:01:37] Elizabeth: I was just tired of hating myself. And I wanted to have some fun.
[00:01:42] Elizabeth: my dad is someone who is just I don't need to understand you to accept you.
[00:01:49] Elizabeth: at one point I got married and we were still in a polyamorous relationship even after being married. And so I think that was like the turning point for her where she was like, oh this is, serious, right?
[00:02:05] Elizabeth: if you're rock solid within yourself it really doesn't matter how other people feel about it.
[00:02:11] Elizabeth: It's okay that people don't understand. It's okay that people have different feelings about it.
[00:02:16] Elizabeth: It's okay that maybe people even get upset about it. That doesn't have to impact me.
[00:02:24] Juliette Karaman: I feel like we're on such a soul journey that we never quite know what our soul wants for us,
[00:02:29] Elizabeth: what relationship anarchy is, is the idea of the breaking down of any shoulds or supposed tos in relationships.
[00:02:46] Elizabeth: romantic, sexual, friends, family across the board, right? And there's no, supposed to's. There's just, I'm a human, you're a human, we have feelings about each other.
[00:03:02] Elizabeth: It's just no we're humans. being human together. And so how do we want to human together?
[00:03:10] Juliette Karaman: It's if we can just break free from all the boxes, from all the labels, from everything, and just be like, what's what, does our soul want? How can we relate human to human on this soul to soul on this human journey?
[00:03:25] Elizabeth: Just because you feel a crunchy emotion, or just because your body has that ugh ness to it, doesn't mean that there's anything wrong or bad with the situation at hand. It's just your body trying to communicate something to you.
[00:03:42] Juliette Karaman: Jealousy comes up and it's like, Oh, but I'm going to have to start sharing you with people.
[00:03:47] Elizabeth: It really, is amazing what happens when you just let these things breathe, give these things the space, give the, and to allow that space in your relationship.
[00:04:01] Elizabeth: when you do have the space in your relationship that you can really breach any subject and still be with one another, it's beautiful.
[00:04:12] Elizabeth: you end up with a more authentic connection and relationship that really works for both people.
Highlight Reel of The Scrumptious Woman EP43 Hightlights
[00:00:00] Judy Van Niekerk: Typically in this society, given what I have experienced, what I am living now is not predictable and not generally the norm. And that is what I dedicate my life to, is to make it the norm.
[00:00:15] Judy Van Niekerk: we're never broken. Never. And that's the one thing that I've learned through my experiences.
[00:00:20] Judy Van Niekerk: I was locked up from a very young age and abused in the most awful, dreadful ways. And isolated from society and used as a slave. Um, Um, Tortured and abused by my father being one of many
[00:00:40] Judy Van Niekerk: I literally felt one with everything, this oneness, this sense of just complete dissolving into everything. The rain on the window the birds the smell of the grass being cut, the whole thing, everything around me, I was just one with.
[00:00:56] Judy Van Niekerk: And I knew without a shadow of a doubt in that moment that I would escape.
[00:01:01] Judy Van Niekerk: And I knew without a shadow of a doubt That I would create an extraordinary life because I could see the infinite possibilities.
[00:01:09] Judy Van Niekerk: You could hurt my mortal body, but you could never touch my something.
[00:01:13] Judy Van Niekerk: I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I would escape. That I wasn't going to die and I didn't want to die and I knew that I would escape and I would create a life of Phenomenalness,
[00:01:26] Judy Van Niekerk: I had lost all fear in that moment and I took another six years to escape, but not once did I ask myself when or how was it going to happen?
[00:01:38] Judy Van Niekerk: I just knew it was going to happen.
[00:01:40] Judy Van Niekerk: there was now an unbroken part of me, a whole part of me and nothing could break it.
[00:01:46] Juliette Karaman: what I talked about was sexual trauma, getting pleasure back into your life after divorce, and with a new partner. How do you even ask for what you want?
[00:02:01] Judy Van Niekerk: the strangest thing is that I did eventually escape. And I did within a week of getting of escaping. I had two job offers, one in shipping and one in an oil and gas. You can't even make this up, right?
[00:02:16] Judy Van Niekerk: This is somebody with no education, not socialized having known nothing but torture and slavery. And here I was living in London, in the West End, as a trading accountant on an oil and gas trading floor, reporting daily positions To the chairman in New York.
[00:02:37] Judy Van Niekerk: We're all one with the universe. And as such, we have access to all information, all knowledge, all intelligence that ever has been, is and ever will be.
[00:02:46] Juliette Karaman: Then everything is just possible. Yet the suffering happened.
[00:02:51] Juliette Karaman: We all want to belong to a tribe, even if we don't want to, at somehow in, in our bodies and our minds, we do want to belong to something else.
[00:03:04] Judy Van Niekerk: The addictions, the addiction to being needed, the addiction to being wanted, the addiction to being desired, the addiction to excitement, all of the addictions that triggered.
[00:03:16] Judy Van Niekerk: I'd rather have the whole world against me than my own soul. And I understood everything in that moment. Whilst I was locked up and and in. Outer hell, I was in inner heaven
[00:03:31] Judy Van Niekerk: I love the freedom that I have today. I love them to know that I wake up every morning and I don't know what the day is going to be. I don't know. I don't know what's I'm gonna create today. I don't know what I'm going to experience, and I'm open for it all.
[00:03:53] Judy Van Niekerk: I love the trust I have to be able to move on awareness without having to justify, align, agree, resist, react. I just move. I love that. I just love that freedom.
[00:04:13] Judy Van Niekerk: I Took that last overdose note.
[00:04:16] Judy Van Niekerk: Realized. The truth of who we are. And I came back home to me all of a sudden, everything shifted, everything. My perceptions, my understanding my, my addictions, my attachment to external things.
[00:04:31] Judy Van Niekerk: I woke up one day, go back to Ireland and I did. I didn't know why I just did. I got to Ireland, find your mom. I did. And then after finding my mum, go to the police station, the head office, like the, what do you call it? The Scotland Yard of Ireland. And I did.
[00:04:53] Judy Van Niekerk: I walked in and I said, I want to speak to a detective. And each move was like that. None of it was planned. None of it was, I had no idea.
[00:05:02] Judy Van Niekerk: it was the worst case ever to be brought before the courts of Ireland. Incidents of reporting crime against women and children went up something like 74, 75 percent at that point in time,
[00:05:13] Judy Van Niekerk: It was a a minefield of emotions that I was going through, but it was all, Now, all working through all the things that we are conditioned to believe and then always coming back home and always feeling back to that wholeness.
[00:05:31] Judy Van Niekerk: I walked into the room and he stood up as the door closed behind me and I still get the shivers to this day. The first words out of my mouth were, thank you, dad. I love you for everything.
[00:05:47] Juliette Karaman: They've given me the gift of connecting back to who I am. And just the beauty of that, right? Being able to lead our lives and then to help others come back to who they are.
[00:06:01] Judy Van Niekerk: There is a different experience to be had on an energetic level.
[00:06:05] Judy Van Niekerk: I've made so much money out of nowhere from nothing. It's it's just. beggar's belief, the sort of stuff that I'm able to create, right?
[00:06:16] Judy Van Niekerk: The miracle of this is that I was told that I would need operations. I would need medication and all that. Within less than a month, I was on zero medication, no operation, nothing.
[00:06:30] Judy Van Niekerk: My organs were failing at the same time. I was having multiple organ failure and everything completely. The doctors were in tears.
[00:06:38] Judy Van Niekerk: when we're living in that realm of matter, we're living conditioned, programmed, and interfered with energetically. There's a lot of negative there's a lot of interference, negative energy interference in our world that holds us separate to our divine.
[00:07:01] Judy Van Niekerk: when they connect to infinite being it's everything gets unraveled and it's just simple flow and everything just flows. There's a serenity that comes in a calmness, a sense of joy and bliss that You just exude where everything, how you perceive everything changes, and therefore your experience of everything shifts.
[00:07:26] Judy Van Niekerk: There is nothing that we cannot reframe the blueprint of in the energetic field.
[00:07:34] Judy Van Niekerk: Without logic, without going to the brain, without contemplation, now that you just move, without question, just in sheer, complete, exquisite trust, devoted to your authentic truth.
[00:07:48] Judy Van Niekerk: Our body is our most important channel. Yeah. And that is something that is not appreciated in our, in this current matrix. It's just not.
[00:07:57] Judy Van Niekerk: It's beautiful that we get that choice, isn't it? It's really beautiful that we do. I'm grateful for it.
[00:08:03] Juliette Karaman: you have a choice here.
[00:08:05] Judy Van Niekerk: Geez, yeah. Wow. It's your choice. This is your decision.
[00:08:11] Judy Van Niekerk: Our magnetic energy field is critical for actualizing that which we create in the field.
[00:08:16] Juliette Karaman: Spread the wisdom. Ignite their inner fire and empower them to embrace their true selves.
Highlight Reel of The Scrumptious Woman EP44 Highlights
[00:00:00] Jaiya: sexuality has always been this journey of awakening and it has always been about our human self realization and spiritual self realization.
[00:00:10] Juliette Karaman: what I teach is what I needed to learn. And it's always Oh, this came up because I needed to teach it so others can learn it. So I can learn it first.
[00:00:21] Jaiya: sometimes my clients are like my best teachers.
[00:00:24] Jaiya: There's something really here with this. And it was in 2016 that we had our first course on it. And we had a couple of hundred people who signed up for that and 10, 000 people who took the course.
[00:00:35] Jaiya: it's interesting to see since then sex, love and goop, the TV show and millions of people now have taken the quiz and now there's a book that's going to be on the bookshelf.
[00:00:46] Jaiya: three things I think that are important in sexuality because it's so taboo.
[00:00:49] Jaiya: creating a conversation that's open, having compassion within that conversation, and then sharing within community.
[00:00:58] Jaiya: I just wanted to create people who were also leaders and helping others come to self realization and heal and end shame.
[00:01:09] Jaiya: The energetic superpower is being able to have orgasms without being touched
[00:01:13] Jaiya: for a sexual, sex is something that they really need. It's not just like a want, it's like food or air or water
[00:01:19] Jaiya: They're very erotically intelligent. I think that we're actually all shape shifters and we've just been conditioned out of it.
[00:01:26] Jaiya: I remember you are a star orgasm. Because I went into this expanded state of consciousness and all of a sudden we were in the cosmos and I remembered when we were stars
[00:01:36] Jaiya: the body also has information about what turns you on. And to me, The body is even more accurate because we can see the physical turn on that's happening in the body.
[00:01:46] Jaiya: There are things that you can do to start to explore in your own body what really turns you on. And I'm sure you've led many people through those games, Juliet.
[00:01:55] Jaiya: I love just the ahas and the breakdown of limiting beliefs or the breakdown of who you thought you were.
[00:02:04] Jaiya: And then all of a sudden you start to see these truths that are happening through the touch in the body. And that can be really profound.
[00:02:12] Jaiya: we lose this learning through play. We learn this exploration and sex becomes so serious.
[00:02:19] Jaiya: pleasure is fuel for the rest of your life. And if your pleasure tank is empty, then you're missing out on some of the fuel. that you could have for everything else in your life.
[00:02:31] Juliette Karaman: So for me, I've turned into scrump and that for me is like the chi, the life force, the pleasure the orgasm that's running through us that we all have access to. But we've just forgotten how.
[00:02:46] Juliette Karaman: It's so beautiful and really that awareness of we are the drop, we're the ocean, we're the water, we're the wave, we're everything, right?
[00:02:55] Juliette Karaman: And it comes through us to others, to ourselves, and it's just, we're all one.
[00:03:01] Jaiya: Almost everybody who works with this modality becomes a shapeshifter after six months, a year. They still can default back into their place they started, but we become a shapeshifter.
[00:03:14] Jaiya: you can put on any identity. And to me, that's that. That is a lot of freedom. There's a lot of freedom in my eroticism to say, okay, I'm going to be slutty in the bedroom. No, I'm now I'm the Tantrica.
[00:03:24] Jaiya: Now I'm to have all of these different, beautiful, amazing faces
[00:03:29] Jaiya: because I freed myself out of all of the identities.
[00:03:34] Jaiya: I want to leave a legacy of a new way for us to think about sexuality, a way for us to play in, in truly knowing ourselves and eroticism of helping people get to a shame free place with it all.
[00:03:46] Jaiya: I can see it just like the love languages or something like that, where most people will have this as part of their sex education growing up.
[00:03:54] Juliette Karaman: you can still feel both. Yeah. You can feel that everything that's going on and you're massively empathic, but it doesn't have to take away that you can still feel pleasure. You can still feel joy.
[00:04:07] Jaiya: Yeah if you're drowning in the river, you can't help but. anybody else out of the river. So there's something to staying on the banks feeling empathy, definitely, but you can't dive in with everybody.
[00:04:21] Jaiya: you can't be in this savior role of I'm going to fix, save, change, improve, but you can have empathy. You can hold out your hand. And if someone grabs your hand, then, you pull them out,
[00:04:37] Juliette Karaman: No one's broken.
[00:04:38] Jaiya: Yep, nobody's broken. And I think that's hard for some people to hear because they think oh me, I'm the broken one. And the truth is we're all whole.
[00:04:47] Jaiya: Anybody listening to this can go, okay. Has it ever worked for me to try to change another human being?
[00:04:53] Jaiya: My parents or my mom or like my kids? Does that ever work? No, but it comes from love. It comes because you care.
[00:05:03] Juliette Karaman: You don't have to fix them. You don't have to fix their pain. You don't have to do anything, but just be present with them, help them through some stuff, process some things get clarity about letting go and surrendering to, to the ever after.
[00:05:22] Jaiya: As I've made everything pleasurable in my life, could death be a pleasurable process?
[00:05:27] Jaiya: Could that become something that we let go with ease? We surrender with ease, just like when we let go into an orgasm?
[00:05:37] Jaiya: Maybe the rest of life is just in preparation for this really big event. And we all go through this really big event, but we don't talk about it.
[00:05:45] Jaiya: We don't want to talk about it. We don't want to be with people who are dying, but it's so beautiful. There's so much beauty and horrifying.
[00:05:52] Jaiya: creating conversation, compassion, and community.
Highlight Reel of The Scrumptious Woman EP64 Highlights
[00:00:00] Juliette Karaman: My body, my psyche, hid the sexual abuse, hid the early sexual abuse, and then completely hid the date rape that happened to me when I was 18. For years, for over 20 years. And it was not until I actually got flogged between my shoulders that my body started having a physical, a visceral reaction, a response.
[00:00:33] Juliette Karaman: I remember is fighting really hard, saying no, screaming in Dutch and Spanish and English, and just saying no, I don't Like this. And these men laughing and holding me down.
[00:00:46] Juliette Karaman: the Psyche is an incredible tool. I went on about my life, And I conveniently forgot, or my subconscious just kept it unavailable for me, so that I did not know. For years, I did not know what happened.
[00:01:07] Juliette Karaman: I remember just waking up and I could taste this metallic taste of blood and all I could see was dark red blood and I was like, oh my god, is this it?
[00:01:19] Juliette Karaman: Am I dying? So I made a conscious decision that no, this is not it. I have four children. I want to live.
[00:01:26] Juliette Karaman: taboo could be anything from Getting undressed in front of your partner, if that's not something that you're used to, then that's a bit taboo. Up to leaving the lights on when you're getting undressed and a stranger might pass by.
[00:01:40] Juliette Karaman: I could feel the energy in my body almost start to vibrate.
[00:01:45] Juliette Karaman: my body started to shake more and more, and this wailing came up from me that I didn't even recognize was me.
[00:01:53] Juliette Karaman: And all of a sudden I just got to this state and I started shaking and bucking and there was wailing and there was tears and snot flying and everything.
[00:02:05] Juliette Karaman: We humans don't do that. We keep it. We hold it. Our subconscious holds it for us. It gets locked into our body.
[00:02:15] Juliette Karaman: I was wailing, crying on all fours, and yet there was such expansion. I felt so much in my body, which I probably had never done, even after having four kids and multiple miscarriages and everything.
[00:02:32] Juliette Karaman: I just needed people not on my top but just holding my feet, holding my legs so I could feel grounded, I could feel back on this earth again.
[00:02:42] Juliette Karaman: I really believe that BDSM is a tool for healing.
[00:02:47] Juliette Karaman: through impact, through flogging, through rope, where they actually felt bound but at the same time so safe, they could reach these ecstatic states and let go of their trauma.
[00:03:03] Juliette Karaman: But the way that I used my BDSM was to create healing, to create a gateway, to orgasmic bliss, to actually feeling cosmic orgasms, to feeling so one with the universe that the body responds, lets go of all that charge, releases it, shakes,
[00:03:33] Juliette Karaman: These big CEOs, sometimes they want to come to a place where they can actually relax, where their whole nervous system can feel deeply held. So that, my loves, is how With BDSM and how I use BDSM for sexual healing, for sexual liberation, for sexual unity, for union with the divine,
[00:04:03] Juliette Karaman: join a spinal attunement, so that you can actually start feeling the energy coursing through your body, and what it's like to start feeling safe, and to start to unravel That energy without having to go into the mind, without having to go into the story of what is.
Highlight Reel of The Scrumptious Woman EP73 highlights
[00:00:00] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: It really has gotten so much more draconian. I used to be able to say sensuality and pleasure, and now both of those words get me flagged. And it's just, I think, testament to why our work is so needed.
[00:00:16] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: who really benefits from me?
[00:00:19] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: Not thinking my pleasure matters or like systemically, if most women, because most of my clients grew up with some way, shape, or form of that messaging, whether it came from religion or society or work, like your pleasure's not important, then I think who's winning with that, if that's how we're thinking
[00:00:42] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: If it's just a generation of exhausted women who have worked ourselves to the bone, we're a lot easier to manipulate and sell to and override. And we're certainly not going to be starting any kind of massive movements, right?
[00:00:59] Juliette Karaman: the world is waking up, not just governments, but the world is waking up. And I love seeing the youngsters, like I've got four kids in their early twenties, and I just see where all of a sudden they've woken up.
[00:01:12] Juliette Karaman: There's so much more to us as an infinite being.
[00:01:14] Juliette Karaman: We're not just a woman or a man or binary or whatever we are, and be slotted in those little boxes.
[00:01:22] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: I was worried, especially at the very beginning of this work, that if I were to start to listen to pleasure, I would. unleash some kind of like monster in myself.
[00:01:37] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: this lazy, hungry, slutty beast would come out and I would not be able to control myself.
[00:01:45] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: There is this embedded, especially in any kind of Christian tradition, I find, embedded storyline that like women following their hunger, you ate that apple, it leads to total chaos for all humanity.
[00:02:03] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: Everyone got the message that women's sexuality and women's pleasure is something to hide and something to tame.
[00:02:13] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: Untamed women are really fun.
[00:02:16] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: The fact that we're sitting in this really beautiful hotel,
[00:02:21] Juliette Karaman: the
[00:02:21] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: fact that we're having champagne at lunch, the little edges of the conversation around dreaming about my brand and my business, even like her outfit, like it all left such an impression on me, just the feeling.
[00:02:36] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: just you being you is so the gift.
[00:02:40] Juliette Karaman: And that is the most beautiful gift that we can give anyone, right?
[00:02:44] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: There are so many women stepping into this work, claiming this heritage, and ready to be those kind of pleasure, sensuality goddesses I think. I think we knew, oh, this timeline, they're going to need us.
[00:03:03] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: If we slow this down, what are you feeling and what have you been afraid to feel? Now we're in a space where you could. We could look at it. And then obviously pairing that with lots of pleasure.
[00:03:17] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: when I started to bring pleasure in, Almost to help titrate as we would go.
[00:03:24] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: It was like, Oh, we're going to have this hard conversation. We're going to do it in a beautiful place. We're going to put something really soft and comforting on, be surrounded by beauty, things that help soothe. The nervous system and we can actually go deeper.
[00:03:42] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: it's absolutely right. And I think it may be comforting to see the quote unquote experts leading themselves through the work again and just being like, this isn't something we just finish.
[00:03:56] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: It's a way of being with ourselves. And once you learn the tools, you can't unlearn them.
[00:04:04] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: it feels like nothing's happening till you realize everything is different.
[00:04:09] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: I have yet to have a husband of a client not want her to do this work, I think, because they want their partner back.
[00:04:19] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: there is no better investment in your business than This work that will make you irresistible.
[00:04:27] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: who will I be on the other side of this? And the truth is, that's legit. Sometimes. It does mean women make some radical changes.
[00:04:41] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: I would argue they're always for the best for everyone, but not everybody may feel that way.
[00:04:48] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: even just a regular normal human, but who starts to be like, Oh, maybe I could have more.
[00:04:56] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: Marketing fees, especially in my courses on relationships, it's always pictures of him. But I did ask, I was like you don't want me taking photos with some other man, I'm assuming.
[00:05:09] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: It's like the more weird and wild I am and the more they can know that part of me, like the more intimate our
[00:05:19] Juliette Karaman: relationship is.
[00:05:20] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: I love reminding myself and my audience, nothing has disqualified me from running a million dollar business. I got to be myself. A little bit messy, a little bit hard to wrangle.
[00:05:36] Dr. Kimberly Rose Pendleton: I would love to invite everyone to My Facebook group, if they're interested, it's called Pleasure is Power.