The Scrumptious Woman
Welcome to The Scrumptious Woman with Juliette Karaman—a sanctuary dedicated to exploring and nurturing the most vital relationship in life: the relationship with yourself. Here, we prioritise creating a safe and supportive space where you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.
Juliette is your compassionate guide, leading conversations that gently yet powerfully delve into relationships, intimacy, body confidence, and emotional well-being. With a focus on safety and trust, each episode addresses deeply ingrained beliefs and unspoken fears, offering tools to foster self-love, awareness, and profound transformation.
Drawing from over five decades of lived experience and expertise, Juliette shares her treasured "Juliette Jewels"—a collection of practices rooted in somatic healing, safety, and authenticity. Together, we navigate the intricacies of human connection, helping you feel seen, accepted, and valued.
This podcast is an invitation to rediscover your inner safety and joy as we explore topics like body shame, the balance of feminine and masculine energies, and the path to authentic, thriving relationships. Let’s embark on this nurturing journey together, one step closer to a more secure and scrumptious life.
The Scrumptious Woman
097 Switching on Your Light: The Power of Energy, Intuition, and Soul Jewellery with Donna Wallace
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I'm Juliette Karaman, and in this delightful episode, I'm joined by the radiant Donna Wallace all the way from Australia. Donna is a healer, intuitive, and the visionary behind a soulful jewellery business called House of Orion. Together, we delve into Donna's inspiring journey, her deep connection with energy, and how she helps others "switch on their light." Get ready to feel inspired and energised as we explore the magic that happens when we align with our soul's mission!
Episode Summary: In this episode, Donna shares how her soul mission is to help people light up energetically, whether through her energy and emotional healing work or her custom jewellery. She explains the essence of energy, how it affects us, and how it can be used to raise our vibration and those around us. From discovering Reiki at 16 to creating House of Orion, Donna takes us through her path of following her intuition, even when it felt daunting. We discuss the transformative power of being in alignment with your soul's purpose and the profound impact it can have not just on you but on the planet. It's a conversation about energy, intuition, and the beauty of following your heart.
Key Takeaways:
- Energy can be seen and felt in our emotions, physical sensations, and the environments around us.
- Following your soul’s calling, even when it seems scary, can lead to deep fulfillment and purpose.
- Jewellery can be more than adornment—it can activate and align your energy.
- The power of trusting your intuition can guide you through life's biggest decisions.
- You are not alone in your mission—our interconnectedness can help us lift the planet together.
How to Connect with Donna Wallace:
- Website: Visit Donna's website at donnawallace.com.au to explore her work and offerings.
- Instagram: Follow Donna on Instagram:
- For her healing work: @donnawallacehealer.
- For her jewellery business: @the_house_of_orion.
- Free Energy Reading: Donna offers a free 10-minute energy reading where she identifies the colours in your energy field and finds your perfect soulmate gemstone. Get in touch to experience this transformative process!
If this episode resonated with you, please share it with someone who might benefit from the conversation, and be sure to check out Donna's incredible work.
- Find out more about Juliette Karaman here: https://feelfullyyou.com
- Follow Juliette on instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/juliettekaraman/
- Follow Juliette on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/juliette.karamanvanschaardenburg
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The Scrumptious Woman
[00:00:00] Juliette Karaman: Welcome to The Scrumptious Woman. Once again, we have an incredible guest, Donna Wallace, who's joining us from Australia. Donna, thank you so much for coming on.
[00:00:11] Donna Wallace: I'm so thrilled to be here with you.
[00:00:14] Juliette Karaman: I love having you on and I really love what you stand for. So could you explain a little bit what you do and how you got here?
[00:00:24] Juliette Karaman: To where you are now.
[00:00:25] Donna Wallace: Oh, of course. So what I stand for, I think that my mission, I think what I was born for, let's get straight into the big stuff, Juliette. Soul missions. Let's talk about it. I believe that what I was born for was to support people switching on their lights. And so I do that in a couple of different ways.
[00:00:44] Donna Wallace: I do that through my energy and emotional healing work. And then I also do that through my jewelry business, which is Custom made for your soul jewelry that energetically activates you. So that was that small mission of switching on people's lights all around the world didn't come, I didn't always know that I was meant to be doing that.
[00:01:05] Donna Wallace: And I started out I had lots of different career, like career choices, pathways, jobs, I guess that's what I was trying to say. And I really Always had in the back of my mind, I'd love to do my healing work. I started out doing Reiki when I was, I got introduced to Reiki when I was about 16, right?
[00:01:25] Donna Wallace: It's often the gateway, isn't it? Often the entry point, Juliette.
[00:01:31] Donna Wallace: For a lot of people Reiki is, because then we start recognizing that everything is made out of energy, right? And that we can actually feel the energy. When we move energy, what we feel like and what the other people that were doing Reiki on feel.
[00:01:45] Donna Wallace: Exactly. Exactly. It really takes the experience of, we know that we love people and we can feel love with other people, but it takes that into the next stratosphere, doesn't it? When you can experience love as energy and you can experience what goes on in our bodies, in our minds, in our hearts, all of the above.
[00:02:06] Donna Wallace: When we tap into energy. I love energy. I could talk about it till the cows come home. But yeah, I'd really.
[00:02:13] Juliette Karaman: I think actually, would you mind just speaking to energy a little bit? I know a lot of our listeners know about energy, but they might not have an embodied reference point.
[00:02:26] Donna Wallace: Yes. So to me, energy I can see it and I can feel it and we can all experience energy through our emotions, I would say, or through our physical body.
[00:02:42] Donna Wallace: And that's a really good place to start. When you're like, get really excited about something and your face lights up and you're like, Oh my gosh, this is just, and you can't stop talking about that thing that you're excited about and lit up. That is an energetic experience. You have somehow tuned in to what that, that experience or that passion of yours is.
[00:03:04] Donna Wallace: And it literally lights you up. And when I say literally, literally, because I am clairvoyant, I can see your energy field. And you, anyone who can't see energy can also see this because you can see joy in people's faces and you can see the sparkle in people's eyes. Yes. You can see clear, you can see clarity in people's skin and people's faces and you can see clarity in people's eyes as well.
[00:03:30] Donna Wallace: So when people are lit up, like their energy field is radiating. Yes. And when you feel, yeah and then when something is aligned with you, that's what it feels like. You have an emotional reaction, like you physically as well, have, you have a sense of being lighter. Yeah. Yes, like a physical sensation.
[00:03:51] Donna Wallace: Like when you're talking about something that is really, heavy on your heart and weighs you down, like quite literally, energetically, it is heavy on you. It is weighing you down. And so we know those things. Yeah. And you can feel that right
[00:04:06] Juliette Karaman: when you go into a room with people that are, like, they've just had a fight, or, they're anxious about it.
[00:04:14] Juliette Karaman: You almost get like a feeling not to go in there, right? And I'm sure a lot of the listeners can also understand that, it's whoa, yeah, they've had that experience when they've come into a place and it's Nope, I'm leaving immediately.
[00:04:27] Donna Wallace: Exactly. That saying, like you could cut the air with a knife, or is that what I have a saying goes Juliet?
[00:04:32] Donna Wallace: I always mix it up. I don't know.
[00:04:34] Juliette Karaman: I'm not your native English speaker. Maybe it's an Aussie.
[00:04:38] Donna Wallace: Maybe that's an Aussie saying. Do you think? I don't know, but something along the lines of you can cut the air with a knife and because it feels like there's thick air, it's heavy, it's thick, it doesn't, it's not inviting.
[00:04:51] Donna Wallace: And so when we start to identify that actually we're all deeply feeling beings. Yes, we all feel and whether you think you're intuitive or not, you are because your body is always responding to what's going on around you. But when you take it from the other angle, which is then you start to figure out what energy is, how to play with it and how to allow that to come into your body, into your mind, into your emotions, into your energy field.
[00:05:21] Donna Wallace: Like then we start to activate our lives. Make ourselves feel lighter. We often feel happier and more joyous and peace, peaceful too,
[00:05:31] Juliette Karaman: yeah. Beautiful. Thank you that for letting me just interject and actually just really let that land for people. 'cause there's so many of us that talk about energy and emotions, et cetera, but this is just, it really it's almost like a visceral experience.
[00:05:47] Juliette Karaman: All of us will remember a time that we've been joyous and fun of, full of joy and happiness and immediately already, which is the beauty about. the mind, right? If we remember it, or if we imagine going back to that time, already our body starts to respond, right? This is the beautiful hack where, oh, exactly, the mind doesn't actually recognize if it's real or if you are imagining it.
[00:06:16] Juliette Karaman: But all of a sudden, the physiology also changes. But to go back, it's a beautiful thing, isn't it? I know. Absolutely incredible. And we just recognize what keeps us stuck. It's our, yeah, our thoughts and our emotions and energy, obviously, all of that. Yeah. See, you were 16. You started doing Reiki.
[00:06:42] Donna Wallace: Yeah, I was first introduced to Reiki then.
[00:06:44] Donna Wallace: I had no idea what it was beforehand, but I was upset and who then became a close family friend of mine said Donna come over here I'll put my hands on your shoulders and as soon as she did I had this feeling of of a sudden I calmed down and I just felt this loving support Come through her hands and into my shoulders and I didn't know what it was, but all I knew was, Oh my gosh, I need to find out more.
[00:07:09] Donna Wallace: And that began my love affair really with energy and healing and unlocking what this other world is beyond our 3d human experience.
[00:07:21] Juliette Karaman: Beautiful way of putting it.
[00:07:24] Donna Wallace: Yeah, so it took me a really long time to be able to translate that into having a business where I do that work. That happened after my daughter was born, actually.
[00:07:37] Donna Wallace: So I have a son, my oldest is a son, and then I have a daughter. And when my daughter was born, I just felt like she was calling me to be everything that I could possibly be. And I knew, I just had this flash Juliet that if I didn't do it now. And I was never going to do it. If I didn't take that leap and give it a go, and I remember distinctly saying to myself, Donna, just give it a red hot crack and see what happens.
[00:08:04] Donna Wallace: I love it. So what did you do? So I opened up my business and I, people had known that I'd been doing healing work because I was doing it really as a hobby or a side hustle for quite some time. And I opened up my business and I shared it with, my community. And within a matter of months I was booked out in advance and it was just, it was like I opened the doors and I opened the floodgates, Juliet.
[00:08:31] Donna Wallace: I don't really know how that worked, but obviously I was ready. And so were the people were also ready to receive this. And so for a while, so I, my daughter was really young and she didn't sleep. I was sleep deprived. And then I went back to my corporate job for a little while as well. And I was doing my healing work at nights and had the first time in my life that I felt deeply fulfilled.
[00:08:56] Donna Wallace: and content and totally exhausted and sleep deprived, but yet some like a soul happy, do you know that soul? Oh yes.
[00:09:07] Juliette Karaman: It's so interesting, right? Because I've worked with lots of business coaches and mentors and it's one of the things that I ask people in my, my mentorship and my mastermind as well.
[00:09:17] Juliette Karaman: It's what is the one thing That would bring you so much joy and pleasure, and I call it scrumptiousness, right? What is that energy that you bring in that you'll do for free, forever, for the rest of your life? And once you can pinpoint that, then you know the rest is kind of history. It just, everything just falls into place, right?
[00:09:39] Juliette Karaman: It's like following the breadcrumbs. And it sounds for you, that's exactly what you've done.
[00:09:47] Donna Wallace: Yes, it's true. And one of my girlfriends, Mish, she said, she talks about is following the fun crumbs. And I love that. Oh, the fun
[00:09:55] Juliette Karaman: crumbs,
[00:09:55] Donna Wallace: that's nice. Yeah, isn't it? I love it, the
[00:09:59] Juliette Karaman: fun crumbs.
[00:10:01] Donna Wallace: But what you're saying is absolutely right.
[00:10:03] Donna Wallace: What is the thing that'll light you up? What's that thing on your heart that you could imagine spending the rest of your life doing?
[00:10:10] Juliette Karaman: That's it. And that's it. And then, yeah, we overcomplicate it. We overcomplicate it. It's just listen, just reach out to some people, just be available. And it might not go exactly how you want, and you might, yeah, but you'll always get nudges from the universe, from God, from your higher power, whatever you want to call it, right?
[00:10:32] Juliette Karaman: I know a lot of people have, yeah, some charge with the word God or universe or anything else, but you can just call it, Yeah, whatever you want yourself. Energy. And once you start becoming really aware of that, then it's always the right nudge. And you'll get nudged again. And if you make, yeah, if you like butt your head in the same thing again, you'll get nudged again, and
[00:10:56] Donna Wallace: again.
[00:10:58] Juliette Karaman: Oh, okay. There's a different way.
[00:11:01] Donna Wallace: I think that's right, Juliet. And also that we can go into something new with those open, curious, beginner learning eyes. It's okay to try something new and it's okay to make so many mistakes. And I talk to my kids about this all the time you don't need to be perfect at anything.
[00:11:21] Donna Wallace: How old am I? I am still making mistakes in my business all the time and learning from them. I'm Yeah. So to really have be willing to make mistakes because it's where you're going to grow the most. I can tell you like, so many mistakes that I've made in my business that I would never make a second time because I learned from them.
[00:11:43] Donna Wallace: And to follow those nudges and follow your intuition, but then also be willing to make mistakes and learn from it is the only way that we're ever going to grow. And I don't know about you, Juliet, but I am constantly refining my business.
[00:11:56] Juliette Karaman: Completely. Yes. I know it's and it's pivot.
[00:12:01] Juliette Karaman: It just goes into different directions and it's always, it has the same taste and smell and flavor in it, but there might just be a little tweak. So I love that. Point one. That's exactly what happened. Oh, sorry. Beginner's mind. Point one, sorry. Just, I'm giving some points that you made, like point one is stay in that beginner's mind.
[00:12:28] Juliette Karaman: Be willing to make mistakes and then just pivot as you go, right? Yeah. Exactly. What's another thing that you really loved from or that you've learned?
[00:12:41] Donna Wallace: I have learned that all the different times that I thought I can't do something and I tried, it turns out that I can. So I've learned that I've moved myself from I can't to I can.
[00:12:55] Donna Wallace: And within that space, everything opens up. So that's something else that I've learned is that, we stop ourselves, Juliet, before we even get started. We have this idea and we're like, that'd be amazing. Oh my gosh, I can't do that. Or I don't know how to do that. Or that is so far out of my skillset that's never going to happen.
[00:13:15] Donna Wallace: Or people will just, ostracize me or whatever it is, that comes up for you. Like we stop ourselves before we even start. So shifting from I can't to I can has been like a game changer for me.
[00:13:28] Juliette Karaman: Yeah, that's really beautiful. And I think also what you say is we stop ourselves, right? How often, like for me, it's tech.
[00:13:37] Juliette Karaman: When we first came on, I ejected myself from the studio. So that was like, yeah, that's great. Okay, I know. Tech is not my forte. But, From I can't to I can, it's Oh, okay. So let me just take a breath. I'll figure this out. So I'm like, okay, I might've come in as a guest instead of as a host. So I just, okay, let's try this link then.
[00:14:05] Juliette Karaman: But it's still, but I don't know the tech or I don't know what to do, or I don't know the funnels or I don't have a sales page or I, what if I make a mistake? I think, oopsie, it's oh
[00:14:16] Donna Wallace: oopsie. And if you need to clean it up with someone, if you need to apologize, then you do.
[00:14:20] Donna Wallace: And you trust that relationship is going to withstand you making mistakes. And then you keep moving on.
[00:14:27] Juliette Karaman: Completely love that. And how. How did you start your jewelry business? Is that always something that you've wanted to do? And of course now you infuse it with energy and I'm sure, I don't know, I'm going to let you talk about it because I'm assuming things and
[00:14:46] Donna Wallace: I'm not sure.
[00:14:47] Donna Wallace: Juliette. I never even thought about having a jewelry business. It never even occurred to me. It was not something that I dreamt of or thought about. I like jewelry, but I wasn't like particularly a, what I would call a jewelry person. And I could feel that something wanted to come through in my business.
[00:15:04] Donna Wallace: I, have you ever had that? It's like feeling spiritually pregnant. There's something there that wants to come through you and you have to make time and space to listen to it and figure out what that is. So finally I got to the point where I was ready and what came through was that my business wanted to create products and this jewelry line and I just got all of these divine downloads and visions one after another of I saw this hand out in the stars and I saw a ring slide onto the finger and energy like electrical currents rippling up their arm and into their body and then bing like their whole aura just Switched on and I was like, Oh my gosh, what is this?
[00:15:45] Donna Wallace: I saw like me I saw jewelry being created in Melbourne and being shipped out all over the world to different points and those lights of those people turning on, and then I saw this grid around mother earth and I recognize that those jewelry. were like anchor points for this crystalline, like this energetic grid.
[00:16:08] Donna Wallace: And that grid was to support the ascension of the planet and of mother earth. So I just keep there was so many more things that came through Juliet, but basically like I have the world I've got this mission to create the world's biggest crystal grid using our jewelry and no mean Yeah. And so my customers come into calls with me every six months and they come and do this Ascension work to support the Ascension of the planet and all of her inhabitants using our pieces of jewelry.
[00:16:40] Donna Wallace: And this whole concept was like divinely downloaded, like intuitively. And I was like, Oh my gosh Spirit, have you got the right person? Because I know nothing about jewellery. Energy, I'm all about it. But jewellery I know nothing about it. And I really did that whole, oh my gosh, I don't know if I can do it thing.
[00:17:04] Donna Wallace: And then I thought every other time that I followed my intuition, things have worked out so well, Juliet. I got the intuitive knowledge to start my healing business and look how well that went. I was able to leave my corporate job in less than a year, like my, and I'm nine years into that journey now.
[00:17:21] Donna Wallace: The most amazing things have happened when I followed my intuition. So I thought I don't know what's the worst that I can, that can happen. Like I can lose some time and maybe some money and, but what if it is real? What if I can actually do this with people and turns out I can, and it's so much fun.
[00:17:39] Juliette Karaman: Wow. So when you said that you came in here with a soul's purpose, it wasn't just to turn the lights on, but it's the light in people on, but it's to turn the light on in the whole planet. To change the whole awareness of the planet. I
[00:17:53] Donna Wallace: just got goosebumps. Thank you so much for saying that. No one's ever really reflected that to me before.
[00:17:58] Donna Wallace: Oh, so did
[00:18:00] Juliette Karaman: I.
[00:18:01] Donna Wallace: Oh, I feel really deeply moved. Thank you so much for saying that, Juliette. Oh, I like it. You can hear my voice. That's really, That's
[00:18:11] Juliette Karaman: It's a big mission, yeah? And at times when we, huh, okay, let's all just take a little breath, because my whole body is goosebumping and cold, and this always happens when I speak the truth, right?
[00:18:27] Juliette Karaman: Or when someone else speaks the truth. This is how, for me, energy manifests in my body. When we recognize that we have a mission that is this big, it sometimes does take our breath away, and it's emotional, and it's oh my god, how are we ever gonna do this, and who's gonna help me create?
[00:18:45] Juliette Karaman: Because that's the beauty, we don't have to do it alone. You are so right. You are so right.
[00:18:54] Donna Wallace: And I recognise that it's not just my mission to create the world's largest crystal grid. It's actually every person who chooses to purchase a piece of this jewellery is part of my community and we're actually all doing it together.
[00:19:10] Donna Wallace: It is not the Donna Show. It's not about me. It's about us remembering that we were all here, that we've come onto this earth and this is a part of our soul mission to, remembering that we're here to do this together. And
[00:19:27] Juliette Karaman: yeah. And really through that is how we can help humanity, right? And get back to the heart and recognize that whatever is happening, genocide all over the world, hunger, the extremes of wealth and everything we can.
[00:19:46] Juliette Karaman: actually transcend that all, if we all start to care a little bit. And if we all just get back into that beautiful energy that I know that you and I both create for our clients. So tell us, how do people get in touch with you? How can we purchase an item? Is it custom made? Do you have things ready to order?
[00:20:05] Juliette Karaman: How does this work?
[00:20:07] Donna Wallace: I have a website, but I have no shop. I have no physical shop and no online shop because it is all custom made and custom made for your soul. So what I do offer though is free 10 minute energy readings for people. So I can tell you all the colors that are in your energy field, what that means for you.
[00:20:24] Donna Wallace: And then I try on. different color gemstones to see what really activates your light and what could be the perfect, I call it soulmate stone, Juliet, like what could be the perfect soulmate stone for you. If you like. Oh, I can't
[00:20:36] Juliette Karaman: have fun. Yeah, they're really fun.
[00:20:40] Donna Wallace: So that's the very beginning. It is so much fun and yeah, they're only 10 minutes, but they're super deep and people often laugh and cry in those readings. They're really beautiful and a lovely validation for who you are and your gifts and talents and perhaps what you're going through at the moment as well.
[00:20:58] Donna Wallace: So yeah, my jewelry business is called the House of Orion. And then I also have my energy and emotional healing my emotional healing work, which is under my name, Donna Wallace. And so you can find me on Instagram under Donna Wallace healer or on Instagram, under the House of Orion, or hit my website and you've got links to both and my website's, donna wallace.com au.
[00:21:20] Juliette Karaman: I love it. Everything will be in the show notes. So please just have a look at the show notes and share this episode with someone. If you got touched, if there was a moment that you actually recognized that you also have a purpose in life, right? That you're here for a mission. If you recognize that other people are still maybe looking for that and you think that this would really hit a note with them, please share it with them.
[00:21:48] Juliette Karaman: Donna. Thank you so much for coming on. This has been an absolute delight.
[00:21:53] Donna Wallace: Thank you so much for having me, Juliette. I've loved our conversation.