The Scrumptious Woman
Welcome to The Scrumptious Woman with Juliette Karaman—a sanctuary dedicated to exploring and nurturing the most vital relationship in life: the relationship with yourself. Here, we prioritise creating a safe and supportive space where you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.
Juliette is your compassionate guide, leading conversations that gently yet powerfully delve into relationships, intimacy, body confidence, and emotional well-being. With a focus on safety and trust, each episode addresses deeply ingrained beliefs and unspoken fears, offering tools to foster self-love, awareness, and profound transformation.
Drawing from over five decades of lived experience and expertise, Juliette shares her treasured "Juliette Jewels"—a collection of practices rooted in somatic healing, safety, and authenticity. Together, we navigate the intricacies of human connection, helping you feel seen, accepted, and valued.
This podcast is an invitation to rediscover your inner safety and joy as we explore topics like body shame, the balance of feminine and masculine energies, and the path to authentic, thriving relationships. Let’s embark on this nurturing journey together, one step closer to a more secure and scrumptious life.
The Scrumptious Woman
089 Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Insights from Kelly Duffy and Lauren Lovett
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Hello, beautiful people! I'm Juliette Karaman, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to another inspiring episode of The Scrumptious Woman. Today, we have not one but two incredible women with us: Kelly Duffy and Lauren Lovett. Between them, they have built and sold companies worth over half a million pounds. Join us as we dive into their journeys, insights, and how they empower women to achieve their entrepreneurial dreams.
Episode Summary:
In this episode, we explore the entrepreneurial journeys of Kelly Duffy and Lauren Lovett. Both have built successful businesses across various industries, from marketing agencies to property and hospitality. They share their experiences, from childhood entrepreneurial ventures to creating renowned brands like Wagamama. We also discuss the importance of supporting young entrepreneurs, overcoming self-worth issues, and the power of community and mentorship. Kelly and Lauren emphasise the significance of specific goals, self-care, and the value of surrendering to receive support.
Key Takeaways:
- Support Young Entrepreneurs: Encouraging and guiding children in their entrepreneurial ideas can lead to successful ventures.
- Overcoming Self-Worth Issues: Many women struggle with self-worth, which can hinder their entrepreneurial success. Recognising and addressing these issues is crucial.
- Power of Specific Goals: Setting specific, detailed goals can help in achieving success and staying focused.
- Community and Mentorship: Being part of a supportive community and having mentors can significantly impact one's journey to success.
- Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies: Effective entrepreneurship involves balancing masculine traits like specificity and action with feminine traits like creativity and nurturing.
- Surrendering to Receive: Learning to ask for help and being open to receiving support is essential for growth and success.
- Importance of Self-Care: Taking care of one's well-being is vital for sustained success and avoiding burnout.
- Transformational Leadership: True leadership involves transforming oneself and inspiring others through authenticity and vulnerability.
- Creating Generational Wealth: Building businesses with the aim of creating long-term, generational wealth requires vision, dedication, and hard work.
- Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Kelly and Lauren's mission is to support and uplift women in business, ensuring they receive the recognition and success they deserve.
Connect with Kelly and Lauren:
- Instagram: @1of5club
- Website: 1 of 5 Club
Thank you for joining us on this enlightening episode. Remember, you have the power to lead, create, and transform your life. Embrace your entrepreneurial spirit, set specific goals, and seek the support you need.
- Find out more about Juliette Karaman here: https://feelfullyyou.com
- Follow Juliette on instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/juliettekaraman/
- Follow Juliette on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/juliette.karamanvanschaardenburg
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The Scrumptious Woman EP89
[00:00:00] Juliette Karaman: Welcome to another episode of The Scrumptious Woman, and I don't have just one, but two incredible women with me here. Between the two of them, they have amassed and sold companies and did deals for, what was it? Over a
[00:00:16] Kelly Duffy: half a million.
[00:00:18] Juliette Karaman: Pounds. UK pounds. So for you in the States, that's probably around 700, 000.
[00:00:25] Juliette Karaman: A lot more. More. Okay. Even my math skills aren't good. Lauren Lovett, Kelly Duffy. Welcome to The Scrumptious Woman. Let's podcast. Let's actually just jam on that a little bit. So between the two of you, you have over 50 odd years of experiences in creating companies, moving them around, switching them.
[00:00:48] Juliette Karaman: Cutting, implementing and rising people up and then doing whatever you do. But tell us more.
[00:00:57] Lauren Lovett: Yes, that's a perfect introduction, isn't it? Yeah, Kelly and I's paths have been very different. So mine has been predominantly in building marketing agencies, but I've Took a brief detour and built a property company and then I built a beauty salon brand with a range of beauty products.
[00:01:13] Lauren Lovett: And Kelly, what about you? What's your journey taken you on? What have you built?
[00:01:18] Kelly Duffy: I started life as a child surveyor. And way back when I was a young entrepreneur, I was buying and selling tea to the builders because my parents used to move house so much. And you never know when you're going to become an entrepreneur because I had no idea.
[00:01:30] Kelly Duffy: I was just like, get me as much money as I can so I can go and buy sweets because my mum wouldn't buy me any. And I bought them for all the kids down the street. So that started my journey. And my passion is in property. I love property. So I'm a charter surveyor, as I said, by profession. And to make property the most interesting, I found myself into, and nothing ever comes as a coincidence does it, but I found myself in the world of restaurants, bars, and nightclubs.
[00:01:56] Kelly Duffy: Because as a young woman, I started when I was 17 I was like, okay, this is really interesting. I love eating and drinking. So how can I make some money? So I started a third, a two and a half decade journey and I still do it cause I've still got a hand in it. Don't ever leave anything alone, right?
[00:02:13] Kelly Duffy: When you've been in it for that long. So I've bought built and sold and shaped a lot of the UK's. I know a lot of your listeners are abroad. The UK's restaurants, Bars and hotels and nightclubs. So it's been an incredible journey working with amazing entrepreneurs and watching what makes an incredible entrepreneur build an empire and then build it beyond build it.
[00:02:41] Kelly Duffy: So for example, the Ivy chain, which we, which the UK listeners will know about, to build that and then sell it for then Richard Caring to go and do what he done, let alone Wagamama, a man turns up in a suit impeccably dressed, can hardly speak any English, says have concept, wants to slurp some noodles, round table, all British and people love it.
[00:03:00] Kelly Duffy: And I'm like, okay, this was 25, 30 years ago. British people don't like to share food round the table. Yes, let's do it. They're gonna love it. And I think we've bought over 120 in total, so that he could go and do what he really wanted to do, which he needed nearly 6 million pounds for, build Hakkasan, which was Wagamamas,
[00:03:20] Lauren Lovett: by the way, right?
[00:03:23] Lauren Lovett: That was, in case you didn't pick that up from what Kelly said, that was Wagamama's. Yeah, Wagamama's
[00:03:28] Juliette Karaman: is world, it's everywhere, right? Exactly, everyone knows
[00:03:32] Lauren Lovett: Wagamama's.
[00:03:33] Juliette Karaman: And Hakkasan has been always one of my favourite restaurants in London, so I was going to say I've probably been to most of those places.
[00:03:40] Juliette Karaman: But what I love about them both of you is and also earlier on when I saw one of your kids come in I heard the story it's like she set up her own company so it's there's this passion that both of you have and then I could already tell in this story that you love something you set up you're like okay how can we make this work for us that you know this is my passion I want to do this I want to make some money with so what would you tell to all the like budding entrepreneurs or all the people that have kids out there and that they have these wild dreams.
[00:04:11] Juliette Karaman: How can they support them?
[00:04:13] Kelly Duffy: I think the best way to tell is to show, and we can show through audio, but Lauren, why don't you just share what happened with Lana?
[00:04:22] Lauren Lovett: Yeah, so Lana, my, my elder, she asked me in the week when she was at school, she said, Hey, mommy, I really want you. I'm, I can't choose any more books for myself.
[00:04:30] Lauren Lovett: I go to the library every weekend. I just really struggle because I'm picking the same books every time. How could you? Go to a charity shop. I don't want you to spend a lot of money, which was super, very adorable. Can you go to a charity shop, buy me some books, and then wrap them in brown paper, and write a two line synopsis on the front, and I'll pick from that group of books what I want to read?
[00:04:54] Lauren Lovett: And I was like, yeah, for sure. And then Lana and I were talking, and I was like, this is a great business model, mate. This is a great business idea. And
[00:05:04] Juliette Karaman: Lana
[00:05:06] Lauren Lovett: is nine. So I said to Lana, she was in bed one day and I was like, Lana, I've come up with a business name. How do you feel about the undercover book lovers club?
[00:05:18] Lauren Lovett: And she was like, Love it!
[00:05:21] Lauren Lovett: Okay, so we now, this is called birth in a business. You've birthed it now. This is your idea. This is what it, this is where it starts. And just, I'd say the same to anyone. If you have an idea within you, Don't leave it. Don't ignore it. One thing we say to our people is never ever leave financial safety.
[00:05:41] Lauren Lovett: So don't quit your job. Don't remortgage your house for your idea. Work harder. Work smarter. Have the discipline to build your idea, to build whatever has been birthed within you on the side. Until you can fire yourself from your own job. And Lana, we had that idea 48 hours ago, and we bought some stock, went to the charity shop, bought some stock, we went on Amazon, we got the packaging, we got really beautiful bags, and we've made a beautiful like postcard that's going to go in every order, and we created a website together and then, and now we've launched, we're live!
[00:06:19] Lauren Lovett: So Lana has actually had one order come in, which is so cool, and and, entrepreneurship isn't for everyone. But if you have an idea, if there's something in you, that's a big a why. So Lana, my nine year old's why, and she recorded a video earlier for her, for Kelly, but also for my, for her grandma her nanny.
[00:06:41] Lauren Lovett: And I said, what's your why and why are you doing it? And she said, because I just want more children to read and I want to make it fun and exciting. That's a pretty big why, even for a, for a nine year old, but even for a grownup, that's a pretty big why. If your why is bigger, it will always get you out of bed.
[00:07:01] Lauren Lovett: It will always get you working at the end of the work day. It will always get you working at the weekend. It will come above going to the pub or, watching Netflix all night. And if your why isn't big enough yet, then it won't happen.
[00:07:14] Juliette Karaman: It's so true. Oh, I love this story. You can never start too early, but there's always a perfect time.
[00:07:22] Juliette Karaman: So 24 hours from concept to basically execution.
[00:07:25] Lauren Lovett: Yeah, about 48 hours. Yeah, because we had to work out some postage and packaging issues and a little bit, but we got there.
[00:07:33] Juliette Karaman: It helps. So you have a mom who knows how to do this stuff and it also just shows that it's possible, right? So many people
[00:07:43] Lauren Lovett: talk themselves out, wouldn't you say this Kel?
[00:07:46] Lauren Lovett: So many people. Talk themselves out of investing in themselves, out of starting the journey. We've been on a podcast before and we talked about this in detail and with the interviewer, but women have a self worth issue. , We see it from our experience in the UK a lot because most of our clients are UK based, but I believe it's global.
[00:08:06] Lauren Lovett: Women have a self worth issue that has them go, I'm not going to play full out. I'm not gonna put myself out there. I'm not going to strive for the highest heights. Because I'm not worthy of success, because I don't deserve it, because I'm not smart enough, because I'm not young enough, because I'm not beautiful enough, because I'm whatever the BS
[00:08:23] Juliette Karaman: thing
[00:08:25] Lauren Lovett: you want to insert that's just rooted in self worth.
[00:08:29] Lauren Lovett: And, it's born at, seven, eight and nine years old, but it actually affects everyone in every age group. Wouldn't you say Kel? Is that the number one thing 100%,
[00:08:39] Kelly Duffy: 100 percent and a lot of that going down the road on self worth. I came from a family where my mum and dad are entrepreneurs.
[00:08:50] Kelly Duffy: So it was moving to me. So the moment that Lauren shared the story this morning, when we were chatting about Lana's new business, I'm like I got so moved for that young woman, let alone all of her friends, because what Lauren's made possible through the vision of Lana's intention is to normalize it.
[00:09:11] Kelly Duffy: Regardless of whether Lauren knows how to code and put a website together, you can ask anyone for anything. Yeah, because you don't ever let the self worth get in the way of, I need someone to, because anything's possible. And that's the beautiful thing. But going back to this self worth, a lot of women don't realize that's what's in the way.
[00:09:32] Kelly Duffy: And that's where we come in. So gently with love and with affection, we will unveil hidden beliefs around the area around achieving business. You can only ever generate wealth of that you believe you're worthy of.
[00:09:47] Juliette Karaman: And that's such a beautiful thing, right? Because so often we like limit ourselves.
[00:09:51] Juliette Karaman: It's Oh, if you don't put the right intention out, like what is your intention for this next quarter? And I was talking about this with some of my students the other day, and it's Oh yeah, I want to get three clients. I'm like, great, what kind of clients? How much are they paying?
[00:10:05] Juliette Karaman: Are they paying in full? What are they doing? And they're like, oh, I hadn't thought about that. I'm like, great, let's get it down to specificity. And I noticed where I think as, us as women, we haven't really been honed down that lane as much to be as specific. And maybe there's part of it saying, Oh, I'll do my female thing.
[00:10:25] Juliette Karaman: And I'm in my feminine. Yes. And we have our effective masculine, right? So the masculine come on. Let's get you back on track and it doesn't have to be harsh and we don't have to burn out and but we can just spend a bit of time. It's the riverbanks. Come on, come back. Where do you want to go?
[00:10:41] Lauren Lovett: Juliet, what's funny is that society in the last 20 years has coined specificity as a male trait and yet, I believe it's an inherently feminine trait. Like, how many little girls envisage their future wedding? Envisage their future prince? They know what he looks like, they know what he does for work, they know what their wedding's gonna be.
[00:11:03] Lauren Lovett: Women are envisaging their babies and their future, even their homes, their future dogs. Specificity. Is an inherent part of women, but what people, what I believe actually women don't like is the responsibility. Oh,
[00:11:19] Juliette Karaman: I like that. That comes,
[00:11:21] Lauren Lovett: and we are unabashedly calling out toxic traits. that women have and we love all the girls.
[00:11:28] Lauren Lovett: So don't you know whether you're gonna get your pitchforks out and like your matches, I'm okay with that because Kelly and I, you know this Julia, our number one stand is to change how much money goes to women from an angel investing in a VC fund perspective. And it goes to the women.
[00:11:43] Lauren Lovett: All of this conversation comes from us realizing, yes, absolutely, there's a patriarchy. For sure. Absolutely. The men are holding on to some of the money, but they're not holding on to all the money. And when Kelly and I went to these rooms and we go to a lot and we watch a lot of pitch nights and we watch the women get on the stage versus the men get on there and they can have the worst idea you've ever heard.
[00:12:06] Lauren Lovett: Like selling ice to an Eskimo. Like Rubbish. The boys are getting up there with so much B, D, E. That's big dick energy. I know. I swore and I hope it's okay. bleed me out. Absolutely. Heads up. It's okay. But they're coming up with so much big dick energy that all the investors are going take my money.
[00:12:27] Juliette Karaman: Yeah.
[00:12:27] Lauren Lovett: Women are not, they're not coming with their own divine feminine energy and they're not compelling. The idea's incredible them.
[00:12:36] Kelly Duffy: And it's the self belief, isn't it, Lauren? The big dickhead is otherwise known. And then we're having a banter, having a chat here, but that's otherwise known as, do you love yourself enough to love the product, to know that the difference that you're going to make with the other human being is going to be specific enough that your product is going to solve the problem your client's got?
[00:12:54] Kelly Duffy: The answer is always yes. I haven't really seen it. Very few and far between. I'll tell you why. Lauren's talking about 2 percent of the money that's given out over 130 billion a year goes to women. So we're not talking
[00:13:08] Juliette Karaman: 2%! Holy shit, only.
[00:13:11] Kelly Duffy: And 0. 4 percent of that goes to women of colour. So we're not talking about men like that.
[00:13:16] Kelly Duffy: We're talking about why. Why is that? The why is that the muscle around. If you give a man a CV for a job and he reads the job description and the money's good, he'll apply for it. There's a science behind it. A woman will not. Unless it's absolutely every detail. Now, there's nothing right or wrong with that, but we're out to interrupt and bring awareness to it.
[00:13:42] Kelly Duffy: Love it. We're out to bring women's awareness to, it doesn't have to, you don't have to suffer in business. You don't. Lana will never suffer in business. Because she sent me a video and I sent it to all my nieces and nephews going everyone pick one, whichever one you want, I'm going to get it for you.
[00:13:58] Kelly Duffy: And then a couple of them, I said, you should buy this because I know they're earning their own money.
[00:14:04] Juliette Karaman: Love it. And I love the passion of the two of you where you're actually saying, okay, this is unacceptable. Women only get an X percentage, women of color even less, even less acceptable. So here we are bringing our combined years of business, of skills, of honing to a community of women.
[00:14:32] Lauren Lovett: And to be honest with you, Juliette, all we are is an invitation. We're not even, we're not saying it's wrong. Like ladies, if you're listening to this and your limiting beliefs and your self worth story is having you show up pissed off and not achieving what you want. And you're absolutely adamant that it's not your fault?
[00:14:50] Lauren Lovett: Okay. We're not here for those people. We are a constant invitation. If you want to change your story on you, stop blaming everyone else. Stop pushing it out to the world and go, okay, I am the author of my story. I am the author of my story. Let's write the next chapter. We're going to come and write it with us because you will be safe.
[00:15:13] Lauren Lovett: You will be held and you will be loved.
[00:15:16] Kelly Duffy: Oh, I love that, Lauren. The opportunity to turn the page through the conversation. Now, you can listen to the conversation that we've all had through a filter of pissed off, it's okay for them, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Or you can listen from what's possible for you.
[00:15:31] Kelly Duffy: Yeah. In turning the page, love, I love the synchronicity with the books and the books, right? In order to start the next chapter, because Lauren and I have been there and done it. We've got the divorces, we've got the cancer, we've got all of, we've walked in Your shoes. Such that you then don't have to because some of it was super uncomfortable.
[00:15:51] Kelly Duffy: And we, the work that we do is we intend, our intention is really flipping simple. We want to take the suffering out of success. So we want to move the dial on that two percent. How do we do that? We do it through a program whereby we have a program of becoming Because Juliette, the self worth element to it, you can't Oh God, can I say it?
[00:16:13] Kelly Duffy: Of course I can. You can't polish a turd. Or you can't put icing over a mud pie. It's still not a cake. It's a mud pie with icing over the top. Don't kid yourself, boo.
[00:16:25] Lauren Lovett: You can tell it's not our first interview of the day, can't you? We're now starting to loosen the trouser buttons and just lean into it. You're getting a real unabridged version of us, Juliette.
[00:16:36] Juliette Karaman: This is what my podcast is all about.
[00:16:39] Lauren Lovett: It's so true. The minute you said it's a scrumptious ladies, We're here to say the stuff that no one else will tell you.
[00:16:44] Lauren Lovett: We aren't, we are not the people who are going to sell you a six or an eight week how to become a millionaire posting four times a day on social media course. We're not those women. We're here to tell you This shit is hard. If you want to become a multi millionaire, you want to change your life so that you can travel the world, pay off all your family's mortgages, send your kids to any school and be financially free, I call it fuck you money by the way, if you want to create generational wealth that's a transformation game.
[00:17:18] Lauren Lovett: That doesn't come by learning more how, that comes by learning more about this. And that's what we're here for. So we do, we call it out. And yes, of course we get a little bit of hate for that and we're okay with it because we're here. And then
[00:17:34] Kelly Duffy: because they're not hating on us, right? Never. They're hating on themselves that they can't see beyond.
[00:17:39] Kelly Duffy: Like we just, that was a lovely analogy with the chapter and turning a page, listening from how you might listen. Our invitation is don't listen from that. Listen from what's possible. Put down the filters of it's not possible for me. I didn't come from a rich family. Then, great! Have a rich family come from you.
[00:17:56] Kelly Duffy: Turn the flipping thing around. It is possible, as long as you're willing to I'd say a couple of key characteristics. You're always willing To be, to literally come with a mind to learn. You don't know it all. And what you know has got you so far. So best, and we've done a 55 years between the two of us have experienced.
[00:18:17] Kelly Duffy: We've condensed it into one year. Our program, which is super exciting. The accidental CEO is literally that growth journey of becoming. With like minded women, with successful business women already, who know that they don't want to die with the magic inside of them. Or the music, as they say, right?
[00:18:40] Kelly Duffy: That there is something for them to birth, to be the best version of themselves. And it's not all business. Because our program is 50 50. Like the lifestyle empire. So the money's there, but the wealth, the well being. The health and that balance between love, family, relationship is the definition of success.
[00:19:01] Kelly Duffy: There's no point in having all the money on the planet and everyone hates you, and you hate yourself. That's boring.
[00:19:07] Juliette Karaman: It doesn't really get anyone anywhere, right? I love this. Becoming, like the book, turning the page and who can I become? So we're looking at mindset, we're looking, you're looking at beliefs, at triggers, at how we react versus respond to people.
[00:19:27] Juliette Karaman: And then also it is a lot of it. It's put yourself in the room with people that have actually done this, that have shown you the evidence that this is possible. And we talk about this in mentorship so often. And I know I run like scrumptious visibility because I got massively freaking visible with this podcast.
[00:19:46] Juliette Karaman: I'm like, Oh, this one should be fun. Yeah. My voice needs to be heard. And then all of a sudden we're like 360, 000 downloads further. I'm like, Oh, okay. Whoa. They're a bit My itty bitty body is like, Whoa, this is a little bit too visible. And it's Oh, that's when I need mentors and women like you. Yes.
[00:20:04] Juliette Karaman: You're okay. Just calibrate there a little bit. That's okay. Let you know, shake it out. Let your body do its thing. Let your mind do its thing. And now what's your new baseline? Where can you take it from now?
[00:20:16] Kelly Duffy: Love that.
[00:20:17] Juliette Karaman: So tell us more about this beautiful one year program.
[00:20:22] Lauren Lovett: Yeah so really it's called the accidental CEO because we want to build leaders.
[00:20:28] Lauren Lovett: We're not interested in building hobbyists. We're not interested. We get it. Most women probably consider we, we started, we've interviewed a lot of women actually, and they say, I wouldn't call myself a CEO. I might call myself a founder or a business owner or a consultant. And I'm like, yeah, for sure.
[00:20:44] Lauren Lovett: But you get that you're a CEO, right? If you're wanting to build something bigger than yourself, if you're wanting to get to six, seven, eight figures, You're a CEO. And they're like, no, I was like, for sure you won't be until you go. Yeah. I want to be. Becoming. Every time. It's a set of shoes that every woman can fill if she chooses to.
[00:21:07] Lauren Lovett: And that's what the program really is. It's a powerful choice into the potentiality of your future. Because we don't, like I said, we're not here for short runs. We're here. We have other programs that do that. We have beautiful other programs that help people with sprints, that help people dive deep into an area of deep trauma in their lives, that, that helped them transform in an area that they want to, but this is our flagship program.
[00:21:32] Lauren Lovett: This is a 12 month journey that we invite women to take, to get to understand the deepest depths. Of what they want and who they want to become. Because their business will grow with them. That's, it's a foregone conclusion. Your business will grow at the rate that you grow. Your business will not grow if you do not grow.
[00:21:55] Lauren Lovett: That is
[00:21:56] Juliette Karaman: so true. A little mic drop moment there. So say that you were at the start of your career. What are the two, three things? Me first, I want to answer that.
[00:22:10] Kelly Duffy: Get into a room like ours. I'm just like, I just wish that this room would have been available so that I, so that one, I could have got there quicker too.
[00:22:18] Kelly Duffy: I probably wouldn't have completely destroyed my second marriage. At all, because I would have been in, I would have had the value of a coach or a mentor who can go, Hey, just move over that little way, that little bit. Or like you said earlier on, Julia, when I got triggered, I'd have got held.
[00:22:37] Kelly Duffy: Because we're not about we're women. We're about doing it. Redefining wealth as wellness. So when someone gets triggered we can point out that safe space going hey, how do you feel in your body? Because we can tell someone's been triggered. They're not, they won't, sometimes people won't admit it or see it or know it or they've never stopped for long enough, especially women that are doing, busy being busy, never enough time, right?
[00:23:03] Kelly Duffy: They never stop for long enough to notice what's actually going on in their body. To become safe and that's in the becoming.
[00:23:13] Lauren Lovett: I love that. My one would be,
[00:23:16] Lauren Lovett: oh man it's so uncomfortable to say because I resisted it for so long. Participate. Oh, yes. A really good one. I want you to
[00:23:28] Kelly Duffy: share it. I know this is audio, but she's got like a bum squeezy face on, right? Darlene, tell the listeners why. Juliet, do they know what Lauren's created in one of her empires, right?
[00:23:45] Kelly Duffy: Yeah, we've just said about that. Tell them why, Darlene. What was the impact of you creating that? Not participating. That would be the most value.
[00:23:53] Lauren Lovett: Yes. There's two things, right? Because I've always had mentors, but I've never, until a few years ago, I'd never like really invested in a coach.
[00:24:00] Lauren Lovett: I was like, no, it's not for me. That's just a lot of fluff, a lot of selling, a lot of BS, a lot of handholding, a lot of kumbayas. No, I'm not. And my best friend at the time is like a self confessed personal development addict. She's growing or she's growing and she's been doing it for 10, 12 years. And she was at it for four years.
[00:24:24] Lauren Lovett: My best friend was like, you have to get in this room. You have to. And I'm like, stop it. I'm not getting in the room. You're in a cult. I'm not joining your cult. Anyway, eventually, obviously, shit got so bad in my life. I was like, fine, I'll join the cult. Let's go! And I got in it and my entire life changed.
[00:24:49] Lauren Lovett: That first day, just to put it into perspective, that first day that I was in that cult, the first new person I met was this beautiful woman on the screen. Of 400 rooms in a hotel, this incredible human was opposite my bedroom. And if I hadn't opened my door At that moment, she'd have been gone. 'cause she didn't like her room.
[00:25:15] Lauren Lovett: So she was moving to a swanky part of the hotel she didn't like. That's another story for a glass of wine. But she, I, so there's that piece, right? There's the, I resisted for so long in participating in a group coaching environment because ego, because I thought I knew better because I was scared to be that vulnerable and that visible.
[00:25:38] Lauren Lovett: Because I was scared of being loved by people I didn't know. I found it hard enough to be loved by people I did know. So I'd already got it into my head that people I didn't know wouldn't love me. All the things, all the barriers. And then I joined the room. And I actually joined the room weeks, within weeks of getting a diagnosis of cancer.
[00:25:58] Lauren Lovett: I had cervical cancer. That came as a result of how hard I worked. Yeah, how stressed, not hard, sorry, not hard. How stressed I was at work, how busy being busy I was at work, the absolute pursuit, single minded determination to earn money, caused my cancer. It didn't cause my cancer once, it caused it twice.
[00:26:25] Lauren Lovett: I didn't learn my lesson the first time, but I sure as hell did the second, luckily, because I had this incredible human in my very close vortex at that point. Thank you. And I got what was at stake because my best friend and business partner is such a mirror with so much love, so much feminine divine grace that she was just like, Hank, hey, do we need, does this need to be, does it really need to be like this?
[00:26:55] Lauren Lovett: And so many more eloquent words than I can ever share. And and that all happened, me surviving cancer twice. Me exiting a company that was actively killing me. building this incredible empire with Kel and standing the way we do for women. That came from participating.
[00:27:17] Juliette Karaman: Getting yourself in the room, being seen, and actually it's, it sounds a lot like receiving, learning
[00:27:25] Lauren Lovett: how
[00:27:26] Juliette Karaman: to ask for help, how to receive, because some of us can ask, but then hell of a lot, receiving bit, no shit, no way, we just push it away.
[00:27:36] Kelly Duffy: And Juliette, would you say that in order to receive, the first thing you need to do is surrender? Yeah.
[00:27:45] Juliette Karaman: Because in professional dominatrix, surrender is always at the top of the thing, so yeah.
[00:27:51] Kelly Duffy: Absolutely. If I was to summarize Lauren's journey from meeting her to now, is every, one, masterful. She's masterful.
[00:27:59] Kelly Duffy: Watch an Olympian and watch how they train and they do. Everything is masterful and it's natural for her. It wasn't natural. She's trained herself for it, just to be really clear in case you didn't hear what I was saying there. But to watch that journey. Every single step of the way when she realized in that room that she could drop what wasn't her, that she'd picked up along the way.
[00:28:24] Kelly Duffy: Again, like anyone that can build a business from 10 million to 180 million in 18 months. Yes, okay, there was, the body was going, hey, stop it. You're doing it under the too much masculine pressure of, and stress and all the rest of it. So we just, the universe was trying to, thankfully, she listened, she heard, she was in the right place.
[00:28:42] Kelly Duffy: But that journey of surrender, I watch it day by day by day by day. And that's masterful.
[00:28:51] Juliette Karaman: Because in
[00:28:52] Kelly Duffy: doing so, it allows us to even more so show, not tell, women what's possible when you surrender to. What am I going to create? Lana's book. Mummy, I'd like to create this and it would be great business.
[00:29:07] Kelly Duffy: Okay, great. Then there's a little video with a value proposition to me. Aunty Kelly, this is what I'm up to. And I'm like, okay, everyone's getting it. That is the journey of any business being built.
[00:29:18] Lauren Lovett: It's that simple, right? If a nine year old can do it,
[00:29:23] Juliette Karaman: anyone can do
[00:29:23] Lauren Lovett: it, the only thing getting in your way is self worth and self belief.
[00:29:28] Juliette Karaman: I absolutely love it. And I think our listeners might not quite have heard the numbers. So a business from 10 million pounds to 180 million pounds. I'm just dropping that in there. And again, so we can just
[00:29:45] Kelly Duffy: drop in 18 months because that's pretty
[00:29:48] Juliette Karaman: 18 months. So that is even more incredible. And now to see you , blossoming and then the glow of health and doing something that you're.
[00:30:02] Juliette Karaman: Absolutely passionate about. Isn't that what we all want? So give us the details, let our listeners know how they can contact you, how they can get in your energy, because it's magnetic as hell,
[00:30:14] Kelly Duffy: right? We go live every morning, eight o'clock, so why don't we put one to the accidental CEO as a That's the best
[00:30:20] Lauren Lovett: thing.
[00:30:20] Lauren Lovett: We have a free community. Kelly and I really believe that it is free at the point of use for every single woman out there who wants to achieve and live a greater life. A life of peace, a life of happiness, a life of surrender. So we are so inclusive in our free community. Head to our Instagram, it's at 1of5club, O N E O F I V E club, and you will see the link there to join our community.
[00:30:46] Lauren Lovett: We have a membership site that's free as well, where we've got free courses about how to create an epic start and end to your day, how to sell magnetically. We're just Kel and I are on a mission, right? And we, yes, we have ideal clients, right? So if you are, if you have been in business for more than two years and you're generating 5, 000 a month or more, you're our ideal client.
[00:31:08] Lauren Lovett: You're the program is for you, but we've created an entire world where we want to touch and help everyone, no matter where they're at. So come play in our vortex in our community. It's a Facebook group, completely free for women. We go live every single day at 8am, sat Monday to Saturday. We talk about lessons, squeezes, privilege, all the stuff and everything in between.
[00:31:34] Lauren Lovett: We have challenges in there. We just, we're here to give back. We're here to make a difference. And we're here to stand for women, especially women who haven't yet learned to stand for themselves. And
[00:31:45] Kelly Duffy: gamify it. So we're about having play and making it fun and having it be healthy. Yes.
[00:31:53] Juliette Karaman: It is absolutely fabulous.
[00:31:55] Juliette Karaman: All the links will be in the show notes. So if you're like, yes, I'm coming in, look it all up in the show notes. So there'll be click throughs there and you can just join these fabulous woman. Thank you so much for coming on. Thank you, Julia. Fun.