The Scrumptious Woman EP95
[00:00:00] Juliette Karaman: Welcome Welcome to another episode of The Scrumptious Woman and with me we have this incredible steamy novel writer called Morgan Hale. Welcome.
[00:00:14] Morgan Hale: Thank you, thank you.
[00:00:16] Juliette Karaman: I'm so excited to have you on The Scrumptious Woman because I'm excited it's been woman it's like you are this incredible writer.
[00:00:25] Morgan Hale: Oh thank you. Yeah, I'm grateful for the opportunity to be here and talk to you. I really, my desire in my writing is to reach women and to touch them with the writing. Yeah, it, it meant a lot to me that, My writing resonated with you. And yeah, so I'm excited to, to be here and chat.
[00:00:46] Juliette Karaman: Thank you so much for being here. So I'm going to tell the audience a little story. So Morgan wrote, Morgan and I are in this group together and he wrote a piece and I was like, holy moly. Man, this is, you've got to come on to my podcast because you write in such a beautiful erotic way that's steamy, that's still very classy and that's very respectful for a woman because if we all have a look at porn it's all like bam thank you ma'am and it's it's, women tend to get into their heads.
[00:01:21] Juliette Karaman: We can't quite relax and you have really deep Beautiful container where our nervous system, where a vigilance center can just there's nothing, just relax. And then the body can relax and then expansion can happen and juicy fast and slow. So I'm so excited to have you on.
[00:01:42] Morgan Hale: Can we talk about that piece that you're talking about?
[00:01:45] Morgan Hale: The thing that's so like backstory to that piece, I In my youth, I was a really conservative when it came to sex and a lot of ideas, really, person and had a lot of, judgment of myself and that part of myself. And my life at that time looks like a lot of separation.
[00:02:06] Morgan Hale: There was this version of me that I would put out to the public that was very outspoken about my Catholic Christian faith was my belief at the time. And and then this other part of me that was, in secret and in darkness. And and I felt I had a huge amount of internal struggle over that because I knew that it was like two people living two lives and I felt this horrible lack of integrity and like a fraud, really, and and, I feel like my life has been Kind of a journey of sewing those two pieces back together.
[00:02:46] Morgan Hale: And
[00:02:46] Juliette Karaman: who doesn't relate, right? Who feels like, yay, we got up one way with religion, or with whatever society, and then there's this other part that wants
[00:02:56] Morgan Hale: to come out. Yeah. And And yeah, I like having a lot of internal shame and judgment about that part of myself, and I'm still working on it, but the writing for me is an exercise, and bringing these things, this part of myself that was in shadow and shame, into light, because I believe, that really, these constructs of shame is something that, I've held in my body, but I really believe like my highest is there's no judgment of it.
[00:03:25] Morgan Hale: It's love and it's perfect. And it's part of, this divine expression. And yeah, just even being here and talking with you for me is like leaning into that, of just celebrating that and releasing the those, lingering old stories about shame of it. So yeah.
[00:03:46] Juliette Karaman: And I love that you bring this up because so many of us have taught something about sex, right? What have we been taught by our parents? What have we been taught by our peers, society? I've got four Muslim kids, right? And I'm Dutch, and we're quite open. So I used to walk around with a t shirt say orgasm expert.
[00:04:11] Morgan Hale: I love that so much.
[00:04:13] Juliette Karaman: Slightly blind colored, yeah, colorblind and then tone deaf for my poor kids at that time. But it's really recognizing it's oh, we're just seeing Things through a lens of a persona, of what we have been taught. And this is often something that I teach my couples when they come to me.
[00:04:32] Juliette Karaman: It's we go through a really intense question. It's hey, Tell me what does sex mean to you? And for them, that might be something completely different. And after 30 years of marriage, they don't even recognize
[00:04:46] Morgan Hale: that. And it's
[00:04:49] Juliette Karaman: oh, this means that to you, and that means that to you. So it's oh, okay, what have you been told about sex?
[00:04:55] Juliette Karaman: And just to open it up a little bit.
[00:04:58] Morgan Hale: Yeah, because like when you start talking about it, I feel like I don't know, like when that, that like light comes in and it doesn't feel like shame and judgment. And it's actually okay to talk about it. Then there's this tremendous intimacy that, happens.
[00:05:14] Morgan Hale: And I feel that. I think with readers too, because it's like the book is the safe container that they get to enter into with their imagination and explore things. And they'll be saying things that they read that, they don't love, but there'll be something that they really connect with.
[00:05:30] Morgan Hale: And then they get to play with their imagination and create this whole experience that's really theirs. And that's why I love writing is to just create. a container that is a safe place. And and and even in my writing, I'm going to have been this journey of coming back to authenticity and embracing, my sexual authenticity.
[00:05:51] Morgan Hale: And so I went through a period of, and actually the two books that I currently have published is Morgan Hale, or a departure from authenticity a little bit because I think of them, honestly, as it was, like, authentic me trying to speak with my hand over my mouth.
[00:06:09] Juliette Karaman: Oh,
[00:06:09] Morgan Hale: was I shamed
[00:06:11] Juliette Karaman: or slightly
[00:06:11] Morgan Hale: what?
[00:06:12] Morgan Hale: Yeah, not in a fun, kinky way. Yeah, it was like I was trying too hard, I think, to write something that I thought was what the masses wanted and not just Oh, that's a good
[00:06:23] Juliette Karaman: point.
[00:06:24] Morgan Hale: Yeah. Trying to figure
[00:06:26] Juliette Karaman: out what other people want and instead
[00:06:28] Morgan Hale: Yeah. Yeah. Instead of really trusting that what I have and what's authentic for me is.
[00:06:34] Morgan Hale: It's perfect for the people that it's meant for. It's perfect. And I'm now ruminating about a book. My next book is going to be, I think, much more is going to be much more authentic and I think more along the lines of just the things that, that you've read that I've written. That yeah, it's so anyway, we'll see I'm excited about, the group that we're in has been encouraging for me to just mainly lean into who are you here to be?
[00:06:57] Morgan Hale: What is your authentic story and vibration and live in it and embrace it. And so I'm moving. Towards that. Yeah.
[00:07:07] Juliette Karaman: So tell me and tell the listeners. How did you get into steamy erotica novels?
[00:07:13] Morgan Hale: Oh, so
[00:07:14] Juliette Karaman: You're like, yeah, I'm gonna do that
[00:07:17] Morgan Hale: So it's really funny. I was I still at the present time, I'm still, working like a day job and and a corporate setting.
[00:07:26] Morgan Hale: And it started like that. And I was on this team and we were all really close and and I was, I felt safe enough to be my authentic self with them. And we were all on Facebook messenger together and I started writing these little episodes of this cereal. And two of them in this one one of them in the drape.
[00:07:46] Morgan Hale: On the team he and his fiance, they were getting married. And so we were all talking about wedding plans. And I wrote the serial about this extremely eroticized wedding. And it was very sexy and a little bit larger than life, a little bit comical because of some of the things that I wrote were just really crazy.
[00:08:04] Morgan Hale: But they were all extremely entertained and kept being like yeah, keep writing. And I experienced so much just joy and bliss writing that and sharing that with someone else. And it felt too this is an HR nightmare of what we're doing right now. But we're all in this enthusiastic consent together and bliss together and playfulness together.
[00:08:28] Morgan Hale: And so it just felt awesome. And so that was where it started was like, this is something that I haven't really tapped into this way, not with writing. And and so then I explored the first stuff that I wrote under a different pen name, which is ML Patterson. And yeah, and it was honestly, it was really, the first stuff I wrote was really authentic.
[00:08:53] Morgan Hale: It was dark. It was, I would say, even a little twisted. And it was a story about this married woman who cheats on her husband. And, but it's a love story because he goes through the betrayal and the rage and the, but ultimately comes around to, I love her, and I choose her, and and it was very erotic.
[00:09:16] Morgan Hale: There was a lot of very explicit stuff in it, but it was I was so alive writing that series, and I just I posted notes everywhere, and all these ideas for the story, and and when I released that, I immediately had this retraction inside and fear and all that shame story came in and I spent, that was in 2020, and then I spent the next year probably just running and distancing myself from this thing that I'd published and I even unpublished it at one point.
[00:09:48] Morgan Hale: And,
[00:09:49] Morgan Hale: And
[00:09:50] Morgan Hale: Yeah, it was really the thing is the readers that really resonated with it. I've I got this tremendous, I'd say privilege to get to see, cause there were women who read it and, wrote to me in confidence that. They'd had an affair and that what I had written had really done something for them.
[00:10:11] Morgan Hale: And I was like, that to me is oh my god, I'm here. I'm so here for that, yeah wrote more books that were shorter but I was retreating somewhat and I had this like slow retreat. To the last two books that I wrote, and I won't say, the last two books that I wrote, there's steamy romance and there's definitely eroticism to them, which was very, that part was very authentic for me, and there's romance, which is also really authentic for me, but it was just it was still not just me just letting it flow, the thing that was of me without trying to tweak it and dumb it down and put guardrails on it.
[00:10:48] Morgan Hale: Cause we don't want to get too crazy with this, kind of thing. It's gotta be like what the mainstream is. So anyway I love those books. And at the same time, I recognize that it's been part of my own personal journey to just come back to, yeah, my authenticity and,
[00:11:03] Juliette Karaman: That's a beauty, right?
[00:11:04] Juliette Karaman: How we evolve. How we evolve. The first thing is get it out there. And I was like, oooh, shaming myself. I was like, oh my god, could I have done that? That's crazy. Doubting yourself. Then toning it down a little bit, saying, okay, I need to fit, fit into this box. And then it's okay, let's actually take myself out of the box.
[00:11:22] Juliette Karaman: And that makes sense. Yeah, I
[00:11:26] Morgan Hale: am too. I am too. I'm super excited about it. I like, I'll wake up with ideas, and actually, That thing I most recently shared with you, that piece about his hand on her throat.
[00:11:37] Juliette Karaman: Yeah.
[00:11:37] Morgan Hale: That was, I just woke up one morning with it, and I was like, that's going to be in the book.
[00:11:41] Morgan Hale: Something about that is going to be in the book for sure. And this is the beauty,
[00:11:48] Juliette Karaman: right? Because, I teach people how to have different kinds of pleasure, how to move through trauma, through BDSM or through other ecstatic states. There's all kinds of ways that I move people through trauma, but Most of the time people can't tap into their pleasure because they've had some kind of traumatic experience.
[00:12:06] Juliette Karaman: And it doesn't have to be massive, but a lot of them will have shame when you start talking about BDSM or his hand on her throat, and that's exciting. And this is Quite often that edge, right? It's like the edge, like excitement and shame. It's oh, or pain and pleasure. It's we're like, I can't talk about that.
[00:12:26] Juliette Karaman: My husband, but I'm in this. And this is it. Often people have a different way into pleasure. We all have stack. We all have parts of it in us.
[00:12:39] Morgan Hale: Some are
[00:12:39] Juliette Karaman: more trained, more energetic, or more sensual, or more, using their senses, or more, more kinky, or they like being spanked, or talked to a certain way.
[00:12:49] Juliette Karaman: But it's the shame in sharing that with your partner, with someone that you've been with for years.
[00:12:55] Morgan Hale: Yes. And then when you
[00:12:56] Juliette Karaman: can take that shame away, like Brene Brown says we just, put light to it, it doesn't matter.
[00:13:02] Morgan Hale: Exactly. And then it's here comes this beautiful flow of all this just like great sensual sexual energy when they can finally let it.
[00:13:13] Morgan Hale: So yeah, I love that. I've, I think for myself personally, I've experienced Those like walls breaking down and me. I mean that actually that experience that at my work when I started sharing that stuff I mean it felt that same way, you know that it was like coming out of Shadow and letting someone else see it and having this expectation that oh god what are they gonna think but they were like eating it up because I think there's some part of a lot of us that And maybe all of us, I don't know, but definitely a lot of us that have our own something inside about sexuality that there's that separation and judgment and fear of that.
[00:13:52] Morgan Hale: And so for somebody else to, so awesome for me, to me, it's cool to have met you and get to talk to you because, I definitely get a sense of like your authority and how much power you have. to help people make that, come out of shadow into light and to connect in that space.
[00:14:12] Morgan Hale: And I think that's so needed, like even in 2024 and we have these like amazing people that step out into authenticity and like forge way ahead for the rest of us. I still think a lot of people, I know in my life and the people that I know, there's still so much of a gap between the person that they are sexually on the inside and what they feel like is acceptable and what they show to the world.
[00:14:40] Juliette Karaman: This is it, right? And it's just that unlayering. It's like that little, just take that little veil off and then the next one. And I'm not sure that the way that I have jumped into things with feet first if that's the best way for everyone. But there's definitely a way that we can do this and really get our nervous system in flow and that we can feel safe.
[00:15:01] Juliette Karaman: I was wondering, would you let, would you share a piece of us? Will you read it? Do you want me to read
[00:15:09] Morgan Hale: it? Sure. Can I share that one that we're talking about? Absolutely, go for it. I
[00:15:16] Juliette Karaman: have a feeling like when people listen to this and hear it, don't know, and they'll run out and buy your books.
[00:15:24] Morgan Hale: Yeah let me pull it up here. I'm going to my website morganhalebooks. com and I've got a little blog history post, but this is the most recent one. All right, here we go, his hand on her throat. What does it mean? When he's plunging into her, when their eyes lock, and the flames in his pupils ignite a flame in hers.
[00:15:52] Morgan Hale: When his strong hand holds her neck firmly against the mattress. When his powerful muscular body hovers over her naked, both their skin glowing with the warmth of a coming sweat. What does it mean? One context for this calls to me in particular That of a woman caught in infidelity. Hang on. That was like the excerpt on my blog, and let me finish.
[00:16:21] Morgan Hale: Sorry. Shoot.
[00:16:23] Juliette Karaman: Of a woman caught in infidelity, and her betrayed lover taking her, reclaiming her forcefully, like an alpha predator.
[00:16:33] Morgan Hale: A heady mixture of rage and love, like that edge in makeup sex, except hotter. Because the offense is greater. So the fire burns even higher. But somehow, love remains the greatest force between them.
[00:16:51] Morgan Hale: It laces everything they share, even their revenge sex, even his punishment of her. He loves her, and not in spite of what she has done, not some, no, somehow this love accepts her entirely, even what she has done, especially what she has done. His greatest power is not his muscles. His wealth, his Adonis like good looks, his commanding presence, his fierce discipline that yielded uncommon success, no, his greatest power.
[00:17:29] Morgan Hale: is his capacity to love her completely, to see the darkest corners of her soul, to catch the cheating whore and claim her, to see her infidelity and seize the opportunity to choose her, own her again, and burn all around her and through her. There's an alchemy to it, to take judgment and shame and transform them into ties that bind into acceptance.
[00:18:01] Morgan Hale: into a higher and deeper form of love, a love that is almost divine.
[00:18:08] Juliette Karaman: Okay, that is heating up! That is so beautifully written. It's visceral, right? My whole body's like vibrating. It's oh my goodness. And you can imagine it. And this is the beauty of words and the way that you write, that we can imagine it, we can feel it. And if we, with Being unfaithful.
[00:18:28] Juliette Karaman: We have that feeling like, oh, and if not, we could imagine what it would be.
[00:18:33] Morgan Hale: Yeah. Yeah. Cause I feel like even for individuals who maybe haven't physically been unfaithful, my story, I was married for 20 years and I didn't have a physical affair, but I had many emotional and sensual connections with other women and, and struggled with shame about it and at one point I had so much shame about it that I was standing on the bridge thinking maybe I didn't need to be here anymore.
[00:18:59] Morgan Hale: I see, I think because I've walked through those feelings and recognized it in other people that we all have these currents that run through us sexually And yeah I think there's so much, the idea of what I just read, that read of a woman caught in adultery and a lover, seeing that and cheesing them and working through all that kind of energy of, And expressing it sexually, I think that's just, I see so much beauty in that.
[00:19:34] Morgan Hale: And
[00:19:34] Juliette Karaman: there's complete beauty and thank you so much for sharing your story. I'm going to just deepen in that a little bit, where you said it might not have been sexual adultery. But you were having an emotional connection with someone.
[00:19:48] Morgan Hale: Oh, very much. And this is
[00:19:51] Juliette Karaman: often what, I'll talk to my couples about.
[00:19:53] Juliette Karaman: I'm like but what is that? When does it become cheating when you're waiting on a text from somewhere and where does it get you all flashing and oh, this flirtation, that's
[00:20:03] Morgan Hale: fun. And
[00:20:05] Juliette Karaman: where does emotional intimacy with someone else?
[00:20:09] Morgan Hale: I have
[00:20:09] Juliette Karaman: a lot of my girlfriends, I'm very intimate with.
[00:20:12] Juliette Karaman: They know a lot about me and my life and what goes on the inside. So to be intimate with people, and sometimes in workshops, and when I teach, I'm quite intimate about what goes on inside of me. My partner knows this, so I'm not cheating on it, to be intimate with someone else that's outside your marriage can sometimes really take a massive toll.
[00:20:35] Morgan Hale: Yeah, and it did. The person that I was married to are actually best friends now and she actually lives in the same house with me even though we're no longer married and no longer a couple. That for me also has been a beautiful story about how, Love just triumphed over all the judgment and all of the other things.
[00:20:54] Morgan Hale: And and I feel she knows me better now than she ever did. Isn't it fabulous? We're married. We're married.
[00:21:01] Juliette Karaman: It's as if I have such a good relationship with my ex husband. We spend Christmas together with our partners. My partner doesn't have a partner. With our kids, I go nice and easy.
[00:21:12] Juliette Karaman: And, a week with him in Lebanon sometimes, from time to time, it's just, we're really good friends and
[00:21:19] Morgan Hale: yeah,
[00:21:19] Juliette Karaman: I recognize it's Oh, in the 10 plus years that we have been married, the love for each other has actually deepened and in a really beautiful co parenting friends love always prevails if you can teach that to your kids.
[00:21:34] Juliette Karaman: You might not be married anymore, you help out financially, you help out emotionally, you're just together anyway,
[00:21:41] Morgan Hale: but in just a
[00:21:41] Juliette Karaman: different container, just not in the marriage container.
[00:21:44] Morgan Hale: Exactly. Exactly. Yeah.
[00:21:47] Juliette Karaman: Love it. Oh my goodness, this has been absolutely fabulous. Now I'm going to ask you one question.
[00:21:53] Juliette Karaman: If there is, first of all, yes, you're going to tell me your website and everything will be in the show notes, so please go ahead. Everyone, have a look at the show notes and where you can find all these beautiful books. But second, what I wanted to ask you, there are a few of us out there that want to be writers.
[00:22:12] Juliette Karaman: And that kind of like the urge, it's like, Oh my God how do you get started?
[00:22:17] Morgan Hale: Oh I think there's a lot to be said for just like taking the time to If it's whatever feels good for you, like pen and paper, typing on a keyboard, and just letting stuff flow. And for me lately, it's just been short things that I've written.
[00:22:35] Morgan Hale: And sitting with them, and seeing if it evolves into something more, but I think it starts like that. And then publishing it's much easier now than it ever was 10, 15 years ago to self publish. And do a lot of stuff myself in terms of that.
[00:22:52] Morgan Hale: And Have tools that I use. Do you want me to talk about those things or?
[00:22:57] Juliette Karaman: I'm just wondering if you can turn this into a little course or something and people.
[00:23:01] Morgan Hale: Oh I haven't really thought about the idea about that or not. Cause I'm really focused on just for me, it's like the writing.
[00:23:11] Morgan Hale: It always, I think comes back to that and it's easy to, it's so easy for the busyness of life to
[00:23:18] Juliette Karaman: stay focused on your writing. I think people do absolutely love you and they might reach out and say, Hey, can you mention me in that? And
[00:23:27] Morgan Hale: who
[00:23:28] Juliette Karaman: knows, right?
[00:23:30] Morgan Hale: So there's a, there's an author that I follow right now. Honestly, I think the best advice actually is with this woman. So her name is Penelope Douglas and on her website, she has an FAQ and there's advice on there for new writers. And she talks about the same thing that I'm saying, just write what you want to write.
[00:23:47] Morgan Hale: Like the rest of it will follow, but just write what's inside of you. The book that you want to read. This is how she says it. Write that. And
[00:23:56] Juliette Karaman: Love
[00:23:57] Morgan Hale: it. And that was my first book. The one about the woman that cheated on her husband. That was me just writing the book I wanted to write and not really
[00:24:04] Juliette Karaman: Yeah.
[00:24:05] Morgan Hale: Yeah.
[00:24:06] Juliette Karaman: Amazing. Amazing. That was your first book. You wrote exactly what you wanted to write.
[00:24:10] Juliette Karaman: So where can people find your books?
[00:24:13] Morgan Hale: Mlpattersonbooks. com and morganhalebooks. com, but morganhalebooks is really good. We're going to be putting all my future writing.
[00:24:21] Juliette Karaman: Okay.
[00:24:21] Morgan Hale: I would say there I've got a newsletter that you can subscribe to on that website and blog entries.
[00:24:28] Morgan Hale: That also
[00:24:28] Juliette Karaman: has like a little spicy yeah excerpts like the one that you wrote. Yeah,
[00:24:33] Morgan Hale: yeah. Yeah, exactly. I just sent that one out actually to my subscribers yesterday,
[00:24:39] Juliette Karaman: oh,
[00:24:40] Morgan Hale: yeah,
[00:24:41] Juliette Karaman: I love it. And do you interact with your subscribers if we get onto your email? I do,
[00:24:46] Morgan Hale: yeah. I mean if they write to me or reach out to me, I do. I like, because I like that part, I like the, I mean it's for them. That's really the joy for me Is to create for them and for them to have this experience and when they do, not, I think a lot of them don't actually come back but some do and when they do, that's very rich for me to interact with them.
[00:25:06] Morgan Hale: It's always
[00:25:06] Juliette Karaman: lovely to hear how you impact someone and
[00:25:10] Morgan Hale: what
[00:25:10] Juliette Karaman: they like, what they might want tweaked it's all information. You can still go ahead and write your book, but it's all information. It has been an honor. Absolute delight. Thank you so much for coming on. Thank you
[00:25:23] Morgan Hale: so much. I see.
[00:25:25] Morgan Hale: Awesome.
[00:25:27] Juliette Karaman: I love it. So everything is in the show notes. Please share this episode with whoever you feel wants to spice their life up a little bit and we will see you next time.