The Scrumptious Woman
Welcome to The Scrumptious Woman with Juliette Karaman—a sanctuary dedicated to exploring and nurturing the most vital relationship in life: the relationship with yourself. Here, we prioritise creating a safe and supportive space where you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.
Juliette is your compassionate guide, leading conversations that gently yet powerfully delve into relationships, intimacy, body confidence, and emotional well-being. With a focus on safety and trust, each episode addresses deeply ingrained beliefs and unspoken fears, offering tools to foster self-love, awareness, and profound transformation.
Drawing from over five decades of lived experience and expertise, Juliette shares her treasured "Juliette Jewels"—a collection of practices rooted in somatic healing, safety, and authenticity. Together, we navigate the intricacies of human connection, helping you feel seen, accepted, and valued.
This podcast is an invitation to rediscover your inner safety and joy as we explore topics like body shame, the balance of feminine and masculine energies, and the path to authentic, thriving relationships. Let’s embark on this nurturing journey together, one step closer to a more secure and scrumptious life.
The Scrumptious Woman
083 Unlocking Joy: A Conversation with Life Coach Ali Mortimer on Embracing Life’s Challenges
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Hello, scrumptious listeners! Welcome to The Scrumptious Woman. I’m your host, Juliette Karaman, and today I'm delighted to chat with the radiant Ali Mortimer. Ali is a life coach who helps people reignite their joy and passion. We dive into finding joy, even in life’s challenging moments. So, sit back, relax, and let’s travel this uplifting journey together.
Episode Summary:
I chat with Ali Mortimer, a coach dedicated to helping people reconnect with their joy and passion for life. We explore how embracing life’s challenges can lead to a more joyful experience. Ali shares her journey from a high-stress corporate career to personal development, including her experiences with loss and finding beauty and joy in grief.
We discuss the role of life coaches in guiding individuals through challenges and how they differ from therapists. Ali also shares practical tips on making joy a daily practice and the concept of “healing yourself happy” through small, consistent choices.
Key Takeaways:
Embracing Life’s Challenges:
- Life is full of twists and turns, but finding joy in these moments leads to a more fulfilling experience.
- Challenges are opportunities to grow and rediscover joy.
The Duality of Life:
- The depth of grief is proportional to the amount of love experienced.
- Finding beauty in grief can lead to profound personal growth and joy.
The Role of a Life Coach:
- Life coaches provide practical guidance to help individuals navigate challenges.
- Unlike therapists, who may focus on past experiences, coaches focus on proactive steps and solutions.
Personal Transformation:
- Ali’s journey from corporate stress to personal enlightenment highlights the power of personal development.
- Reading The Secret was a pivotal moment that opened her eyes to possibilities and growth.
Creating Daily Joy:
- Joy is a daily practice, and small, consistent choices lead to significant improvements in happiness.
- The concept of “healing yourself happy” emphasises the importance of internal transformation.
Living a Joyful Life:
- Embrace each moment with joy, regardless of circumstances.
- Use your emotional guidance system as a GPS to navigate life, choosing joy at every turn.
Follow Ali Mortimer:
- Instagram: @XOAliMortimer
Website: Ali Mortimer
Join Us Next Time: Thank you for joining us today! I hope you found this episode inspiring and uplifting. Don’t forget to check out the show notes for all the links mentioned and follow Ali on Instagram for more daily joy. Until next time, stay scrumptious!
- Find out more about Juliette Karaman here: https://feelfullyyou.com
- Follow Juliette on instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/juliettekaraman/
- Follow Juliette on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/juliette.karamanvanschaardenburg
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The Scrumptious Woman EP83
[00:00:00] Juliette Karaman: Welcome to another episode of the Scrumptious Woman. And with me today, I have Ali Mortimer, who is a beautiful human and who helps people reignite with their joy and their passion of life. And you do that in lots of different ways. Why don't you take us through it a little bit. Thank you so much for having me.
[00:00:22] Juliette Karaman: It's such a pleasure to be here. And I'm just so finally happy that we're actually able to record, just even that was just a joyful experience in itself, wasn't it? Just, I think it just goes to show probably a little bit of everything that I do in terms of the work is that, nothing really is ever going to go smoothly in life, nothing.
[00:00:40] Juliette Karaman: There's always going to be bumps in the road. There's, it's never going to be an easy route, but we can make it easier for ourselves if we always find the joy, if we can always bring ourselves back into that feeling of, let's just enjoy this, whatever happens, the bumps in the roads, the problems. And that's what makes the joyful experience.
[00:01:00] Juliette Karaman: And I think then if you amplify all of that into a very human existence, We want to live wonderful full lives, in having wonderful full lives, there is also going to be the flip side. The other stuff that comes with it, the magnitude of how much you love means that you're going to feel the magnitude of how much you grieve, because ultimately you will lose that love at some point, and the twists and the turns.
[00:01:24] Juliette Karaman: My career and my career path has been full of twists and turns and wrong directions and dead ends. But do you know what, all of it, when I started to recognize the joy and the pleasure and all of that, rather than making it mean anything bad about me or my life, it was just like a huge weight being lifted of, do you know what?
[00:01:41] Juliette Karaman: I'm here for the adventure. I'm here for all of the experiences and to remind myself that I can anchor back into my joy. into my peace, into love at any point in time. And Juliet, some of my story and there has been some really dark times in my life, but it was actually those darker times that enabled me to reconnect with that joy and actually use that joy to light my path, find my peace, create a better life as I went forward.
[00:02:09] Juliette Karaman: So really that's what I help women and men. When then when one of those life dramas, whatever it might be, comes like crashing down, it's okay, it's not to negate. The situation that's happened, but it's the ability to be able to navigate it with dignity and know that you will be able to come through it no matter what.
[00:02:32] Juliette Karaman: And isn't that the beauty? And I know a bit of your story would love to go into it a little bit more, but also what you said was, yeah, I lost my sister and my, and I helped my sister pass over, my father, my mother, to my clients. So I've had a lot of deaths around me and actually I've been honored enough.
[00:02:51] Juliette Karaman: to help people transition. But part of that is, like you said, you can only grieve as much as you loved. And really, it's like the depth of grieving is sometimes so beautiful. You can have joy in it. And a lot of people think What do you mean? It's horrible grieving. I'm like, there's actually such beauty in it.
[00:03:12] Juliette Karaman: There's such beauty in allowing yourself to feel all of that. And then by feeling all those feelings, you can get back to a place of joy where it's yes, that was absolutely intense feeling all of that. And, now we can feel something lighter as well. And this is the duality of life that you were talking about.
[00:03:31] Juliette Karaman: Yeah, I think and the polarity of both, the magnitude of either one equals often. the magnitude of the other. I also think, when we talk about death there, a lot of times a death often means a rebirth, a new beginning. And I always say that when my mum died, I remember I was writing a very public blog at the time through my experience of her Alzheimer's, which was like a mini death every time I saw her.
[00:03:57] Juliette Karaman: But then in the final death, was actually, she was the first person I really knew very close to me who had died. And it was a remembrance. It felt, and I remember writing very clearly in my journal and then in, in my blog that in dying, she taught me how to live and that was the gift in my mum dying.
[00:04:18] Juliette Karaman: And yes, there was such depth of sadness that she'd gone and for the loss of all the experience experiences and the pleasure of having her in my life going forward. But it was this, Oh my gosh, this real deep realization that I am going to die. People die. I don't think you actually realize it, or I didn't until it actually happened to somebody so close to me that it was like, Oh, I've got one life.
[00:04:40] Juliette Karaman: I'm 40. This is my new life. This is my new beginning. And do you know what? I'm not going to take any shit from anyone. I'm going to, and that it was that turning point. I just left my big corporate career. I was just about to have my marriage come under the hammer. And it was in that moment. I was like, this is my chance to live.
[00:04:55] Juliette Karaman: I was middle aged. I was 40. It was a classic case, wasn't it? Midlife crisis, but it happened and it was like, and now I live. And now I live. I've given my life to others and now I live. It's such a beautiful turning point, right? Between 40 and 42, I see a lot of women come through that, right? Where we're in a karmic marker, we've just hit 40 and it's oh, the kids are usually don't need us as much.
[00:05:20] Juliette Karaman: They're not nappies anymore. They're slightly further. And then all of a sudden it's I'm over giving up myself. And what is there to life? Is this what. Is this all there is? And how can I actually bring in the life that I want? And it doesn't have to be bad, and you don't have to have a horrible life, but it's just oh, where can I tweak it a little bit?
[00:05:40] Juliette Karaman: Or how, this is what I see all my clients that come to me, it's we have this, we tick all the boxes this, that, but there's no intimacy, there is no sex, there's, we want more of this, we want more clients, we want everything, and it's okay, so there are a few boxes that you still haven't ticked, so let's come back to Yeah, I think it's always coming back.
[00:05:59] Juliette Karaman: And the more I look back now, as I move on further, that was, that was a decade ago, pretty much all of that happened. And I look back and It's I've been circling, but I no longer see it. It's I'm going around in circles. It's like this beautiful circle that spirals up. Nothing radically has changed in any way.
[00:06:19] Juliette Karaman: It's just that I'm rising higher up. The more joyful I find it, I go up again and I'm like, Oh, here I am again. But, and now like around the sun and now I'm even happier than I was a year ago. How did that happen? And you just keep going and it just feels like a really pleasurable experience. And yes, sometimes you slip back down, but that again, that's just life.
[00:06:38] Juliette Karaman: You just keep going. And that's the beauty of it, right? We learn the tools. We learn how to help others out of it. This is like one of my when I was doing my first coaching program, they were explaining to us, what is a life coach? What's the difference between say a priest and a rabbi and a therapist, life coach.
[00:07:00] Juliette Karaman: And it was just like if you have a The priest will say, do your Hail Marys, et cetera. And the rabbi will say whatever. And the imam will say, Inshallah, et cetera. The therapist will say let's look at your childhood. How do you feel? How do you feel about it? Tell me more about it.
[00:07:18] Juliette Karaman: And the coach will just jump in. Exactly. It's what are you doing? It's I know the way out. Yeah. You either jump in or you extend a hand or you say, listen, try this. Okay. Seriously, I'm going to come in there with you and I'm going to show you by walking alongside you how to get out of here.
[00:07:34] Juliette Karaman: You do not have to stay. And I think that's such a beautiful example and explanation of what coaches and mentors do, isn't it? The mentor has been through the fire. in the fire and gone through so that they can talk to you from a place of empathy and understanding rather than just dictating or teaching what you could do.
[00:07:56] Juliette Karaman: I've loved working with mentors and coaches all the way through my as soon as I was open to it, I've loved it. I didn't think I didn't, I remember when I was in my corporate job and I was first offered my first coach, I was going for a senior leadership position and someone said, Oh, you can have a coach.
[00:08:12] Juliette Karaman: And I was like, what's a coach, and it was again, lots of tools. And ultimately through that coaching experience was when I left my corporate job, because I realized that actually, this is not what I want to do. So why am I doing it? And I left that experience and I had a long period of gardening leave and someone handed me the book, The Secret.
[00:08:34] Ali Mortimer: And
[00:08:34] Juliette Karaman: they said maybe you should use this period of gardening leave to do some personal development. And oh my goodness, Julia, I said, can you even believe I even said this, but I said, I'm developed enough. I don't need any personal development. You know what? I absolutely freaking love it. It's great.
[00:08:49] Juliette Karaman: And I'm sure, people not maybe who don't listen to this podcast, but there are people that think that it's I had no idea I'd lived in a very, Corporate, very masculine, energy centric world, right from, day dot. I was the good girl. I did. I got all the achievements, all the scholarships, all the accolades, all the grades, check check, went through the corporate career check, moved my way all the way up, did everything right.
[00:09:16] Juliette Karaman: The more I did, the more I earned, the more I got, the, the more titles I got to keep my paycheck. So I just thought that was the way that you did things. So when somebody handed me the book, The Secret, and it stayed on my bedside table for a really long period of time until I was really bored.
[00:09:30] Juliette Karaman: And I was like I'll just have a flick through this. And then I was like, Oh my God. It was, it's that beautiful moment, that you never get again of just Oh, A door's been opened and there's a whole world of magic. And I was, that was true enlightenment for me. And just, that just set me on this curiosity path of what else don't I know?
[00:09:52] Juliette Karaman: How big headed of me to think that I knew everything and I was so personally developed, I didn't need anything else. But then just that one book that just sent me on a path of reading all of her books. And then like then leading on to so many more and my thirst for it was just how much more can I read?
[00:10:08] Juliette Karaman: How much more can I learn? But not only how much can I read and can I learn but actually implementing it and seeing how it changed my life was really quite incredible. In which ways has it changed your life? Can you just tell our listeners a little bit? Sure. So if I look back, let's, I'll take you back to, 2010.
[00:10:27] Juliette Karaman: There's a wonderful photograph I found the other day and I was me, obviously 14 or so years younger. I'm very round. I've got two little kids, one on each hip. I look exhausted. I'm overweight. But I was living this incredible career. I had, a team all around the world. We were doing pioneering things in e commerce, in retail.
[00:10:52] Juliette Karaman: Two little children, my husband working away. I've got I felt like I was on this merry go round of life trying to do everything. It's I've got to cook dinner and I've got to do this. And I've got to do that. And I've got to run this team and I've got to speak to them. And my to do list was just intense.
[00:11:04] Juliette Karaman: And there was no time for me, even though I knew I wanted to look after myself. I couldn't look after myself because there was no time for me in it. And the physical manifestation just meant that I kept being sick every three months. Then I just kept I've got to keep pushing on through. I've got to keep doing more.
[00:11:20] Juliette Karaman: And. If you fast forward then to 2014, which is when I'd picked up the book, The Secret, and I'd started reading it. I've got full health, physically. Mentally, I didn't. I'd just been diagnosed with PTSD, clinical depression, eating orders, and insomnia. In a very short period of time, I'd lost everything I thought I had.
[00:11:45] Juliette Karaman: That brought me happiness, a career, a job, parents, friends, family, my husband, my health, everything had literally just gone, but while I still had all of those diagnoses, I was like, I know I can change this. Through the power of my mind, through the power of my belief that this is just a life situation and a shitstorm, I know that I will be able to create a new future from this.
[00:12:11] Juliette Karaman: It was that belief of, I don't know what it's going to look like, but I can feel it in my body despite everything happening around me being in chaos. I can see it and I can feel it. So if I can see it and I can feel it, I can then create it. And a very short period of time later. I had, within 12 months, I'd healed myself happy.
[00:12:32] Juliette Karaman: I'd healed our marriage. I say, I, we had healed our marriage. I'd set up a new business helping people called Heal Yourself Happy to help women, men go through what I've been through in a very short space of time. All of those incredible life dramas and losses in a very short space of time, but actually it was just helping them realize it's not necessarily anything that you're going to do that's going to navigate you out of this.
[00:12:53] Juliette Karaman: But how you treat yourself, how you see yourself, how you show yourself compassion, how you can find peace, how you can create joy. That's how you're going to get through this storm to the calm to the other side and actually create a new, better life. And if you can see it that way, that's what will happen.
[00:13:07] Juliette Karaman: It's beautiful, right? And it's so uplifting. I speak to people and myself included, we have to hit, and we don't have to, but a lot of people somehow had to hit the bottom, right? Like bottom's whoa, before we changed. And often it's the body. The body then just says, listen, you're not listening to us.
[00:13:31] Juliette Karaman: We're going to make you listen. We're going to make you stop so that you have to listen and have to actually start looking inwards, start looking at what. you change within yourself without necessarily having to change everything that's on the outside. I fully believe that. And I felt that intuitively, if we're talking about a divine connection, which is, like the next level, I had no idea about this at that point in time.
[00:13:59] Juliette Karaman: I just started to learn how to meditate. So in my darkest times, when I just didn't know the way out, I would lie in my bed and I would just take myself to a place where I knew I could feel joy. Nothing had changed, but I could feel it and create it within me just lying on my bed. And that's what enabled me to come out through the other side, just every day, reattuning, realigning, feeling moments of joy.
[00:14:24] Juliette Karaman: And what I realized now, when I look back, is that what I was doing was I was creating a chemical reaction in my body. I was giving myself a daily dose of happiness. The dopamine, the oxytocin, the serotonin, and the endorphins, every single piece was giving me a little hit of those beautiful chemicals that were there.
[00:14:43] Juliette Karaman: compounded because I chose to choose joy every day. I compounded those feelings and those chemicals in my body. So that's why I call it, I healed myself happy because I did it from the inside in, from the feeling first, from the endorphins that created a chemical reaction that then enabled me to get up a little bit more every day, do a little bit more and start to, stand back and firm within myself.
[00:15:05] Juliette Karaman: Saying, do you know what, this is go back to what we're talking about in the forties. This is my time. This is my life. I'm creating it from within me this time, not from an outside checklist. It's my internal checklist. And then I started to use my emotional guidance system really as a GPS.
[00:15:22] Ali Mortimer: To find
[00:15:23] Ali Mortimer: my way out.
[00:15:23] Ali Mortimer: So does this bring me joy? Yes or no? No, it doesn't. Okay. We're not doing it then. Does this bring me joy? Yes. I am gonna do it. Perfect. It was easy. It was just that's how simple it got to be.
[00:15:34] Juliette Karaman: Marie ConEd, your joy doesn't bring me joy. bring joy your whole life, right? And . Yeah. More to merge your life with like joy.
[00:15:44] Juliette Karaman: Not joy. Joy. I have this glass of water. It doesn't bring me joy.
[00:15:48] Ali Mortimer: Doesn't bring me joy. Exactly.
[00:15:51] Juliette Karaman: And it's so beautiful, right? Because the mind and the subconscious can't tell the difference between when we are imagining things and when we are visualizing it. And some people can't visualize, right? I'm much more, I feel things and I can smell them.
[00:16:06] Juliette Karaman: I can feel them. I can almost hear them. The visualizing is Probably my weakest. So I understand where a lot of people saying, yeah, I don't see anything. I'm like, great. Then don't use that one. I couldn't feel it. You can feel it. You can taste it.
[00:16:21] Ali Mortimer: sense it. Mind's often a sense. And I remember one of my very first experiences of visualization or the meditation was unfortunately we'd lost a baby.
[00:16:31] Ali Mortimer: We'd lost our first baby. And I was just not expecting it. It was very unspoken about, in those days. That's one thing we're very good at these days. We're bringing everything to the table and talking about it. Back in 2005, you didn't talk about it. Having miscarriages and all my friends, who'd had babies.
[00:16:46] Ali Mortimer: They would go from having babies. So I just thought, Oh, you've got a double blue line. And nine months later, a baby popped out. No one told me that they've been having miscarriages. And so it was a huge shock for me. And the company I was working for the time was incredible. And I got to work with my first grief coach.
[00:17:04] Ali Mortimer: And she said let's One of the things she said was, let's try visualizing. Can you visualize having a family? Can you visualize your baby? And I was just like, I really can't, I can't do that. She said, can you visualize an elephant? I said, no. A bottle of milk? No. And what we realized was that I couldn't visualize it, but I could sense.
[00:17:25] Ali Mortimer: things in terms of a feeling of it. I could know, but I just couldn't see it with my non human eyes. If that kind of makes sense, I couldn't imagine it so much. But I could sense that at some point in my future, I would be walking up our high street at the time, pushing a pram with a baby. Nine months later, I was there with Tom in a bear suit walking up the road because I could sense it.
[00:17:48] Ali Mortimer: I, somewhere within me knew it. And it was like a, just a remembrance of this will happen. It is in your future. And the more you tap into that remembrance, you'll be able to recreate it. So I don't think it necessarily has to be a visualization, but like you say, it's a deeper knowing it's a sensing or a smelling or something.
[00:18:05] Juliette Karaman: For me it was also, and I've had miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, God, I would have had nine kids by now if they'd all come through. And I was living in Switzerland at the time, Paris and then Switzerland, and I had this incredible gynecologist that just explained to me, he said, listen, it's your body's way of saying that there's something wrong.
[00:18:26] Juliette Karaman: So for me, it was like, it wasn't such. Yes, it was a big deal. But, it was also said, okay, then, yeah, there's obviously a reason
[00:18:35] Juliette Karaman: there's always a reason right so
[00:18:39] Ali Mortimer: There's always a reason.
[00:18:40] Juliette Karaman: I am people that don't speak about and then when I would start speaking about them my mother said oh she's had a ectopic pregnancy and she's also had miscarriage.
[00:18:49] Juliette Karaman: And then my sister on her honeymoon had a miscarriage and I'm just like, Oh my God, all of a sudden the world around me opened up. And there were so many people saying, yes, we've had miscarriages too.
[00:18:59] Ali Mortimer: And then, and why they didn't say, so I found out I'd had five. I knew of three, I knew of three miscarriages.
[00:19:05] Ali Mortimer: But when my mom died a friend of mine had said, She found great solace and comfort in knowing that her mum was there and she'd gone to see a clairvoyant medium who could speak to her mum. And I said, Oh, that's interesting. I think I might like to do that when I'm ready. And I said, can you give me her details?
[00:19:22] Ali Mortimer: And I'll go see her. So I took this two hour drive over to Manchester to go and meet this little old lady in a little bungalow. And I was desperate for the loo. I just remember arriving and thinking, I must go to the loo before we start. And she opened the door and she said, don't worry. I said, what do you mean?
[00:19:40] Ali Mortimer: I really need the loo. She goes, no, your mom's here. She just wants you to know she's got her teeth in and she's washed her hair and she's absolutely fine. And I was just like, I beg your pardon. And she repeated it and I had never told anyone that my mum, but I felt so awful for my mum when she died. It took her seven days to die and she didn't have her teeth in and she'd never washed her hair.
[00:20:00] Ali Mortimer: And my mum was glamorous. Like she was like twiggy. And I just kept thinking she would be mortified. If she knew she was buying here and I never told anyone I didn't not a word. So she knew that and I knew that my mom was in there. So I went in and she was there and she said, yes, your mom's here. And she's with a really old gentleman with a hat on and she's got your five children with you.
[00:20:21] Ali Mortimer: And I was like, Oh, I only knew of three.
[00:20:23] Juliette Karaman: Interesting. Yeah. Yeah, it's really interesting how people can read the energy and can actually pick up on all of that. For me it's more a feeling I can definitely sense the guides around me and my past ones that have passed over.
[00:20:40] Juliette Karaman: But I don't communicate with them in that way, like medium does. Everyone has their own gifts and we're all open to it.
[00:20:46] Ali Mortimer: But I think that's you say you've hit the nail on the head there. It's the open. I was really open after like having been in my very masculine state. The door opening by reading The Secret opened my eyes to, I'm not going to shut myself off to anything.
[00:21:03] Ali Mortimer: I'm going to be open to exploring everything and anything and seeing if it's right for me. Does it bring me joy? And that one experience I've never been back, but it was enough for me to get the joy from that moment to know that somewhere my mum is okay. And she's fine. And that's enough for me.
[00:21:19] Ali Mortimer: And she'll give me messages when she needs to, whether it's, a song on a radio or a smell. I often smell her perfume with, without there ever being any reason to, or a scent. And I think it's just that being open to it. You don't have to believe it, but if you can be open to it and it brings you comfort, why not?
[00:21:35] Ali Mortimer: My husband thinks I'm crazy. He thinks I'm nuts, but I'm like, that's okay. You don't, I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for me.
[00:21:42] Juliette Karaman: That's also the thing, right? We don't have to shove it down anyone's throat. It's listen, this brings me joy. So I'm, I believe in it.
[00:21:49] Juliette Karaman: Yeah,
[00:21:50] Juliette Karaman: perfect. I'm not trying to fix you or tell you what to do but this is the whole thing about also letting other people just be in their sovereignty.
[00:22:01] Juliette Karaman: Absolutely. That's just such a big piece. I think for all of us, coaches and mentors that, we have clients and yes, we may see what we think they need, or we may see where we could be. tweak things a little bit in their lives and they would find much more joy, much more happiness, much more scrumptiousness.
[00:22:20] Juliette Karaman: And if they're not willing to do that, then, it's like flogging a dead horse. It's we're not going to actually go there because you're going to need to invest the time and effort and actually want to go there.
[00:22:31] Ali Mortimer: It's that reminds me so much of an experience that we had last week, that a tiny Jenny Ren they're such rare birds, right?
[00:22:38] Ali Mortimer: They're really tiny. Found its way into our front room and it was banging itself against the window, trying to get out. And James and I were stood there with sheets just trying to say, you can't get out that way. You need to go through that door and out the front door and also try and bypass the dog.
[00:22:55] Ali Mortimer: But that's often, it's just like that Jenny Ren was like, but I can see where I want to go and I can get that way. I can get that way. But it's like that energetic block for us sometimes, even though you might have a coach and a mentor, you're coming up against those blocks, even though they're saying no, go that way.
[00:23:10] Ali Mortimer: It's far easier. No, I want to go that way. And ultimately, eventually you're just like, okay, I give up. I'm exhausted. I'm going to try what you're telling me to do. And. Oh, look at that. That worked. Well done.
[00:23:19] Juliette Karaman: Yeah, and I think a lot of us women have had this with our children and with our husbands that, we've managed to package it in a way that they think it's their idea.
[00:23:30] Juliette Karaman: Yeah, I think so. I love it when that happens. They have no idea when we're weaving our magic.
[00:23:36] Juliette Karaman: My ex husband now loves going to all the places that I used to want to take him to and I think we have a great relationship. And now he's Oh, he used to tell me about these things. They're really good. I'm like, yeah,
[00:23:50] Ali Mortimer: you can only go when you're ready.
[00:23:52] Ali Mortimer: It's like the Jenny Ren. She flew out when she was ready in her own terms.
[00:23:56] Juliette Karaman: Super good. Ali, tell me how do you work with people? How, and people are like, Oh my God I like this idea of finding joy. What are the ways that people can come into your world? Mentor Wivi, do you have groups? Do you do one on one coaching?
[00:24:10] Juliette Karaman: Do you do combination?
[00:24:13] Ali Mortimer: I keep it very simple because that brings me joy. I can't overcome it. So I have a mentorship. Program, which is private and typically people will come to me. for that when they're going through a particular life drama. So something has really knocked them off their axis, and they just want somewhere to come to remind them how to stay upright, to navigate that storm that we've just, whatever storm it is, how can they come back?
[00:24:42] Ali Mortimer: Because they think, how do I do it? What do I do? And it's never about what you do. It's always about, I'm going to remind you who you are through this. And that's what we do. and share the tools and all of the life experiences that I've had through many of my life dramas. I have a mastermind, which I just love being in there.
[00:25:00] Ali Mortimer: The women who are in my mastermind, I call them my superwomen because they just inspire me every day. They are Seriously gifted, super smart. They have so much going on in their life, but coming into the mastermind is how they give themselves that focal point. So there might not be anything big or bad happening in their life, but it's just a remembrance of I'm connected to me and I'm connected to other women who want to have conversations like we're having today.
[00:25:29] Ali Mortimer: About spirituality, about, energetics, about soulfulness, about anything, about freedom techniques, anything. That's where we come and have those conversations, just to keep them accountable to being that woman that they want to be. I also have a membership, which is literally my library of masterclasses, trainings, workshops, programs that I've written over the last five years that pertain to so many different things.
[00:25:57] Ali Mortimer: So whether that be anything that I've done through my health coaching program, so anything to do with mental, physical, emotional health. That's all in there. All my meditations I've done over the years, everything to do with recoding your life back to joy. That was one of my favorite programs. I've got one which is talking all about mindfulness and calmness.
[00:26:15] Ali Mortimer: It's literally just a library of Ali joyness that you can go in and take what you need and come out and go back in and take what you need. So it's very simple.
[00:26:25] Juliette Karaman: Love it.
[00:26:26] Ali Mortimer: And then you, if you want to see more or more about who I am and what I do in my everyday life, then I'm a prolific poster on Instagram because I just think life is to be lived and to be documented.
[00:26:34] Ali Mortimer: So it's really a diary of joy, really.
[00:26:37] Juliette Karaman: I love it. Could you let us know our, your ins from Handel?
[00:26:41] Ali Mortimer: I can. It's just X O Ali Mortimer. So just, Kiss, hug, Ali Mortimer. And that's pretty much on any platform you'll find me like that.
[00:26:48] Juliette Karaman: Perfect. And you'll find this all in the show notes. I'll make sure that my team puts it in the show notes.
[00:26:53] Juliette Karaman: So if you want to follow Ali and just get a sense of her, right? You can't help but feel your kind of like your sizzle, your dazzle. You're just your joy of life.
[00:27:06] Ali Mortimer: Would you say scrumptiousness, Juliet?
[00:27:08] Juliette Karaman: The scrumptiousness of you. Yes, my love.
[00:27:12] Juliette Karaman: Absolutely. It's so funny. I use scrumptious instead of pleasure and instead of life force and joy and that stuff.
[00:27:21] Juliette Karaman: It's, you use joy.
[00:27:24] Ali Mortimer: Delicious.
[00:27:25] Ali Mortimer: Thank you so much for having
[00:27:26] Ali Mortimer: me. I've loved this conversation.
[00:27:27] Juliette Karaman: It has been a delight. Thank you so much for coming on. Thank you.